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Posts posted by Julie76

  1. Lloyd! No hen pecking necessary. I value everyone’s opinion. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

    I don't want to leave him at all. I never tell him that he is the reason for my stress and yet another reason for my stress. I should be talking to him in a way of not letting him believe I'm stressed because of the money. However, the insecurities do bother me. I'm not sure how to deal with him thinking I'm going to leave or cheat all the time. We are together every second that we aren't at work so I'm not sure when I'd have a chance anyway.lol I do love him very much.

  2. Part of the stress is some negitive stuff from my boyfriend... part is bills that have increased since my boyfriend... well, lets just face it... the stress is my boyfriend. He quit a job making good money just to come home and be with me because he thought I would cheat on him."


    "Now the question is... How do I get around this? Get rid of him? IDK! He really is a great guy."

    Great guys don't think you're going to cheat on them just because you've lost weight and have physically changed. I'm going to be pretty blunt... tell him to get a job and TRUST you or you will move on. If counseling works and helps mend your relationship, wonderful! If he still doesn't trust you and is so insecure, then he is not the guy for you.

    You have WAY too much invested in you to be stressed out over a guy. You need to focus on you and preventing yourself from re-gaining that weight. It's "me time" in your world. Something I bet you've never done before!

    Oh, I'm sorry.. He has a job ... just a lot less paying job. But your right.

  3. Thanks you guys. I think control issues are the deep root of the problem. He is just so scared of losing me now that I have lost the weight. Crazy because he is fit and has never had any issue with weight.

    I know this is really my problem and I choose to change my life once and I can do it again. I think the working out instead of eating is a great idea. Just thinking before I put it in my mouth will help. I will be more conscience of what (healthy vs. bad, bad, bad) I put in my mouth.

    Thank you again and please keep them coming.

  4. Hi everyone. I hate to be posting this but I really need some help getting motivated again. What I don't need is hateful remarks from anyone. I don't mean to be rude but a lot of people on here have been very negitive and that's why I have strayed from this website in the past.

    My problem... I have become a grazer. I eat close to 1300 calories a day at last count and I only started counting because I felt the weight coming on and started weighing myself again. I have gained 10lbs from my lowest. This has all happened in the last month.

    I have been under a lot of stress which has contributed to the problem but I thought I was past the emotional eating crap. Part of the stress is some negitive stuff from my boyfriend... part is bills that have increased since my boyfriend... well, lets just face it... the stress is my boyfriend. He quit a job making good money just to come home and be with me because he thought I would cheat on him. His salary was cut by $30,000 easy. Crazy huh? Yeah.... Stressed? Maybe a little!

    Now the question is... How do I get around this? Get rid of him? IDK! He really is a great guy.

    It seems I put food in my mouth just so I won't say what's on my mind.

    Has anyone been herein this situation before? What did you do? How did you cope?

    Thanks for reading.

  5. I don't exercise alot. I was doing some zumba toning and then I had a tumor removed from my leg and haven't got back to it yet. I do stay active though. I ride horses alot and I'm always on the go. If I could say "the secret is ...." I would have to say that it's all about listening to your body. You know when that next bite your about to take is going to be too much. Just don't take it. Your body tells you when it needs sugar or carbs and it tells you when it doesn't. All we have to do is listen. Hope this helps. ;)

  6. Well, in my case - after "hanging in there" throughout years of emotional, mental and eventually physical abuse, my last straw was when my ex-fiance "helped himself" to almost $4,000 out of our bank account that was from a loan In MY name that I took out for my revision surgery.

    He was NOT supportive of my surgery, and I guess he figured when he knew my mind wasn't going to change about getting this done, he took to being a thief. So I left his ass.

    The end.

    (Happy Dance) B)

    OMG! I would probably have been in prison for shooting his ass.lol jk

  7. Julie, congrats on the success! You are very close to your goal and are sure to make.

    OK, now I realize you ladies will probably beat me up for this, but here goes. I realize every story has 2 sides and you didn't include much background information about your ex and the relationship but as I guy I'd have to say that I too was miserable about myself for DECADES about my weight, and to tell you the truth I was a literal bear to live with and have to give my wife credit for staying with me through "thick and thin" (pun intended). Had we not been married we probably WOULD of broken up because I was fat and my attitude about it totally sucked the life out of the relationship. Yes, I was obese and making myself more obese and more miserable till I did the "something about it". I did and our relationship is stronger now, not so much because of the weight but because of my attitude and well being.

    I have to wonder was the breakup at least in part responsible for getting you to do the VSG. While his attitude may have been crass please take pleasure in your accomplishment and not in the fact that you proved him wrong or bested him in any way. Maybe I'm just reading your post wrong, sorry if that's the case.

    Hi Rootman,

    It's always nice to hear from you. I was the first to say that it was my relationship with myself that he didn't like not my actual size. He was one of those guys that wanted to act supportive but really wasn't. He was a very nice looking man with like 10% body fat and he knew it. He rubbed it in my face that he could have whoever he wanted and I should be happy to have him. We were only together for a short time because of this and that is why I broke up with him.

    He never asked me to have or even look into WLS. I did that all on my own and not to prove anything to anyone except me. That I could do this. I did it and I do have a wonderful relationship with myself now and I think that is the key. Had I been my-old-self (personality wise) I would have been harsh and called him out about talking to my best friend about things like he did. But, I have a peace within now that I love and it shows through to the outside and leaves people speechless. That makes me happy.

  8. I have secretly been wanting to run into a certain ex-boyfriend of mine. I dated him for awhile before I had my surgery and he told a friend of mine after we broke up that the reason we broke up was because I was fat. Not that he had a problem with it but that I had the problem with it and I was miserable about it. He told her that if I wanted to do something about it I could and just not eat as much. hahhahhahaha! We all know how easy that is. So I haven't seen him in nearly a year and ran into him yesterday. He took a double take before he realized who I was and walked over to speak to me. The weird thing is no words came out of his mouth. :P He just stood there looking at me....... I finally said hello to break the tension and still all he could say was "WOW". I said thank you and walked off. :rolleyes: This helped me realize two things. 1. All this hard work I put into this was WELL worth it. and 2. He was right. I had to make the choice to "do something about it". I would do it again in a heart beat just so I could see the look on his face again! :D

  9. I think seeing the number over 150 was what scared me the most. I have gotten to the point that I don't weight myself but maybe twice a week however, I think that may have contributed to the freak out.lol When I was keeping an eye on the scale I wouldn't go over 149.9...then 3 days passed without weighing and OMG. Oh well. I don't know what happen... but I feel better today and I'm watching what I am sticking in my mouth closer than I have in a while. Talk about a wake up call!

  10. How can you wake up one morning and weight 150.2... get all upset, depressed, feel like you have completely failed because you said you would never get over 150 again.... then wake up the next morning and weight 147.3? I wanted to throw the dang scale through the wall yesterday. I really thought it was a glitch... but weight myself 4 times in different spots in the bathroom to make sure it really was 150.2. Every time same reading.... This morning I did the same thing.... same reading of 147.3.

    I think I'm going crazy :wacko:

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