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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Disney

  1. So sorry you were treated so badly. I would look for another surgeon as well. Of course, I don't know the area where you live. You might be limited, so maybe just check around your area.

    You deserve to be treated with respect. Most of all, don't let anyone tell you that you will fail. I have seen people with many medical problems do very well with WLS and you deserve a chance.

    Hang in there and you know you can come here to vent when you have to put up with such nonsense.smile.gif

  2. Nina is amazing! She's kind and warm and extremely helpful! She's really done everything humanly possible to put me at ease. Sarah I'll see you on the 25th at the latest. I'll actually be at the hospital on your day to get my labs done so I may see you before or after your surgery!

    Mine is also $8750.00 but I think it's a special that's only for the month of May. Dr. Aceves has the lowest rate in complications and I've heard also that the hospital grounds are a safe place to walk around to get your exercise. To be fair, I also liked the look of Dr. Joya because I could fly right in and be picked up at the airport in Mexico, it's a beautiful spot to recover in, good price and his reputation as a surgeon wasn't bad at all. I personally felt more at ease with Nina and Dr. Aceves.


    They pretty much run that 'special' all the time. That was the price in January when I first called, and it was the price in March when I had my surgery. I think even if it's not on special they will negotiate with you.

    Nina is great. I think it is amazing that they keep it all in the "family". Gaby and Nina are Yolanda's daughters. Yolanda is the lady you will surrender your hard earned money to when you get there if you don't pay ahead of time.tongue.gifSuper nice. Gaby will take care of all your questions AFTER surgery.

    Like everyone has said already, just do your research and wait until you feel 100% comfortable with your choice before you do anything. I could not have been more sure of anything as I felt with Dr. Aceves. He is truly one of a kind. Also, I never felt scared going out walking in Mexicali. Everyone was great and I would go back in a heartbeat if I needed to.smile.gif

  3. You may be surprised at how your tastes change after sleeve surgery. I don't really like anything sweet anymore. I "think" I want it, but I can only have a bite or two of sweet stuff, including chocolate. You can drink the diet (sugar free) hot chocolate after surgery to help any cravings you have on the liquid post-op. Plus so many of the Protein shakes and Protein bars are chocolate flavored, so I don't think you will have a chance to miss it too much! LOL Good luck!

    I agree! One or two bites of something sweet and I just feel almost sick. I thought I would miss the sweets, but it doesn't even phase me now to leave them alone.smile.gif

  4. I rode 2 hours back to San Diego 3 days after surgery and once we got to San Diego, we went shopping for about 6 hours at the mall! That tells you how I was feeling. No problems at all and only minimal soreness. Of course everyone is different, just keep your pain meds on board and you should be fine. I preferred to take non-narcotic pain meds after leaving the hospital because I don't like the loopy feeling and can't function very well with it and so I had Toradol and it did the trick without the side effects.smile.gif

  5. Some can't tolerate soy products and others can't eat sugar.

    I have also heard that we don't get dumping syndrome, but everyone is different so who knows? I know that my sister had the same symptoms as dumping when her gallbladder needed to come out.

    I have experienced the chills, heart racing, nausea and diarrhea after eating anything with milk or a Protein shake. Can't tolerate either. I was lactose intolerant before surgery, but not to this degree. I have read that it slacks up a bit further out from surgery so that is good news.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Have you seen a GI to see if you have a stricture? I did some time in the hospital recently and found out multiple issues I had, one of which was a stricture which caused me to feel stuck and in pain too. It's a simple process. Get knocked out, they scope you, balloon it open and hope it works (it can close back up but normally doesn't). Each of my scopes (I've had 3) from the time I got there til i woke up was about a 2 hour process.

    Just wondering how you are doing with that "stuck" feeling after your scopes. Did they help?

  7. Renee,

    I hoped that most would find the tongue in cheek humor in my post. Im sorry that you missed the fact that its not my appearance that has me down. My appearance is the humorous part compared to the fact that my husband and I both lost our jobs on the same day, and etc. So rather than whine and cry about things that just are....I tried to take a lighter look at things.

    I pray that we all get our health back, but we can still enjoy a Little Golden Storybook while we work on it!

    Thank you for your opinion!

    I get your sense of humor and appreciate the laughs!!

    I don't see anything wrong with wanting to get our health back AND not looking like our skin is melting off our bodies. I personally have many reasons for losing this weight, better health just being one of them.

    Thanks again for the humor. biggrin.gif

  8. I used part of my student loan and my tax refund.

    Good thing is with self-pay, you get a portion (less 7.5% of your gross income, I think) back next year at tax time as long as you have a Dr. say it was medically necessary.smile.gif

    Here's the link:

    Tax info

  9. Go get it bleached!! When I did Atkins many moons ago, I lost a lot of weight super fast and my hair came out so bad you could see my scalp. My hairdresser did not want to do my normal highlights in the middle of all this because she said it would damage my hair even more. Well, I forewarned my new hairdresser about the fact that I will be losing some hair very soon and she said that the bleaches/colors that they use nowadays are very mild and in fact, won't hurt my hair at all. So I got my base lightened (I am normally light brown) to a blonde color and got lighter highlights on that and my hair is in great condition. The reason I did not want to go dark again is because last time, you could see my light scalp right through that dark hair. It was way more obvious.

    BTW, I have never gotten more compliments in my life than I have with this super light hair. It's great for the upcoming summer!

    Go for it.biggrin.gif

  10. Divide it into 2 servings. You might have to use more Water than directed. I'm not trying to be a "debbie downer", but just a little warning, just because it says 'unflavored" doesn't mean it's tasteless. So, when you mix it, don't be alarmed that it gives you a funky taste.

    A-MEN to the funky taste. I wasted nearly 70 bucks on 3 containers of the chicken Soup and unflavored powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. Yikes! I couldn't handle A-N-Y of it, and I really tried. I hope you like it. Lots of people do. But I am just sensitive to tastes I guess. That's one reason I can't stand the after-taste of artificial sweeteners.

    You are SO right about the scoop being gigantic. blink.gif

  11. Hi, It sounds good and the price isn't bad. It does concern me a bit that I could not find its full nutritional label. As far as the sweet tooth I make super chocolate Protein shakes. I use Hood's Calorie Countdown chocolate milk (same amount of calories and fat as skim milk) add chocolate Protein powder (unjury or It's About Time) a spoonful of Nestle's Nesquik surgar free, and 1/4 cup of sugar free Chocolate pudding that I add a scoop of protein to when I make and use the Calorie Countdown to make it. I make other flavors too.

    If you click on Products, then cklick on 'more info' instead of 'view label' you can see the full info.smile.gif

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
