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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lisabug

  1. I have been struggling with weight loss since day 1. I was originally eating 60 grams of Protein, 30 carbs and 600 cals. I was losing little to no weight. My nut and surgeon upped cals to 800 and carbs to 60. I started losing a little. Now I am on 800-1000 cals and 100-150 carbs a day. I have lost 5 lbs 2 weeks straight. I'm not complaining, just confused. I still struggle with getting in all the calories in a day. My pcp said something about having too much insulin and my body needing carbs so that it wouldn't store the calories I was taking in as fat.

    Has anyone else done better with weight loss with higher carbs than low carbing?

  2. I tried Zumba once. I realize why I only dance when I drink. I haven't given up on it yet though. I start classes 3 days a week in feb. It burns a ton of calories so I think looking like a fool is worth it. I think starting a class from the beginning would be a lot easier then doing the drop in classes where everyone already knows the moves. If you go to Zumba.com there are a ton of success stories with weight loss.

  3. The scale has not been so kind to me. I'm losing a lot slower than I thought I would. That being said I went to my pcp on Monday and my BP was too low!! He took me off all my BP meds. So I guess those 20 lbs and eating healthier has been worth it. I'm still happy that I had my sleeve and I know the weight will come off adventually. It is nice to be down 1 pant size and 2 top sizes. Trying to look at the positives!!!

  4. I walk 2 miles a day. I am not released to do any other type of exercise. I had issues with one of my incisions from picking up my daughter too soon post op. I also just started back to work. I do a ton of walking at work. I am a store manager for a major retailer. I know stalls are normal, but I never really have had a major loss. When I did weight watchers and la weight loss, I lost about 4-5 lbs a week. It is just so confusing. I have an appt with my nut next week.

  5. I'm in the same boat. I had surgery 12/1 and have only lost 8 lbs too. I have lost 22 inches though. I think my body is in starvation mode. I have been trying to get more calories in over the last few days so I am hoping to get through this stall. I stopped weighing myself everyday because it was driving me crazy. Tomorrow is my day to weigh in. Hope the scale starts moving for both of us soon!!

  6. I was talking to a co-worker today who had the lap band done a few months ago. He has done well with weight loss, but men usually lose quicker. He asked if I had pain after eating. Nope not at all. He asked if I had to avoid foods because they get stuck. Nope again. He asked if I was hungry all the time. nope for the third time. He also asked if I had reflux all the time and a few other questions. He said that if he didn't chew every bite to musch he had sever pain. He also said that he only ate at home because it was so difficult to eat at work or out anywhere.

    I am soooooooooooo happy that I got the sleeve over the band. I am only 4 weeks out and have had no issues drinking or eating anything. I am not losing as fast as I want to, but I know it will come off adventually. I am losing inches though.

  7. I was told to not lift anything over 10 lbs for the first 6 weeks. I made the mistake of lifting my daughter at 2 weeks post op and paid for it. The incisions are still healing from the inside. You can herniate the incisions if you lift too soon.

  8. Every post op diet is different for every surgeon. I was on 7 days clear liquids with Protein shakes mixed with skim milk. Then 7 days full liquids. Them 2 weeks mushies/ soft foods. The clear liquids was tough for me. It was a little easier on full liquids and I'm fine with mushies. Clear liquids include sf popsicles, sf Jello, broth, diluted apple juice and crystal light. I like the sugar free Hawaiian punch. I got tired of my Protein Shakes by the second week. The most important thing the first days home is to drink as much as possible. My nut suggested I chew on ice to help with wanting to chew. It helped some.

    It is worth it. Good luck to you all.

  9. I am 3 days post-op and I just noticed that I have a really big bruise on my lower belly (sort of on the underside of my "apron") about the size of a fist. Did anyone else have this? I didn't see anything in the warnings that said anything about this, but I thought I'd just check... thanks guys!

    Did you have blood thinner? I still have bruises were they gave me the shots on my lower abdomen.

  10. So the dr said that I did over do it. One of those things that he is going to keep an eye on. If I have severe pain then I have to call him immediately. The concern is that it is an area that can easily become a hernia. I'm off work till Dec 27 except short term disability is trying to make me go back on light duty. We'll see what happens. Thanks for the support

  11. Hi all! I was sleeved December 1, 2010, I lost 10 lbs so far however I have not lost anything in the last 5 days and the scale has been up or down 2 lbs. Is this normal? I'm walking 30 min everyday and haven't had any complications besides some major incision pain, the doc explained that it was the inside stitch pulling on my muscle..

    I know exactly how you feel. I was also sleeved on Dec 1. I have only lost 8 lbs. I had not lost anything since last week. I lost 2 lbs yesterday. I asked my dr at my check up why I wasn't losing. He told me that my body is healing from major surgery and the weight will come off. I also increased my Water intake to 64 oz. My nut had told me to count all my liquids except broth towards the 64 oz. It's funny I have weighed myself more in the last 2 weeks then I have in the past 2 years.

    We will lose, we just have to figure out what works for us. My dr thinks I am going to need higher cals to lose. I have a physical job and my body needs more cals to function is what he explained to me. It makes sense.

    your feed back will be greatly appriciated :)

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