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Patrick Curl

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Patrick Curl

  1. Patrick Curl

    Protein Mixed With Water Or Milk

    Milk is probably fine if you do Skim milk. I currently mix mine with a Slimfast which does have some sugar, but I'm eating under 800 cals a day and under 70 grams of carbs a day.
  2. Another question.. like how big does a liver get, is someone 600 pounds likely to have a much bigger liver than someone 400 pounds? I mean do I need to lose 100 pounds to be operable? My surgeon has worked on ppl upto 800 pounds he says.. And he does not require a Pre-op diet, so maybe he has a method of getting around the liver or something? lol I don't know but - -I'm self-pre-oping because I want everything to run smoothly and I'm a control freak, and obsessive planner - I have to have everything planned out in advance.
  3. Patrick Curl

    July Sleevers

    Ok the July 2012 Sleever's Group is Private now - only members can see it's existence, posts, members, etc.. If you'd like to join send me your email addy via Private message on this site. Thanks!
  4. Quick question.. if they can't operate- do you get your money back? or a 2nd go around? I mean if you took you car in to get it fixed and he put a new engine in and it still didn't run, I wouldn't pay for that lol
  5. Today was awesome. Got a good workout in los of Water. Mcds salad for dinner with grilled chicken 3 Protein shakes. 850 cals + burned another 400 working out. I'm excited to keep this up. I know it will be worth it.
  6. Patrick Curl

    Hey July Sleevers!

    Actually I'm self-pay - and my surgeon was $2400, and Ansethisology 1400, and hospital is like 16000 BUT I don't have to pay the hospital till after the surgery, and I qualify for HCAP cause my income is pretty low so they will workout a payment plan with me. This is in Ohio @ Kettering Hospital.
  7. Patrick Curl

    July 2Nd Is My Day! 29 More Days But Who's Counting

    I'm counting cause that's my day too! lol
  8. Patrick Curl

    6 Month Supervised Diet?!

    I'm self-pay, so don't have a pre-op diet, and my doctor doesn't even require one to lower liver size BUT - I'm on a self-imposed preop cause A: I'm obsessing, lol and B: I want to be as prepared as possible and losing 40+ pounds BEFORE surgery would be a nice boost to my success post-op.
  9. Patrick Curl

    Pre Op

    Wow your doctor actually prescribed that much water? I read somewhere that too much water can be bad - it messes up your electrolytes I believe, and that seems a bit obsessive.. I don't think I could handle it -- i have trouble making 70 which is my goal.
  10. Patrick Curl

    July Sleevers

    I could make it secret, so you'd have to PM me your email on here, and I could add you as a member.
  11. Thanks.. not sure I like the EAS I just bought by themselves - a little watery - but I'm going to try adding a scoop or Optimum Nutrition to it to thicken them up a bit- I love the ON and that would make the protein like almost 40 grams 3 of those a day and I'm set!
  12. food channel is probably not a good station to watch post-sleeve lol
  13. Patrick Curl

    July Sleevers

    Hey, - if anyone is interested - I created a FB group just for us July 2012 sleevers! It's a good easy way to stay in touch.. http://www.facebook.com/groups/sleevers0712
  14. Patrick Curl

    Wishes 9 Month Surgiversary!

    Wow, amazing transformation. The new you looks so happy, sexy, and full of life-ready to conquer the worls. You are an inspiration. Congrats!
  15. I was doing 70 carbs, 100 protein, 800 cals. Mainly a slimfast mixed with lc protein powder 3x a day.
  16. Patrick Curl

    Any July Sleevers Yet?

    Wow lots of July 2nd ppl, I'm having mine then too! This 4th will Really be my independence day. I'm nervous and excited. Can't wait to reach some of my goal.
  17. Today was day 1, & my stomach is a little cranky. A little bit of the runs. Energy is low, and I feel a little shaky. I so wanted to cheat but I think I'm through the worst of it today. For Breakfast I had a Protein shake made with Water, it was kinda yucky. For lunch I mixed it with chocolate slim fast, which was much better. Had same for dinner. Cals: 740, carbs: 59, fat: 15, protein: 95.. Water: 70 oz. I really hope I can keep motivated till sleeve-day.
  18. Patrick Curl

    My Self-Imposed Preop Diet.

    Ok today is day 4. ... all was going well, but I just really wanted REAL food. I went to City BBQ and had Roasted Turkey Sandwich, skipped the bun, used half as much bbq as I used to use, and I ordered a side-salad and a Kiddie size mac and cheese. - I also had a Waffle Cone for dessert.. It's a small set back, but it was one meal.. and I feel I've kinda earned it a little, after all 4 days of nothing but shakes. All and all still ate a lot less today than I would've normally ate, so I guess it's not all bad. Weekends are always the hardest for me when trying to watch what I eat.. I did use it as an experiment too - trying to eat like I'm supposed to post-surgery... I'm finding it more difficult than I thought to take my time while eating, and take very small bites... I like devour my food, anyone have problems with how much they take in per bite?
  19. Patrick Curl

    My Self-Imposed Preop Diet.

    She didn't eat in front of me.. just held the coupon up in front of me - just looking at the roast beef sandwhich had me drooling. Then my boss (we work together) brought wendy's and the fries smelled so good lol.. Rough afternoon - for sure.
  20. Stalls can also occur because you might've added muscle which weighs more than fat so say you gained 2 pounds of muscle, lost 1 pound of fat -you'd have gained a pound, but would look slimmer... and burn more fat faster. So its' really a win .. the scale is an evil predicter of success - check your measurements when the scale seems off.
  21. Patrick Curl

    My Fitness Pal

    Hey - Speaking of MyFitnessPal - please add me as a friend - (is there a thread for that yet? ) link in Sig. Thanks!
  22. Meandering thru day 4 of my liquid diet... Added a un-planned progresso-light chicken dumpling soup last night - but don't think it did too much damage. So far I've lost 2 pounds since starting. Got a long way to go! 31 more days till my Sleeve Surgery.

  23. Patrick Curl

    My Self-Imposed Preop Diet.

    I'm getting lots of protein - well. 90 grams a day. I do need to pick up a multi-vitamin though and maybe some b12. Kinda waiting till payday on those cause of Home Remodel that took most of last paycheck lol
  24. Patrick Curl

    My Self-Imposed Preop Diet.

    I'm on Day 4 now of liquids - getting rough, hope it becomes easier. My wife had Arby's and I so just wanted a roast beef sandwich.. gladly would've just eaten the meat tossed the bun.
  25. Running away from your problems is not a solution - unless you're trying to lose weight, or evade zombies - then RUN RUN RUN!

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