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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Disney

  1. Disney

    50 yard line

    Awww, you're gonna make me blush! A few more pounds and I will be half way, too. It seems to be flying by. I am so thankful.
  2. The only thing I see that might be a problem is drinking while eating it. Drinks don't usually push my food through, they just sit on top of the food You might be different. Either way, I hope you enjoy your night out on your birthday
  3. Just tell your cousin that even if you did it the "old fashioned way" (which I am sure you have done many, many times) you would just gain it back and usually more. That's the great difference between having the sleeve and just dieting. As soon as you stray from the diet, you gain. That's just a fact. Sure you have to watch yourself while on maintenance even with the sleeve, but from what I have read, it is much, much easier. So, it's the keeping it off that makes the difference! Good luck to you
  4. Disney

    50 yard line

    That is so great, Lara! Half-way there, WOW And size 14...woohooooo! Congrats and keep it up. You are gonna be to goal in no time at this rate.
  5. Hey, you are doing GREAT!! I have heard of Crossfit and would love to do it. There just isn't one in my area. Too bad because I have a friend in Nashville who does it and loves it. Maybe your stall is not really a stall but that you're just putting on more muscle? Anyway, keep it up!
  6. Great job, you are really doing great!!! You DO look so much younger!
  7. Disney

    annoyed with my sleeve

    Ohh, that's so sad. What a terrible waste. Maybe you can finish it off later. Or is re-heated salmon tolerable?
  8. Disney

    Its been 4 months!

    Just now seeing this..... You look freakin' awesome. I can't believe the difference. Great job!!! I always wanted to be a runner, too. I should get it in gear
  9. Disney

    My First Post-Op Photo Share

    WOWEEE! You look great! We are about a week apart with almost the same stats! GREAT job! You really look like a different person. Keep it up
  10. Disney

    Back from Mexico

    Great news! Hope your recovery is a smooth one!
  11. Disney

    Stretched Uvula

    What happened to it? Did they nick it or something during intubation? Edited....posted right after your explanation... That is too bad. I hope it does heal. That would drive me nuts. Have you been to an Ear Nose and Throat Dr. about it? I think it might help to get their opinion on whether it should have already healed on its on. Good luck
  12. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    I agree, and this is exactly what was said in my posts. To Renee, I did not call Lynn (even in a round about way) a liar. You stated that you were telling YOUR experience as it happened to you. I was stating MY experience as it happened to me. I know for a fact that they do administer opoids at Almater. Now whether you got a nurse that could not understand you, or Dr. Campos or Aceves misunderstood you, I am telling you I, and many others I have talked to had them while there. It is just a fact that I was stating. Maybe Dr. Campos was saying they don't administer as much there, I don't know. I don't call people liars. And I am not running to Dr. Aceves' defense. I had a good experience while there and I will share that as often as it comes up. and to Lynn, no one, including myself said Renee should not share her story here. In fact, quite the opposite. I have said that her story is a good example for other patients in her situation to maybe think twice about going there if they are in need of heavier doses of pain meds. Where do you get that anyone wants you to hide your story? Y'all are being defensive for no reason. You keep saying that everyone should be free to express their opinion, good or bad, and I am assuming you are talking about Renee, yet you get defensive to me and others when we share what happened on our visit there, which just happened to be good. I will not post again on this thread, I have said all I have to say, and obviously more than you wanted to hear. You have stated your position and it is unfortunate that you had such a hard time. Most others have not, and this is the reality. But, AGAIN, no one is saying or ever said Renee should not share her story. So, in closing, even if the few that keep getting mentioned (including those that contacted some here via "private message" at times) had horrible experiences, let's just round up and say 5, well that would be a pretty safe bet in my book for Aceves' track record. Have a great recovery, Renee. You deserve to be happy.
  13. Great job and I hope you meet your goal by August!
  14. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    There have been 2 posts in this thread about pain not being managed. One just happened and the other was not sure if the wreck she had the day before surgery might have had something to do with her pain. Out of the hundreds, probably more here and on obesity help that have had surgery with Dr. Aceves, these are the only examples I ever remember with unmanaged pain. I have read repeatedly about patients here in the states and elsewhere having lots of pain. And they did not even have the issues Renee had. Are those Drs being chastised here? And we will keep in mind that Renee's case is special, no? Fibro issues and the fact that she has to take high levels of pain meds to keep it under control. That is not the case for the majority of patients. I mean, it IS major surgery, so pain will occur. But, if you have special circumstances this thread serves the purpose of warning other fibro/pain med patients, as AutumnLily said. I don't want a potential patient to think this is the 'way it is' there. If I recall, Crosswind was so happy with her pain meds, she was floating. And they DO use opiates. Fentanyl is used and they also use morphine. This will more than suffice 99% of the population. And I never had a moments pain except for some co2 gas pains. We all are different and we will all react differently to post-op pain, but if you are special, please check into the pain med situation and know that Mexicali might not be the right fit for you, but for most of us, it was the perfect place. The posts on this board speak for themselves in that regard. Crosswind's post
  15. Hey! Add me to the list. I would love a watercolor painting. I think it's a great idea, great incentive for you, and also very generous of you. Thanks for even offering it up! Good luck to you!
  16. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    Meggie, with all due respect, what do you mean exactly when you say 'I am starting to wonder if there is actually access to the medication needed for surgery of this type"? Again, I ask this respectfully.
  17. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    Renee, I asked Nina about the epidural because I had read here that it was sometimes given. When I got there for all the pre-op testing, and met with the anesthesiologist, I asked him about it and since I had a blood clot after having my daughter, he said I would not be getting it. Can't remember why, but people with blood clot history can't. Anyway, 2 friends that were there at the same time as me, both had an epidural. Sounds like some miscommunication going on. Sorry you had this train wreck of events happening to you. Almost as if every person that has a good experience down there, you in contrast had the opposite effect. I hate that for you. Glad it is all over with and you can start down the road to recovery
  18. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    Why on Earth would you be banned from here? Most people here (you can just take a tally) have a great experience with Dr. Aceves, et al. But when someone here has health problems that require extra attention that they do not get, then it SHOULD be brought out for people to see. Someone else with Fibro might be considering surgery there and they need to know. I think this forum is PRO truth, not just PRO Aceves. Thanks again for sharing Lynn.
  19. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    Thanks Lynn, for sharing this with us. I feel so bad for Renee but am glad she had you there with her!! You could not be more right about Drs. Aceves and Campos. Just outstanding. Was that Dr. Campos that helped her after her fall? How long was she off of her meds? I just wondered why she couldn't take them after surgery? Or are the kind you cannot crush/dissolve? Maybe a liquid version? So sorry she had the withdrawal symptoms.
  20. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound, Renee. Sorry you had such an awful time of it. I hope every day is an improvement
  21. Hi again, Bert! I can honestly say I am never hungry. Truly hungry, that is. Head hunger gets me sometimes, but then it's over as soon as I eat a couple bites of something. I am still amazed at how full I get after only a few bites.
  22. Every doctor is different, but my Dr. had me go low carb, but not liquids only. Not really sure why they are all different, though. I lost 10 pounds in a week on mine. The only thing I can think of is some doctors might be using the logic that they are getting you ready for the brutal post-op liquid diet. Hang in there!
  23. Well, I won't be much help, because I go through the same things as you. My family loves to eat (who doesn't?) but it is sooo hard on me sometimes. All I can say is, in time, you will be able to eat more and from my experience, even if I only get a tiny bite (all I can really handle) I am satisfied. It gets rid of the urge. I know you can't really do that only 6 days out, but it won't be long. That's easy for me to say, but honestly, it will fly by. I wish they would be more considerate to you, but in reality, no matter WHAT they eat, it's going to be tempting right now. Sometimes my DH asks me to pick something up on the way home, and I feel like I will scarf down the whole bag of food before I get home. But then, when I do get home, I just take a bite of his and I am completely satisfied. Really. Then I eat some Protein. Just to get it in. I hope you feel better soon. See if there are any support groups you can go to in your area. Or, I have found that this board is great for venting or just reading about other's problems/successes. Hang in there, because it really is true, like everyone says, it WILL get better. Good luck to you
  24. I was told before surgery ( and read on here) that the sleeve can cause your reflux to be worse or cause you to have reflux even if you have never had it. For me, I never had it before, but do now. When I was having surgery, there was a lady from Canada that wanted the sleeve but suffered terribly from reflux and so she decided along with her surgeon to have the bypass which is known to not cause reflux. Hard decision for her, but she is happy to be rid of her reflux now.
  25. Disney

    In Mexicali!

    Wishing you both the best. Thanks for the update Sarsar. Hang in there Renee. I hope you are feeling better every day.

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