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Filosophia Scandinavia

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Filosophia Scandinavia

  1. I haven't been operated yet.

    Told my family, 3-4 of my friends, my bosses and some co-workers. Now I would rather have told just my family.

    Maybe I am a little paranoid - but the person, I tell will probably tell it to some people too.

    It is good gossip, and I think it is so difficult to be secret about it. I have already think, that I have told too many.

    Cant take it back. Most people have seen me try too loose weight for 15 years now.

    But I am such an optimitic person, and want to share.

    Cant keep my mouth shut - and also want people to understand, that overweight is not easily battled. Telling them about the statistics - want to speak about this subject.

    On the other hand, I dont want to walk in to a party, and everybody is talking about the sleeve-girl - me.

    The label just stick - and I want to be known for who I am, not my operation. In Denmark this is HUGE

    On the other hand, I feel a little like a quitter. I have a danish website about embracing your body as it is. I have also been a plussize-model. Now I suddenly turn my back on my overweight gals. I will not do this to promote the skinny stupid Milan-fashion ideas about skinny bodies. I will do it for my health.

    :-) And deep down inside of me, I would like to be in the normal BMI-group. Dont tell anyone! ;-)

  2. I am new to this site - but one of the other users asked me to write some info on European batriatic centers - that I knew of.

    About me - I am from Denmark, and in Denmark, the Slevee is not performed very often. Almost never...

    Gastric Bypasss is the main operation. I want a sleeve, havent had one yet - but is almost certain wich doctor, I will choose. I will tell you another time :-)

    A lot of danes had an operation in Germany, Belgium, Sweden and Greece. I will give you the info, websites and prices I can find. I do not have any relations with any of the clinics - but I have been in contact with all of them! (Not the german yet)


    Centrum för Titthålskirurgi - CFTK

    Drottninggatan 99

    113 60 Stockholm


    The surgeon: Dag Arvidsson

    Tfn: 08-32 62 20

    Fax: 08-32 62 15

    E-post: info@cftk.se


    Somewhat expensive, but they have a full program with psychologist, dieticians, online services - and a 3 year follow up program!!!

    All is included in the price.


    11,900 Euros /10,400 GBP





    A greek-danish doctor, had a danish education, worked in Sweden for many years. Now working in Athens

    He speaks fluently greek, english, swedish, danish, norwegian, and understand german and dutch.

    The danes are beginning to know him more and more.

    He aswers questions for us at our danish forum

    Nikos Valsamidis

    Bariatric surgeon

    info@valsamidis-surgery.com[/email] 30,

    Abdominal Surgeon

    Medical Director

    Department of Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery

    Meditarraneo Hospital

    Glyfada, Athens



    5.000 GBP / 5800 Euros

    This include surgery, hospital stay.

    You need a gastroscopy 150 euros (Can be made at home)

    If you have a "high" BMI, you need to see a dietician and psychologist - it cost 100 Euros



    GERMANY - Dr. Krause

    In Denmark we get the contact through a agency who handle all papers and contact.


    Dr. Krause

    His secretary Frau Jansky: christel.jansky@klinikum-nf.de



    9600 Euros

    Including operation, consultation with surgeon, psychologist, dietician



    BELGIUM - Dr. Lemmens

    "The sleeve gastrectomy is also performed in well selected cases "

    He mostly do bypass


    You can write to him on the website, and he will respond to your mail.

    I only received a mail the first time, and didnt get an answert on my 3 others.

    But perhaps her was very busy, ill or out of town.

    Price aprox: 7000 Euros / 6100 GBP (for a Bypass!)

    I think that sleeve will be the same or less.



    BELGIUM - Dillemans


    Dr Bruno Dillemans

    T +32 (0)50 39 29 80


    In Denmark we get the contact through a agency who handle all papers and contact.

    I do not think he makes many Sleeves.



    8200 GBP / 9400 Euros



  3. YEAH!

    I got more answers - I am so gratefull

    All your inputs really helps me!

    In Denmark this procedure is almost unknown - it is only used very seldom. Most of sleeve-procedures on danes is done abroad

    Thank you for your respond, Tiffany!

    "RNY just wasn't an option because of the regain stats"

    The statistics shows that weight regain RNY is more likely to happen?

    That is very interesting - if I have understood it correct?

    That was the main reason why, I would consider a Bypass.

    I know that there is a lot complications already now. How will it look in 30 years? :-(

    "I can tell you that studies show only 30% of RNY patients "dump" on sugar meaning that it's no guarantee that you'll get sick if you eat sweets."

    That is an important argument for not believing, that this will "cure" your cravings. So it is not as beneficial in this way - only the malabsorbtion works "better". But unfortunately also on important Vitamins and minerals.

    "and all of them have either gained back 75% of their weight"

    WHAT? Thats a lot!!! The surgery sites claims, that only 20-30% will have the weight regain.

    "and are now seeking revisions, or have had major complications with vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, bowel obstructions, strictures, pouch and esophageal dilation, and a whole slew of other issues."

    That really helps with my decision. I think that we perhaps are not so up to date in Denmark, because the boom in operations startet only 2 years ago. So we havent seen all the difficulties yet. Well a lot of people is writing about Hernia - does anyone know, if hernia is less common in VSG-operations?

    "Least amount of long term complications"

    As far as I can read in the journals, they do not have enough results yet to know how it will work on long term? But it is so LOGICAL to me that it will have far less complications

    "no rerouting"

    Yes, I am not religious - but it is easier for me to have my stomach reduced instead of changing the way the digestive system works. I can better accept the "halfway-just-as-before-procedure-with-a-small-stomach"

    "no blind stomach left behind that can't be easily scoped yet can still develop cancer and ulcers."

    Are the taking the rest of the stomach out of the body in a VSG? Some say that they just staple it? I wanted to ask my surgeon this.

    If it is left in the body, will it still produce Ghrelin?

    I feel a little stupid, but I have treally tried to find as many informations - so I am so glad, I found this site.

    "None of the surgeries cure cravings, head hunger, or emotional eating."

    No, you need to have gotten the brain in order first. I almost have - but I know, that when I am stressed or sad, it could trick this, if I am not cafeful and monitor my feelings and hunger for the rest of my life. But I have worked with this a lot more than others.

    (I am also writing these things to myself, to be "aware" - thinking out loud)

    "I've done extremely well with the sleeve, and live a perfectly normal little life"

    I am so glad to hear that! It really makes me believe that it can help me too. Just enough to get into the healthy section

    "We have to form new habits, and work on our own issues."

    I am speculating - how many have had their cognitive emotional in check before an operation - and how many are working along with the issues - after the operation.



    And thank you Stacy160 - if you are thinking the same as Tiffany, it just backs up, what she is saying .

    And with my "low" BMI, the risk of bypass is not worth it.

    As far as I have read, the mortality-risk of a bypass is 5 times higher than a sleeve. Thank you. You are backing me up!


    Thank you for your message, Cheri :-)

    "if you don't have as much weight to lose, why risk the lifelong nutritional deficiencies of the bypass?"

    That is just what I am thinking. But in the danish forum everyone is supporting the bypass-thinking Because it is the thing, that works.

    And because 95% of them had that operation.

    So I needed to read other stories, to make my desicion.

    But a lot of new reseach has shown, that the two operation, have almost the same results. But I can not seem to find the medical documentation...

    "The portion of the stomach they leave behind is the least stretchy part of the stomach and is far less likely to stretch than the bypass pouch. It will stretch a little over time, but not anywhere near what it was prior to surgery."

    That I didnt know - I am so glad to read this! That calms me a lot. Not that I will try to strech it. But I didnt wanted to waste money and health on an operation, that didnt work much.

    "If you wouldn't mind posting information about your potential surgeons on a new thread, it would be very helpful to some of us living overseas. I'm currently in Germany and flew all the way to Mexico for my surgery because I couldn't find a surgeon very experienced with VSG in my area. If you're in contact with a few that do VSG in Europe, you should post their names and information so that other folks can have them as an option as well."

    Mexico is a long way from home.... I would be happy to do that.

    I found two surgeons i Belgium, but they mostly recommend and perform Bypass, but have experience in Sleeve as well. There is also a center in Northern Germany wch are very popular in Denmark, they perform a lot of sleeve operations as well.

    And I found a great (I think) surgeon in Grecce. He is educated i Denmark, where I am from, and have worked in Sweden for many years.

    There is also a center in Stockholm, who have a fantastic 3 year follow up with psychologist, dieticians, hotline, and a workshop - all included in the price.

    But I will try to find the right place to post the operation.

    But what is "Experienced"? How many operations is that.

    Thank you Cheri

  4. Thank you so much for answeing, Eurika C!

    You are right, that decision is difficult. Hearing from other, who have had the surgery - og could give some kind of input. I have trying to read a lot in here, and will probably read all, every thread, before I dicide.

    "1. I am a person who likes to eat large amounts. I think the restriction will be the most important tool for me. "

    I hope it is ok for me to ask you these.

    Large amounts of intake is no longer possible, so it will give you some kind of resticted intake.

    Do you think, that your urge to eat is so strong, that over time, you could stretching the stomach?

    And you could digest larger amount over time?

    What I am thinking about is, that no matter how strong ones feeling of succes is. It is difficult to know, if the old habits will get control over one again. I personally think, that I will do all there is to do, to keep a healthy lifestyle.

    I have been looking into and working with all the emotions eating is giving me.

    Mayby the ghrelin reduction will handle some of the appetite

    "2. I am concerned about the malabsorption of the RNY. I have a brother in law who has done very well so far on the RNY, but I am still concerned. It is important to me to eat as close to a varied normal diet as possible once I have healed and reach maintenance levels."

    That is also how I feel. What will happen in 20 years from now. It seems logical, that the long time Vitamin and mineral difficiency must be less with a sleeve operation. That is pointing me in the sleeve direction :-)

    "As for the sweets issue, people can sabotage their surgery by eating high calorie slider foods."

    Excactly - and how much is too much? I would do anything, but I also more and more see this urge to art like an addiction. Like alcoholism. I know, I need to take care of it every day

    I have read that 2/3 of the people who have batriatic procedure is have some kind binge eating disorder.

    " Is this something you are willing to take ownership of and combat? "

    Yes - ownership is a good word. I need to struggle with after an operation - but I hope the struggle with get just a little easier in some ways.

    "The sleeve is a tool, and you have to work the tool by following the post surgery guidelines."

    Yes, and that tool could be so helpful - mayby I am to optimistic, but I see it as I am half way there with this helpertool of mine.


  5. Hello - I am a danish woman, trying to loose weight.


    36 years old

    BMI: "only" 33

    Comorbidities of my weight:

    sleep apnea

    High bloodpressure

    Lower back problems are getting worse for every pound overweight (scoliosis/ Ishias problems)

    Father diabetes 2, both mother and father are medicatet for hight bloodpressure. Sister underwent a Gastric Bypass en roux with a BMI of 40 with great succes


    I have tried almost every diet on earth, undergoing lifestyle changes, have been in therapy, have spent a lot of money on al kinds of thing.Iron, Calcium and Proteins, that I am digesting.:confused2:

    Futhermore it seems that a sleeve operation is having a lower mortality rate and fewer post complications?:confused:

    One of the reasons why I am overweight is the earlier use og sugar as a coping strategy for everything. I have worked through most of this - but see it as somekind of a dependency even if I do not use it as much as before. And this is not good with the sleeve? :eek:

    Does anyone in this forum have eny experiences with.

    If some of my earlier eating habits are due to cognitive habits, lower ghrelin secretion will not help me? Or?:confused1:

    All you comments are welcome - my brain is exploding

    I already know, that my BMI is low (but high enough to die earlier), and I am mostly considering an operation because og my health issues.

    Just a few words, please?:angel:

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