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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Luanne

  1. YES - the pharmacist said to absoulutely NOT crush the Pristique...my doc prescribed a liquid prozac. I will probably take that for about 3 mos and then go back to my original.

    I wondered and worried about the same thing because it clearly says do not crush on the label...I do not want to go off and start that process again..have you heard anything so far ?

  2. I was guided by my sleeve sister (Dec 9th in Mexico) to search out Tiffykins on VSL as you gave alot of info -- the been there/did that thing and she was right! I have meeting Brett on my bucket list = I'm jealous but glad you had a great time! And you look fabulous!

    quote name='Tiffykins' timestamp='1276519661' post='56480']

    Bret Michaels was putting on a show down here this past weekend. He stopped by our base and did a meet & greet with military members and families. It was very nostalgic as the Poison album "Flesh and Blood" was the first cassette I ever bought. My parents were very strict, and didn't allow that type of music. Least to say, when they found it, I got a major lecture on "devil music". Here's some pictures. He put on a great show, I loved every minute of it. John didn't want to go since he golfed all day. One of my girlfriends and I set out and had a blast.

    Absolute proof that life after VSG is not boring, restrained, or limited. I have over 50 pics on my Facebook, but didn't want to picture whore up too much LOL.

    Me and Bret :smile:


    By the tour bus:


    Umm that would be what we like to call a Rum Bucket or Bucket of Voodoo juice.

    It was hot and sticky, humid. Plus, the place was packed. :huh0:


    I was this "close" ha ha ha


    Have I told y'all lately that life post-VSG truly ROCKS ? ! ? ! ?:party4:

  3. I have a trampoline that really does get your cardio up (when I have used it in the past)...mine has resistance bands + a CD workout to follow. I also have a Tony Little's Gazelle that does not put any pressure on joints...a person can really get a rythym going, sideways & backways too! Look into them, they cost about a $100 at Walmart or such.


    I was sleeved on Dec 1st...yea me.....I know that walking is a very important key in losing weight. I work from home 4 days a week/8 am to 7 pm with an hour for lunch, We only have one car which my husband has during the day. And I cannot afford a gym membership at this time. Today I was walking the parking lot and it is very cold out (for AL);) . I was wondering if anyone has used a mini trampoline to get their cardio/walking. I will be seeing my surgeon tomorrow and can ask him also.

    With the time change after my husband gets home from work (he also works until 7 pm) it is very dark. There are no sidewalks to walk as we live in an apartment complex and personally I do not like going out at night by myself. The closest mall to walk is 10 miles away so that is out. Weekends are no problems as we have taken up hiking and usallly go out both days, it will be easy hikes for this next month. I just need an alternate during the week when I am home alone.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

  4. Some of your meds may come in liquid form, some may not. I asked the pharmacist ahead of time about any medications I was taking, IF it was ok to crush them....I didn't buy anything special, the nurse at my surgeon's office showed us at the seminar how to put a pill in foil, fold it and then crush it with a spoon.

    Although yogurt is not allowed on the liquid diet right after surgery, we were allowed to use just enough fat free yogurt to dip in the crushed pills (YUCK!!) for SIX weeks. After that we could swallow pills again. At some point yogurt was allowed and we could use more, or apple sauce. I was cheated and started swallowing the pills again after 2.5 weeks, the bitterness grossed me out!! I was only taking Topamax for Migraine prevention, so two pills a day, I just did it and lived to tell about it! :D I do take Bariatric Advantage choc. chewable calcium....it's like eating four Tootsie Rolls a day....and I take one Gummy multi Vitamin a day and liquid B12 complete....anything else, Vit D3, Biotin, Vit C - all regular pills.

  5. Some of your meds may come in liquid form, some may not. I asked the pharmacist ahead of time about any medications I was taking, IF it was ok to crush them....I didn't buy anything special, the nurse at my surgeon's office showed us at the seminar how to put a pill in foil, fold it and then crush it with a spoon.

    Although yogurt is not allowed on the liquid diet right after surgery, we were allowed to use just enough fat free yogurt to dip in the crushed pills (YUCK!!) for SIX weeks. After that we could swallow pills again. At some point yogurt was allowed and we could use more, or apple sauce. I was cheated and started swallowing the pills again after 2.5 weeks, the bitterness grossed me out!! I was only taking Topamax for Migraine prevention, so two pills a day, I just did it and lived to tell about it! :D I do take Bariatric Advantage choc. chewable Calcium....it's like eating four Tootsie Rolls a day....and I take one Gummy multi Vitamin a day and liquid B12 complete....anything else, Vit D3, Biotin, Vit C - all regular pills.

  6. Ok I'm excited I get sleeved tomorrow. But I have a customer that wants to go to Mexico who should she ask for and where would she go?

    I just had my sleeve by Dr. Aceves on Dec 9th ~ I would definitely recommend him and Almater Hospital in Mexicalli. As was said, search/google and the results are all good! Good luck to you!

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