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captain danbo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by captain danbo

  1. I was wondering, you don't have to go to mexico for every fill do you? it's sounds likeyou are really kicking butt with the weight loss good job. I know some docs won't give a fill if you are losing 1-2 lbs a week. I won't go to get my first fill till the first week in Aug and I hope he gives me a fill because I feel like I can eat anything. I am not eating everything because I am only 3 weeks post op but I fell nothing when I eat my blended foods. anyway I think you will like it on the web page there is alot of good and smart people here that are very helpful. keep up with the hard work.

  2. Ja9va: That gortons salmon is frozen. They have a bunch of different flavors my fav is the lemon butter, they also have shrimp and a few diff kind of fish.

    Bigbaby: I also mix a little bit veggies with my meals but only like a table spoon or two of peppers or onions. I like green onions with most of the thing I eat. BUt I do get most of my veggies from V8, it says it's 3 servings for like 6oz so I think it pretty good stuff. good luck with starting real food.< /p>

    Nina: I have not jerked my fish but I have crab, shrimp, pork w/ pineapple and chicken. I like to use walker's wood jerk sauce next time I go to the store I will look for that one you are talking about. I am just about out of mine anyway.

  3. big: I do only eat 3 meals a day with the exception of the Protein Drink. I eat the eggs in the morn and two other meals throught out the day and the other stuff I listed is the stuff I add to make it all taste so good.

    Suzzzie: I really like the gortons lemon butter salmon, it don't have much of a fish taste at all. it's only 100cals for 3oz 19grams Protein. I always doctor up what ever I am eating with fresh herb and it really helps with some of the stronger fish tasting fish. shrimp is great protein also. shrimp I mix with a little bit of jerk sauce and it makes any shrimp just killer.

  4. huntersmom: I do change it up but mostly with the spices. my fat free dress I either use ranch or Italian it depends of the type of fish and also if it's fresh of canned. It's amazing what a table spoon of roasted red peppers do.

    Madero: I don't have a Appt till aug 7th @ 10:00 It's was Dr Krahn that told me the likes to wait four weeks from the follow up before the fills so thats right at 6 weeks post op. They might have made that appt for me because I am back at work now, and I won't be home till Aug4th. maybe they are just going wait till I get back and you will get yours on the 24th.

  5. Madero: I first met with Tamara and talked to her for a while then I asked to talk with Dr Drahn. They told me I could get a fill 4 weeks from the follow up, if you get yours before me tell me all about it. Doc just looked at my incisions and said keep up with the good work, it looked like he had alot of people to see that day. I am eating well I just put 3 oz of Proteins in a cup and fill the rest of the cup with FF dressing chic broth and always about 1 tea spoon of wasabi blend blend blend and chew chew chew and I have been doing just fine. I hope you and your sis are doing well and I look forward to hearing about all the good weight loss.


  6. this is what I have been eating over the course of a day and its under 700 cal a day and I even feel full at the end of the day:

    4 egg whites hard boiled. 0-fat 1-carb 14-protein-66 cal

    1/2 cup chic broth Low sod. 0-fat 0-carb 1 -protein -8 cal

    2, 8oz V8 less sod 0-fat 22 carb 0-protein - 92 cal

    3 oz salmon (gortons) 3-fat 1- carb 16 Protein - 100cal

    1/2 cup red salsa 0-fat 5-carb 0 protein 21cal

    3.5 tb sp fatfree dressing 0-fat 21-carb 0 protein 105 cal

    20oz Protein Drink 0-fat 0 -carb 40protein 160 cal

    3oz tuna 2-fat 0 carb 19protein 90 cal

    Totals fat=6 grams carbs=48 grams protein=99 grams cals= 647

    I also take a multi/vitamin and calcium citrate

    This has pretty much been my diet for the last16 weeks with the exception of the liquid stages. I am down 75 LBS in 16 weeks and keeping well below the 1200-1500cals a day that some people say I should be taking. I think it has more to do with where your cals come from than how many cals your intaking.

  7. Hotty: I started diet and working out at the end of march(cal intake less than 900 and working out about 2 hours a day 7 days a week). I lost about 60 lbs before the band but also I would like you to keep in mind that this is the 5th time of me losing more than 50 lbs and I put it all back on in less than a year. My real pre op diet start the end of may. I got the band because I want the weight to stay off this time, If I really needed the band to lose weight? I don't think so. Do I NEED the band to keep the weight off? 110% YES. I think the weight is going to start coming off slower now because of the good weight loss pre op. I keep telling myself " what I lose today I won't have to lose tomorrow" anyhow thank you for noticing it makes me feel good about all my hard work.

  8. this is one of my fav recipes from that book I was talking about

    Salmon with wasabi glaze

    1 tea-sp wasabi paste

    2 tea-sp light soy sauce

    1 pack sweet N low

    1 table-sp lemon juice

    1 large clove garlic minced

    1 4oz salmon fillet

    cooking spray

    1.In a small bowl, whisk the wasabi, soy sauce, sweet n low, lemon

    juice and garlic.

    2. Spray a broiling pan with cooking sparyand place salmon in pan, skin side down.

    3. Spread wasabi-garlic mix on salmon fillet.

    4.broil for 7-10 mins and eat

  9. rcorn: I do the same but mostly only when I see my friends and family feeding their kids big bad stuff. I am not a jerk about it I just ask them if they want their kids to do surgery just like I had to do at 26 years of age. but I only say that kind of stuff to close friends and family because I know people could get mad at something like that.

  10. I am now 9 days post and let me tell you, I am hungry. I have not cheated once. Well sometimes I do have a extra cup of veggie juice or something like that. I make my own chic broth and it is really good, but even good liquids are getting old fast, I only have few more days till my first follow up and I am hoping he will tell I could go to mush foods.

    I know some of us as had more education than others when it comes to the post op diets. I know I wish I had a little more. I had to go to a lapband class before the surgery and I ended up going to two because I wanted my mom to go to at least one. so anyway two of the same classes instructed by two different NP. One of them said I could never eat bread again and the other said wheat toast could be done a 4-6 weeks post op. Both of the classes were at the same office teaching different things. So I have done most of my research on my own. Can anyone tell me how many cals I should be taking in? And also Protein? I have heard so many different numbers.

    I see alot of people are starting to eat real once again. Something I found and I think it's going to help me alot is this cook book called " EATING WELL AFTER WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY " By Patt Levive and Michele Bontempo-Saray. I had to try a few of the dishes before I had my surgery and there are some really good ones. Anyhow just thought I would stop by and tell ya all about that if you did not know all ready.


  11. I am now 5 days out and don't feel too bad. I still feel a little sore mostly on my left side (port side) I have a park near my house and it's about 3/4 of a mile from my house, around the park then back to my house. I have been trying to do that about 3-5 times a day. I have been working around the house, just not lifting any big stuff. I only take pain meds and night with the sleeping aid the doc gave me. I don't feel much pain just take the meds because I have them sitting there.

    Madero: What time was your surgery? What day/time did you get to go home? THey made me stay over night till about noon on friday. But everyone at rancho was super cool and gave me alot of help anytime I asked for somthing. What did you think about Saint B? Anyhow I will talk to ya all later


  12. Toni: Ya my mom was there and she has really been I big help. My Doc talk to her for about a hour before I went in the the OR witch really helped her open her mind about the whole thing. She made me this home made chic broth and it is one of the best thing I have every had. So I am really happy she is around. All my friends and family have been very helpful and supportive. Between them and all of you I don't think this is going to be too too hard.

    Ja9va: I live in redlands CA it's about 45-50 mins east of LA. I don't have to go back to the boat till July 11th But if for some reason I need more time I will take more time. I have my first follow up on the July 10th and the doc will tell me if I need to be on light dutie or anything.

    This is Day #3 I am feeling good I have been walking about 20 mins a few times a day. I find it kind of hard to drink 64 OZ of Water a day but I have been doing it. The only thing I don't like is the feeling I get when I cough. It feels like someone is sticking a knife in my left side. Anyhow everyone keep up with the hard work. talk to ya all later.


  13. just want to let everyone know that I am home and OK. I got discharged at 11:30 am just after the upper GI and faith you were right about the barium it had a nice taste and not nearly as bad as the first one I had to do. Thank you for the pillow trick when I cough I have not got to use it yet but I plan too. anyhow I will talk to you all later.


  14. faith: I had to do a upper gi back in 12/2006 and i did not like that stuff then, maybe now i will like it more. they have been giving me Jello and broth twice yesterday but I only took 10 spoon fulls of the broth and called it good. nothing after midnight last night because of the upper gi this morn. and I think that will be soon.

    TONI: I love my MB the onlything I don't like is somtimes push down on the cup I got to push it like 2-3 times to get it to work but thats the only problem i have had with mine. anyhow good luck yours.


  15. it's about 07:10 am i am still in the hospital i hope i get to go home soon. It kind of hurts to get up and down and i feel alot of pain in my left side when i cough i am sure it's because of the port, it feels alot better when i lay down and cough. they say the upper gi will get done between 8:30 and 09:00 then if everything is ok i could go home.

  16. I got banded today at 10:00. I was walking by 11:00 I have now done 7 5-10 min walks. eating my ice chips ok igot my own room and everyone here is really nice and helping me alot. The op took 1 1/2 hours witch I thought was a long time but doc said everything went really well. when they got my weight I was 236LBS down from 300 I think it will start slowing down soon. My doc makes everyone stay overnight so i am here till9 or 10 in the morn. I came out at 10:00 and still have not been to sleep maybe in a few hours i will sleep.

    Suzzzie, guess what I got about 15-20 pictures I am going to post them on my space when I get home I think. any I will talk to you guys later

  17. Tomorrow is my big day!!!!

    I can't wait, it's all I have been thinking about the last few days. I had all my labs, EKG, chest x-ray done yesterday and eveything seems it be ok. I asked my doc about the AP band and he told me he has not done one yet. He asked me if he could get one would I like to have it. I told he heck ya so he call his lapband rep and is trying to get them in. He said he has been expecting them anyday. I hope he get me one.

    Anyway I would like to thank all of you for helping me get up to this point, I have got alot of good info and tips from all of you and it sure helps. Talk to you guys later.


  18. well I only got a few days to go.

    The only thing I am having a problem with is my mom. She is 110% against me getting the band, she is one of those people that don't really like doctors or modern medicine. I think it is the hippy coming out in her. Now I have always done everything on my own, I have help from Dad, friends, and girlfriend but my mom really wants to help me with all this ( making broth, rides, cleaning house ect) but I am worried she is going to put in her unwanted two cents and make me mad and really stressing me out. I have told her not to bother helping me I got plenty of help and she thinks I am just playing with her. I even told her if she does help I don't want to hear any crap from her but she tells me it's her dutie as a mother.

    Anyone have a problem with a non supportive parent that wants to help? If so how did ya deal with them?

  19. Quadmom: Have you bee taking a Multivitamin? I know once I started taking them a few years ago mine was a bright green/yellow.

    bigbaby: I like to use fitday.com to log my cal intake I have not look at that one you are talking about I will look at it here in a while. I know fitday is free and really simple.

    TMC: It's nice to see another male in here I thought I was the only one, I did not know BigSexy was also.

    I am doing good with my pre op diet. I am down 55lbs so far and I think it's still droping. I have less than one week to go. I was wondering how everyone deals with their sleep. I was told it will be hard to sleep in a norm bed because of being flat on the bed. I do not own a lazy boy but some people tell me to go buy one. What does everyone think?

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