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Posts posted by keeepitreal24

  1. wow.... thats awesome.... i wish i was in your shoes.... my problem is im not losing that much... today is my 2month anniversary surgery date, and ive lost 30lbs.... thats it.... so i am discouraged.... can you please give me a sample menu of what your eating so i can see if it works for me....

    i was pretty much eating what i wanted.. like as if on weight watchers, this surgery automatically gave me my portion control....however, i just quit eating carbs, just veggies, and some red grapes since friday and ive lost again... i was at a stall for the last 2wks....anyway, anything you can do to help me, id appreciate....congrats on your rapid weigtloss...that is awesome....i need to lose 3.7lbs a week to get to my goal weight by my daughters 18th bday in July 2011...

    ttys, Marisa


    I've been dealing with this statement a lot lately. Not from my husband (TG!!) but pretty much everyone else. If it weren't for DH I think I'd have lost it by now. He celebrates all of it with me.

    Here's the thing, I really don't think I'm losing all that fast. My weekly average is about 3.7 Lbs per week. I know I calculate it up... LOL This isn't even coming from the folks who DON'T know I've had WLS. Everyone that doesn't know is happy for me... saying I look good, etc.

    But everyone that DOES know is asking me trepiditiously... "How are you???" With concern on their face, not joy. "You're losing way too fast, I'm worried about you"... "Try not to lose so fast, you're gonna get sick" or whatever. I know this isn't true! I take my Vitamins and eat super healthy. I'm not going to get sick!

    I seriously don't think it's jealousy either. It's true genuine concern.

    Anyway, this is kinda a bit of a rant. It's starting to annoy me a little bit. I don't show it because I know they mean well. I just tell them kindly that I'm fine and taking good care of myself. However...

    Is anyone else experiencing this? How did you handle it?


  2. hi kristy....thanks for the encouragment....i had my surgery oct 12th... can you tel me what your eating...or give me a sample menu of what your doing to lose 5lbs a week....please!

    Thirty pounds in eight weeks is an average of almost four pounds a week! That's GREAT!

    I'm eight weeks post-op tomorrow and my ticker reflects the 17 pounds I lost in the two weeks prior to surgery (I worked it!). I've lost 32 pounds since my surgery on October 13th and I'm thrilled. I had an almost three week stall from week two - week five, then I started losing again. So, this past month, I've lost almost five pounds a week, but the month before, not so much. My bod was in shock from surgery and rapid weight loss.

    You're doing great! An average of 15 pounds a month is nothing to sneeze at! This is what 15 pounds of fat looks like:


  3. wow...thank you all so much for taking the time to encourage me.... !!

    Mommy 2 girls... thank you for all that info...today i was just thinking, should i have gotten the RNY....then when you told me that... and im glad i stuck with my decision of the sleeve.... my main concern was becoming malnurished or me losing weight so fast, my skin looked gross.... i guess reality is,...the slower i lose the better and safer it is for me.....i feel a whole lot better....thank you so much ladies!

    Coops is right! I completely agree!

    I'm just a tad over 6 weeks out and have only lost 28lbs. I cannot remember the last time I've lost almost 30lbs in 6 weeks...oh that's right, NEVER! So I am happy. I simply cannot compare my stats to someone else.

    Sometimes people lose a lot prior to surgery, so if they lose 30lbs pre-op and then another 30 in the 2 months following surgery, their ticker may say they are already down 60lbs. Which looks like HUGE loss in a short amount of time. Please do NOT get me wrong, their ticker SHOULD read -60lbs because they absolutely own every single pound they have lost and they should absolutely Celebrate those lbs gone. So I'm not saying anything bad about that. But please do NOT compare yourself to someone else.

    I went to a support group last night and there was someone there who basically had the RNY about a week before my sleeve, and she has lost -65lbs. I was blown away!!! But then she revealed that she had been hospitalized once post-surgery to clear out some Fluid build up in her stomach remnant, and her starting weight was 470lbs. So then it was all very much in perspective for me. She weighed basically 200lbs more than my starting weight, she was basically still recovering from the trauma of being hospitalized twice in the same month and all the sudden it was very clear why comparisons just don't work.

    Please do not get discouraged and down on yourself. And know that this is a journey. You know the saying ...the pounds did not magically appear overnight (even though sometimes it feels like they did!) and they will not magically disappear overnight. Celebrate your loss and know that when you are using your tool, you will continue to get healthy and lose weight!

  4. Hi guys its been a few months since I logged in. I am 6 months out and I went from 200lb to 132. I eat whatever I want to and I still get full pretty fast. I have been going to the gym and my skin has tightened up but I have A LOT of stretch marks. Anyone have tips to diminish these lines??? Also Vitamins still make me sick and sometimes I still throw them up. I was thinking about flinstone Vitamins. Has anybody used those??? I also bought calcium chews from Target but it does not specify if there citrate or carbonate. Should I avoid them or use them up??? Any opinions would be great. Thanks!

    hi.....congrats on your weight loss..thats awesome!!! i use the gummie vitimins... its like eating candy! it goes down easy....im 4wks post op...


  5. I can't begin to tell you guys how happy I am with the sleeve and what a difference it has made in my life. It's just beginning to dawn on me that this is really happening and that I don't have to worry that I'll gain it all back or do something that will make the scale gods unhappy with me.

    I really really am so excited for my future -- I just can't believe it -- I feel like I have to pinch myself!! :D

    Thank you all for your support -- even though I haven't said it enough, you guys are the best!

    Starting weight: 303.6

    Today: 249.2

    wow....thats soo awesome... im on my 4wk today and ive lost 20. please give tips on what you ate and what you did to get those results!!!



  6. Hi October Sleevers! I haven't seen updates from October sleevers so I would love to see how all is doing. I have lost 21 lbs since surgery! My 4 wk mark will be this Wednesday! I have hit the 3 wk stall and am fighting constipation! I even gained 1.5 lbs which was very depressing. However, today I weighed and am back down to where I was before I hit stall and gained. I am a bad person when it comes to the scale! Must weigh everyday! I hope allis going well with everyone!


    hi Melissa.....im Marisa... im 4wks today and ive lost 20lbs.... i too was very constipated, so i took some milk of magnesia, what they had me take the day before surgery.....and i felt a ton better.... i also went thru a stall on my 3rd week.... i got a little discouraged cuz i just assumed more would come off, my first week i lost 14lbs... i wish there were more wks like that.....

  7. hi....thank you for your advice.. my dr did not recommend a paticular amount of calories, however did say to consume a lot of protein...... i just cant fit that much in my tummy, so wen i add it up, its between 500-550 calories a day. im trying to drink more Protein, its just hard. i have pro complex....30grms per scoop.... im trying to sip that all day plus eat my 3 meals. plus try to drink water....its not as easy as i thought it was gonna be...

  8. wow.....i didnt look at it that way..your so right.... thank you for taking the time to tell me this.... much appreciated....

    <br /><br /><br />

    Your body is trying to figure out what the heck you've done to it. You went from consuming probably close to 2000 calories a day to a 1/4th of that amount, throw in surgery trauma, anesthesia, and your body trying to hold onto every nutrient, calorie you put it in there, you can't expect your body to keep losing at the same rate that you saw immediately post-op.

    If you think about it, you've lost 4.25lbs on average per week. Depending on your goal weight, your numbers will taper off.

    Increasing your calories a bit will help since you are exercising, increase your Protein and clear Fluid intake, and of course exercising will help.

    I would estimate 90% of WLS patients see a stall in weight loss around 3-6 week post-op mark, and you just need to be patient and let your body heal.

    Sadly, we didn't get fat overnight, we aren't going to get thin overnight.

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