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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by KristinaRN

  1. Hello! I have not been on here in a while so thought I would update. I was 15 weeks yesterday, things are progressing well. I had a VERY rough first trimester, lots of nausea and vomiting. I started taking zofran around week 9 which has helped a lot but not completely. I feel a little better every day though. I weighed 171 the day I found out I was pregnant, then lost 7 lbs (down to 164) from all the sickness and food aversion; I seriously coudn't stomach the thought of eating! Now that I am feeling better and eating again, I have put 4 lbs back on, making me 168 lbs today. So I am still down 3 lbs at the 15 week mark, but baby seems to be doing just fine. Good luck to all of you, can't wait to hear your success stories soon!

  2. I still have great restriction, although it is less that it was 6 months ago. A few meal examples for me: one egg with 1/2 piece of toast, one taco, about 2-3 oz of Protein with 2-3 bites of veggie.

    I am 7 weeks pregnant now, so I am curious to see how that changes things. Good luck to you.

  3. I am over the moon! I have PCOS, and have struggled with infertility for years. I have an almost 6 year old daughter, and tried unsuccessfully for 2 years to have another child, before having my VSG surgery. I was one year post op 8/24/12, and I just found out today that I am pregnant! This was the first month we tried since my surgery, and I was only on 50 mg a day of clomid (I have been on up to 300 mg a day in the past). I have no words for how ecstatic, and terrified, I am. Please keep me in your prayers, and I will do the same for all of you!

  4. I am one year out, and there is nothing that I CAN'T eat, just things I choose not to (at least not often). I have little to no soda, Pasta, rice, and bread. They sit heavy in my sleeve and I don't enjoy them like I used to (and I was a CARB QUEEN before surgery!) Potatoes sit fine, but fill me up after 2-3 small bites, so I don't bother with them much. I choose to focus my meals on the Protein, with a small veggie or whole grain cracker on the side possibly. I eat Peanut Butter every single day, without fail- 1 tbsp creamy PB on a whole grain cracker is my evening snack. I have found that I feel much better, with more even energy throughout the day, if I eat 5 small meals per day and include some good carbs. I tried the extremely low carb thing and I felt lousy, my lifestyle is too busy, I needed the energy.

    Hope this helps!

  5. Yay for being able to try! Our stories are almost identical. I had my daughter in 2006 and tried unsuccessfully for another child for 2 years before having my VSG. I am now one year post-op and we started trying again this month too! I have PCOS and have to take Clomid, should find out next week if it worked. I would love to keep up with you and your progress!

  6. Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your journey, I look forward to reading your updates.

    I conceived my daughter in 2006 with Clomid (I have PCOS) then tried unsuccessfully for 2 years to have another before my VSG. I am now 1 year post-op and we are back on the Clomid roller coaster. I should find out next week if this cycle worked, soooo nervous. Your story brought me some much needed hope, so thank you :)

  7. I am ONE YEAR out today, and have lost 95.3 lbs to date. I am still steadily losing, although slower than I was the first 6 months, and see no reason why I won't hit my goal of losing 111 lbs total (15.7 lbs to go!)

    I suffered from SEVERE acid reflux before my surgery, to the point that I would frequently vomit pure stomach acid, and no meds helped. I have not experienced any acid reflux at all since surgery, NONE!!! In fact, I have never felt better!

    Hope this helps, and good luck making your decision! I am so so so glad I chose the sleeve!


  8. I really hate the word "diet". It has so many bad connotations around it. I am closing on 2 years post op, and I wouldn't say that I diet. I have made a lot of changes to my meals, but they are all second nature now. I believe that you need to make changes or you will not be successful, but they need to be changes you can live with. I eat very healthy now, always eat my Protein and veggies first, no drinking with meals, and I stay away from the white stuff for the most part. I will, however, have some ice cream or chocolate, and I don't feel bad about it. Some people take it to the extreme and have very strict "diets", but I choose to do something that I know I could live with for a lifetime. On the other hand, some people do not make changes, still eat all the same junk that they ate before, and then wonder why they either can't reach their goal or wonder why they start to gain weight.

    I always like Eggface's quote "Weight loss surgery is not a do-over (repeat the same mistakes = get a similar outcome.) Weight loss surgery is a do-better (make some lifestyle changes you can continue forever.) "

    Even with the sleeve, you will have to make changes, but I do not consider it a "diet". You can't expect to eat fries, chips, and milkshakes all the time and still lose the weight. The sleeve is a tool and an amazing one at that, but you have to work with it to be successful. I may have not been like others...I never tracked anything, never counted carbs, and I don't exercise like mad, but I made significant changes to what I eat. Because of this, I may have lost slower than others, but I reached my goal in 18 months, have went below goal since then, and know I can do what I am doing until I am a little old Lady and not feel like I am missing out.

    EXACTLY! Thank you for so eloquently saying what I was thinking. I have taken the same approach, have had a nice steady loss (still losing), and most importantly I have enjoyed the journey without feeling deprived. Kudos to you!

  9. I definitely get the full feeling, and after a very small amount of food, but my issue is I never lost my hunger (and no, it is not acid, which is what everyone likes to blame it on). I am hungry again anywhere from 2-4 hours after eating, so I eat small frequent meals. As for what you can eat, the sleeve was never a promise to control WHAT you're eating, only how much. You have a fully functioning stomach and pyloric valce, so dumping is usually not an issue. It is still up to you to choose what you put in your mouth. And since it's such a small amount, it's best to make it count nutritionally.

  10. Sounds like WAY too much to me. You are only 3 days out! At this point I was on liquids only, so no banana or yogurt. I was lucky to get in one Protein Shake, sipped on throughout the day, sips of Water, and maybe 1/2 cup of broth total split into about 3 servings. Your stomach has just undergone a MAJOR trauma, and you have a very fresh staple and suture line; please do not overdue it and risk tearing it!

    I say this out of pure concern and not to be rude, but how can you be already mourning over food and wanting a chicken strip? You are only 3 days out, you have a very long road ahead of you. I can honestly say that I did not mind being on the liquid and mushy phases, I knew it was all temporary and part of the process. I think it is a little concerning that you are already, at this early stage, thinking about what you can't have. Enjoy the process, it does work. I hope you do not take offense to this, I truly do mean it out of support. I think a positive attitude has everything to do with our success. Good luck to you, and remember we are all here to help when we can :)

  11. I'm 5;3, 260 pounds hippy and curvy

    Sorry, for some reason I thought you said you were 5'7. At your height, I think 130 is a very normal, realistic goal and not too low at all. Again, just my opinion!

  12. I am 5'7 as well, and personally I think 130 sounds a little too low. I am shooting for 150, which should put me at about a size 8. I think 150 would be easier to maintain, I think you would have to work awfully hard to maintain a weight of 130 at your height. Just my opinion.

    Good luck!

  13. haha! My sister in law was like "I have never seen this many people at the show!" I live in Taylorville where sadly we have no theater (at the moment!) so we had to go to Springfield and honestly that place always seems busy! I bet working around the popcorn makes you never want to eat it, huh??

    LIBBE! I didn't realize we were so close to each other, I am in St. Louis, just over the river from IL :)

  14. I started out close to where you are, 5'7 and 266 lbs. My goal is 150 lbs. I am 10 months out and have lost 90 lbs; I weigh 176 today, so 26 lbs to go! I am not the fastest loser by any means, but I am still losing, albeit slower than I was in the first 6 months. In fact I have not yet had a stall, I have lost consistently every week, even if only a small amount. I have been pretty lax in the exercise department I'm sorry to say, so that is what I am working on now; I think it will help me lose this last bit and also tone up some.

    Good luck to you, you'll do great!

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