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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Luanne

  1. Put metabolim in search, there's great advice here. Mine surely has to be messed up too ~ I lost 90 on my own, put 20 slowly back on, & then bam--another 45 in 3 months. I was out-of-control and that is when I knew I needed it done asap. 38 lbs: You're doing great at around 3 months! I've been on a stall until a few days ago due to my own laziness and the don't-want-to stuff. Plus having ice cream on hand = what was I thinking?!!

    Journaling my food & exercise seems to be the key to keeping me on track. As they talk about on here, try shaking up your calories & exercise, make sure you're getting enough Protein, or maybe your body is just catching up...we have a great lifetime tool. Lu

  2. I am sooo glad that I was by myself thru the liquid stage and that I didn't have to smell or watch food being eaten! I did go out to lunch a few times on the pureed stage and brought baby food to eat while my companions enjoyed theirs. Theirs looked good and I made a mental note to put it on my to-eat list when I could BUT the small sacrifices leading to a lifetime tool is extremely well worth it!!! Hang in!

  3. I figured that I thought I'd tell those closest to me and thought it would go no further as it would be MY business to share. Several did not respect the confidence whatsoever. I was sitting at dinner with about 15 friends, talking about the HGT diet that one friend was on and he blurted out, "Ya but Lu had weightloss surgery!" I just quietly said, "And my decision to share..."

    This would be the Perfect Idiot: AFTER I had it done, a friend kept saying she just wasn't good with it and so negative about the what-ifs (stomach cancer,etc.) and what could go wrong that I had to flat tell her, "It's too late now! Either support me or get over it. It's done."

    I've been out to dinner many times and order small or what I want and then get a go-box. I might mention I ate a big lunch or nothing as it is none of their business.

  4. I buy good bargains in smaller sizes to shoot for my goal [of getting into them]. I keep trying them on until one day they do. Many go to thriftstores from what I've read and why not. Good luck on your journey ~ my weight loss may have turned into a shopping addiction...it's such a great feeling to be able to try clothes on that fit and look good!

  5. We're hand in hand! = 55, surgery 12-9-10, about 36 lbs lost, and I'm almost at onderland too, 207 this morn. Great to meet you! Lu

    My story sounds like yours - I did everything to lose weight and always gained it back. I was my own worse enemy - I accepted the failure time after time rather than working hard to keep the weight off.

    I'm only three months post-op but I feel empowered. I have the tool that will help me be successful this time! I'm 55 yrs old and have never felt more energized! I actually walked up 4 flights of stairs on Friday and did not feel short of breath. I'm almost at Onederland! What a thrill that is!!!

    Tiffykins is right - you have to make the right food choices. I also discovered that I'll still have to fight days when I'm very frustrated and want to comfort myself by eating everything in sight. Failure is not an option this time, my future depends on it.

    Good luck!!!

  6. I've always had "a want to be size" that I try on until one day they fit! I buy smaller sizes to work into. Don't be scared!

    I've lost 26 lbs and my clothes still fit fine. I can't wait. I'm in a 28/26 now. My sister called yesterday and said she had a lot of 18's she no longer wore did I want them. Hell Yeah. I have a few 24 and 22 from weight losses but I'm scared to try them on yet.

  7. I told several friends before and figured it would go no further. Apparently I needed to VERBALLY say it with specific instructions as a bunch of us were at dinner and we were talking about his HCG weight loss diet and he blurted out, "Lu had weightloss surgery" and everybody turned and looked at me. I quietly said, "...And I believe that would be up to ME to disclose." What is wrong with people???

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