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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Supersweetums

  1. OK, so to be honest, the best case scenario might not be realistic (although it is for some), but your worst case scenario is not either. But do not feel alone, I think many people have the same fear. I am not sure if you are self pay or insurance pay, but I was self pay in Mexico and I am from Canada. I was so worried that something would happen to to me and my husband, 3 year old son, and 15 month old daughter would be left without a mommy. Of course the fear was unfounded (even though there are risks, so you can't discount them) and I had a successful surgery. My recovery the first day was terrible! I was in a lot of pain the first evening, and none of the pain medication they were giving me really worked well. By the next morning though I was up and walking around and had a shower on my own. Best of luck on your surgery and recovery!
  2. Supersweetums

    Anyone Regret It?

    It took me 18 months to reach my goal, so don't get discouraged. And I am exactly like you, I decided in the beginning that this was something that I had to live with for the rest of my life. I made many changes and eat very healthy now, but I still eat foods that so many would say are "not on the plan". I knew that I could never live the rest of my life on a diet, eating 30 or less carbs a day and never eating ice cream again. Now I have those things, but in moderation. I am in control of my eating (most of the time!), and even though I most likely lost a little slower than others, I have reached goal and I am still losing a little and now am below goal. I agree, what this has given me is priceless.
  3. Supersweetums

    Frozen Banana "ice Cream"

    If you look at Circa's ticker, she has more weight to lose than you do. It is very common for people that have more weight to lose to lose it faster. You have lost 25lbs in 5 weeks which is actually average to above average weight loss. Is there a point in your life where you could have ever lost that much that fast on your own? The most important thing on here is to not compare to others. Everyone loses at different rates and there are so many factors that play into it (I know someone that lost over 200lbs in the same amount of time that it took me to lose 80lbs, but she still weighed more than I did when I started). If you start comparing, it is only going to make you miserable. Be excited for your own accomplishments and enjoy your journey.
  4. Supersweetums

    When Can I Have A Beer?

    I was actually wondering when I typed it if anyone would know what it was! None-the-less, it is delicious!!
  5. Supersweetums

    When Can I Have A Beer?

    Neither is a whole lot of other things, but it doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed in moderation.
  6. Supersweetums

    Do You Ever Wake Up......

    I didn't second guess myself, I knew I needed this surgery and it was the only way that I could lose the weight and keep it off. I was, however, terrified. I was self pay in Mexico (I live in Canada) and left my husband, my 3 year old son and my 15 month old daughter back home. I was doing it for them just as much as for myself, but I kept thinking, what if something would happen to me, what would they do. But in my worries, I decided the risks of surgery outweighed all the health problems and risks of being obese would start having on me. It is a huge, life-altering decision, so I would be more worried if you didn't give it a second thought and jumped right into it without knowing what you are getting yourself into.
  7. Supersweetums

    When Can I Have A Beer?

    Really, no judgement here. I enjoy the occasional drink, or 2 or 3...hence knowing how much it can affect you! I have not tried wine, but I have had caesars because there is no pop in them. Because it is a liquid, it goes down no problem. You could try drinking the beer if you are really craving it, but you most likely only get 2 sips in and have to leave the rest and that would just be so sad.
  8. sleeved November 29, 2010, 85lbs lost and 5lbs below goal.
  9. Supersweetums

    Deep Depression

    I know it sounds cliche, but it will pass. The beginning is the hardest and it only gets easier. But make sure you monitor your mood because depression is not all uncommon after WLS.
  10. Supersweetums

    Pill Question

    You will be able to swallow smaller medications after surgery. Actually, my antibiotic was a HUGE pill...breaking it in half hurt going down and I couldn't stomach it crushing it up, so I tried swallowing it whole, making sure it was pointing in a good direction, and it went down fine. But I would suggest talking to your surgeon to see which pills you should continue to take and which you will have to stop before surgery and which you can resume taking after surgery. You might not need your bp medication after surgery, or shortly after surgery, so make sure you have regular check ups to ensure your blood pressure is not dropping too low.
  11. Supersweetums

    When Can I Have A Beer?

    This is a lot of great information! I agree that it would not hurt to have an occasional drink, but I strongly suggest not drinking beer at this point. The carbonation in the beer would most likely be very painful. I don't drink beer, but I know things that are very fizzy like root beer, cause me a lot of discomfort still and I am 20 months post op. Also, just like bypass patients, alcohol hits our systems a lot faster and harder than a normal person, and it is very easy to get carried away. Through my plan, they actually suggest not drinking alcohol until you have reached goal because it is so high in calories.
  12. I agree with everyone else, 18 lbs in 2 weeks is ahead of the pace! The important thing to remember is to do your best NOT to compare to others. Everyone's bodies are different and everyone loses at different rates. Some will lose slower, some will lose faster...there are just too many variables to look at when looking at the rate of weight loss. If you start comparing, you are only setting yourself up to be depressed, frustrated, and down on yourself. There will always be someone that loses faster, and it is not worth the heartache.
  13. Supersweetums

    Anyone Regret It?

    Definitely search for regrets and you will find a million posts I am sure. You will be able to find a lot of information from both sides of the coin. Me, not a chance. The way I feel about myself, the fact that I can shop anywhere, and the reality of living a healthy, normal life outweighs food any day!
  14. Supersweetums

    Too Gross To Ask? I Hope Not...

    OK, maybe gross, but I asked my doctor what they did with it, so you are not alone! I was told that they incinerate them, so you could think of it as cremation for your stomach!
  15. Supersweetums

    Protein Powder-What Is The Best Brand?

    This is the age old question! It so depends on your taste buds. The best thing to do is to try and get a hold of samples instead of buying a whole tub. That way you can try them out and find one that works for you!
  16. Supersweetums

    Tip For Protein Ice Cream

    I have an ice cream maker, just mix up and pour in and viola, Ice Cream!..I have been experimenting trying to find good combinations, but is sure a nice change from the mundane!
  17. I can totally understand that, especially since these so called "friends" are obviously very shallow and judgmental. Maybe look at it with a new spin, they will all of a sudden want to be YOUR friend, and you, conveniently, just will not have any time for them. Could end up being more rewarding if you shine a different light on it?? I am glad that you have realized that those people are not your friends and you can surround yourself with your loving family and true friends to support you. And we are discriminated against, no doubt about it! Maybe there are times that we think people are judging us when they really are not, but I know there are times that they are. It is so sad that humans treat other humans so poorly.
  18. Supersweetums

    Out To Dinner Epiphany...

    I was nervous at first, especially since I am an emotional eater and wasn't sure how I would deal with them if I couldn't stuff them with food. I won't lie, there are days that I wish I could just eat a little bit more because it tastes sooo good, but I try to remind myself of something a fellow sleever told me...if I could, I would and that is what got me here in the first place. And trust me, it is not 4 bites of food for the rest of your life. I am 20 months post op and can eat probably 3 oz of meat, 1/4 to a 1/2 cup or so of veggies (depends on the kind) and 1 or 2 bites of something else (rice, potatoes). So yes, it is not a lot, but it is more than 4 bites.
  19. Supersweetums

    Before And After

    You look sooo happy! Congratulations!
  20. Supersweetums

    How Much Weight?

    First of all, I agree, try not to compare. Everyone is so different, and there are so many variables that account for weight loss. That being said, I lost nothing my first week home. The morning I came home from surgery (I was self pay in Mexico and flew home 4 days after surgery), I was heavier than when I left. Then, in my second week I lost 17 lbs. Try not to stress too much.
  21. Supersweetums

    No Crust Pineapple Cheesecake

    Ooo, this sounds good and I like that it is so simple. Could even use cherries or strawberries...
  22. Supersweetums

    The Fine Line Between Acceptance And Making Excuses

    We are own worst judges and critics and have spent years being judged by others. I have been yelled and called names while walking down the street. I know what I am doing right and wrong, and so does everyone else. I am not here to tell people that they are a bad person for eating something unhealthy. I am here to encourage them to make a better choice next time and not berate themselves. Shame and guilt is part of the reason so many of us have gotten to this point, that we were bad for eating ice cream, we should know better than to have a piece of chocolate, that we failed because we had a piece of cake. Someone might ask for help, they might ask for an opinion, but I really believe that no one asks to be judged.
  23. Supersweetums

    For The Slow Losers

    I lost A LOT of hair starting about 3 months, and I would consider myself a little bit of a slower loser. I think it really depends on the individual.
  24. Supersweetums

    For The Slow Losers

    I have never had mine tested, but I would not be surprised. I have a family history of obesity, and I have always had to work twice as hard as others to lose half the amount of weight. That is why I had actually given up hope before I found this surgery. I just could not keep up the extreme exercise and diet anymore, especially being a stay at home to 2 young children. The sleeve has been literally a miracle for me. It may have taken me longer, but I still got there and that is all that matters to me!
  25. Supersweetums

    Help! Soda During Pre-Op Liquid?

    If it is diet, it is probably ok. But I do agree with the others, you might want to consider giving it up now to make it easier post op when you already have a lot of things to adjust to and deal with. I am 20 months post op now, and I do have to occasional sip of soda, but I never drank it before surgery (I had given it up years ago). I will tell you though, even this far out, too much and I am paying for it.

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