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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Disney

  1. Sorry you had to endure that. You should not have deal with their ignorance along with feeling like crap. Do they not think anyone that has surgery in the US ever gets infections? It happens daily. Oh well, some people are too closed-minded to be breathing the same air as us. I hope your husband changed their attitudes real quick and if not, you should report them. They don't deserve the licenses they are "working" under.

    Hope you feel better soon.smile.gif

  2. Okay so this is kind of easy to explain:

    You do not have a pouch so liquids are not going to sit in your stomach. You have the same anatomy just smaller in size which means the liquids go in, hit your pyloric valve and empty into your intestines. As your swelling decreases, you will be able to consume liquids faster without any issue. I can now chug liquids without issue.

    Think of your stomach as the Kitchen sink, look at the drain. Dump Clear Liquids in and they go right through, dump in some thicker liquids like Soup, or cottage cheese, and it goes through slower, then think refried Beans or eggs even slower, and then dump some chewed up meats down on that drain and it's gonna take forever to go through. That's exactly how our stomach and pyloric valve works with food consistency going down into your intestines.

    Nothing is wrong with your stomach. It's normal for liquids to be easier to drink as time progresses, it's a good sign you are healing.

    Your stomach is not going to hold onto liquids because it's a stomach not a pouch. At almost 23 months out, I can eat more than 4oz of food, and so can many others. Your final sleeve size will not be determined until you are closer to a year out. It all depends on your stomach length, and surgical technique. I can also eat 6-8oz of mushy foods per meal especially if I stretch my meal out, and chew everything to mush. I know very few people that are over 1 year out that can only eat 4oz of food per meal unless they only eat dense Protein, and even then, they can fit in a couple ounces of veggies or starches.

    Do not panic. You need 64oz of clear fluids per day so you keep pushing fluids so you don't get dehydrated.

    Great analogy Tiff, as always.smile.gif

  3. Why are you having one so soon? My doctor insisted I have mine ( I was due) before surgery as he doesn't want you to have it until long long after surgery. Wow that sounds ghastly. At least you have the smaller amount type to drink but unless this is because of a problem I don't see why you would be asked to do this - you are still healing and drinking an extreme purgatives just sounds wrong!

    Well,TMI alert, it's because of a previous case of hemorrhoids that are acting up and he just wants to do a more thorough check. I guess it could wait, but I am in an enormous amount of pain every day. I have a call in to Dr. Aceves and want to hear his opinion on it.

    I truly am dreading it.blink.gif

  4. Anyone here that's had a colonoscopy so soon after VSG? I am about 5.5 weeks out and have read HORROR stories about the terrible taste of the prep solution and the amount of it. I was prescribed SUPREP and it's less than to drink than some in the past. It is 16 oz of solution followed by 32 oz of Water within an hour, and that has to be done twice before the procedure. I have been told the taste of the solution is like salty cough medicine. YUCK. I have also been told there may be some upchucking involved and am NOT ready for that. I am just wondering if any of y'all have had to do this and how you handled it. Did you just drink it as fast as possible or spread it out over a couple hours (which seems like torture, but I can't chug-a-lug it yet ) I know I should just suck it up and do it. But right now, I am still very picky about what I can drink/eat and I do NOT want to throw up.

    If you did this, did you mix the solution with something other than Water? Any advice is appreciated!smile.gif

  5. Me, too! I started eating fast in nursing school because we only had like 10 minutes to scarf our lunch down every day and it just stuck with me. We can be at a family reunion or something and I finish before most sit down to eat. It's a habit I need to fix NOW. Eating fast is so painful with the sleeve. sad.gif

  6. Yes food also with my family is almost a religious thing. I can recall, the regular Sunday meal consisting of a some sort of meet, (roast, turkey, fried chicken, pork, or lamp) smothered in gravy, mac and cheese, potato salad, rice, stuff bell peppers, mash potatoes, bread pudding, cakes, pies, and sweet tea.

    I figured this was normal until I realized this was a fast track to a early health problems.


    Amen! I'm from the deep South and that's how we eat/ate every Sunday and ANY and all 'special' occasions. It's just a wonder we don't all have diabetes and/or heart disease, among other ailments. Thank God for the sleeve.

    Good job resisting!

    And sorry about your family's losses.sad.gif

  7. So, I ran into this thread a little while back, and at the time I was walking for exercise. Since then, I've moved on to the elliptical trainer and exercise classes, and OMG, my hunger is soooo much more now!!! I can't believe how hungry I've been! I'll just stick to my program, etc, but I am a little bummed to be getting so hungry!!! I'm hoping that my body is just adjusting to the increased exercise....

    You absolutely need more calories when you are working out as opposed to someone who doesn't lift a finger to do anything. So I guess that hunger is just your body's way of letting you know to put more IN!!

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