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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Alish

  1. OP here is the link, i hope it works: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/9961-if-you-got-pregnant-within-a-year-of-getting-a-sleeve-what-gender-did-you-have/ You can scroll down to read my last post about how many boy vs girls in what I researched.
  2. 5 months out wouldn't really count towards diet having an effect as all the research I did was 1-2 years after surgery where most excess weight had been lost. I didn't look into stats from people under 1 year out from surgery. And like I said diet does influence gender BUT there are many other factors. Vegetarians and vegans have more girls but usually aren't overweight, extra body fat contributes to your body's overall Ph. Medications and suppliments are also a huge factor. I DO NOT think diet alone will yield one gender over another, I do believe it helps, especially if you are trying to sway a certain way. I don't recommend just going on a strict diet to get a boy or girl, you need to add suppliments, frequently monitor vaginal Ph (multiple times daily), use Ph lowering techniques, and timing among other things. I did all of these things and then some, including diet. I'm not saying I had a girl from just my diet alone, please don't get that misconstrued Excuse any typos, sent from my iPhone with auto correct.
  3. I wouldn't ever say that diet alone is a gender sway at all, I would say don't even bother doing a "girl or boy" diet unless you planned to in the least add supplements and test PH. There are obviously other variables than just diet alone. It also would depend on what diet you were following, there have been so many different diets developed; also depends on how strict you were on it. After a large amount of weight loss you are in fact more in favor or x sperm, does that mean your chances are really that much better? Possibly not, depends on more than diet BUT it makes swaying easier if you intend to do so
  4. I studied gender swaying for years before I tried to conceive. Diet has almost everything to do with what gender you conceive, most people don't know this as the older info says that it's the man who determines the gender. While the sperm are either x or y it's YOUR environment that determines which sperm thrive. Vegetarians and vegans have more girls, this is a fact and it's due to their diet. Yes, after the sleeve you are a host that is most suiting for the x (girl) sperm. I actually compiled a bunch of data after I had my sleeve on people that had weight loss surgery and conceived within 1.5-2 years after their surgery, most had girls. I wish I could find the old post as I did post it here, I'll look for the thread and see if I can find it, if so I'll add the link. The reason for the favoring x or y sperm based on diet is that y sperm thrive in an alkaline environment and x sperm thrive in a acidic environment. Each sperm is "frozen" temporarily in an environment that is opposite to their needs. Hence giving either sperm, depending on the environment, a head start to be where it needs to be. The diet after weight loss surgery produces a more acidic environment in the vagina and therefore favors x sperm. More boys are born than girls here in america, it's 49 girls to every 51 boys per 100 births. This is probably based on the diets of most Americans, salty, fatty ect. foods. I wouldn't be surprised if that number kept changing even more to favor boys. All that being said, I did sway while trying to conceive and I just had a baby girl Dec 13th. I got pregnant 8 months after my sleeve surgery so my diet was already correct and I added/did a bunch of other things also as I was determined to get a girl. It worked :cheer2:
  5. Alish

    Too much exercise?

    Title says it!! Can I be doing too much excercise??? We got the xbox 360 kinect, and prior to this I was doing about 20mins of cardio a night, and some light free weight training. I've been stalled for two weeks, actually my weight has gone up .6lbs. I've only been doing the Kinect for a week now but I'm worried that I could be doing too much. My husband looked at me like I was crazy when I said it...but I'm serious. I played Dance Central for 2 hours last night!! WHAT?!?! The time just flew by BUT I was soaking wet with sweat and I'm sore today LOL. I've been doing at least an hour and a half since we got the stupid game....every night. I thought about it yesterday and it seems that it would burn a lot of calories, it's quite an intense workout. So I got on myplate and put my food in for the day, I had 1003 calories yesterday. My exercise based on weight burned 724 calories YIKES!!!!!! That was the 2 hours of dancing and free weights and crunches. I'm no NUT or fitness trainer but that's not good. There is no way I can eat 700+ more calories a day. I don't want to stop the dancing, or the weight training, what to do, what to do?? Suggestions would be great! How am I going to get out of this stall??
  6. Alish

    Too much exercise?

    Here is an update as some of you are curious about exercising too much. This is what I've been doing...or lack there of. I stopped the excessive dancing and using the kinect games. I've done maybe 5 -7 dances since I've posted this. I've also cut back on the amount of free weighs I'm doing. I'm doing it every other day, if that, along with abs and push-ups. This made me break my stall and start losing again, I've lost aroud 4-5lbs since I stopped over doing it with the exercise. I'm making sure to do my free weights for my arms though, I'm so scared they will get saggy!! It seems that the day after I do my free weights, abs and push-ups I never lose anything, it's always the day after and then I do weights again that day. Just thought I would update everyone. I might start the dancing again and I'll let you know how it goes
  7. Alish

    "Full" pains---questions

    It could have been an Esophageal spasm. They feel exactly like a heart attack, it's the same nerves for the heart that are effected when you have an Esophageal spasm. They are common after the sleeve surgery for some people. I had them before my sleeve and the sleeve has cured them thus far, thank goodness. They. are. awful! It's either that or just the normal restriction reacting to you having a little too much to eat. Try not to measure out 3oz, and plan on eating all of it (what you should be able to eat); instead try to feel or look for indications that you are full before you finish it. It wasn't until about 2 months out that I could eat a full 2-3oz of food without causing myself to be very uncomfortable. I know we are supposed to be able to eat 3oz but that's after the swelling goes down, at just one month out your swelling itsn't even close to down yet. I still measure my food in a 1/4 of a cup portion and eat until I feel my body telling me enough. Sometimes I don't finish my 1/4 of a cup. I hate hate hate sliming and I do everything I can to avoid it. If it keeps happening contact your Dr. maybe he/she can give you something if it's Esophageal spasms.
  8. Alish

    MSG - An Obesity Causing Chemical

    Thanks so much for this great info! We are slowly being poisoned by the food we eat. I do my best to eat all organic and natural. MSG is only one of MANY culprits in our foods. Hydrogenated oils (mono-diglycerides) is another; they have been renamed to mask them in our food because people are becoming aware of the dangers and no longer buying food that contain them.
  9. Alish


    In my case no, and I've never really heard another PCOSer say that it made them more sexual. Generally, when a woman is around ovulation is when she is feeling the most "sexual", as for us PCOS women we don't ovulate normally and so we don't get that "need"; kind of like how being on birth control that prevents ovulation. Your sex drive is still there but not like it is off of them. The testosterone gives us the wonderful extra hair growth in the wrong places, and hair loss. There my be some women that are more sexual but I'm not one of them unless it's around my fertile time. The reason you've probably never heard of that many women having it is because it was majorly under-diagnosed. I had a similar experiance with a DR. as the original poster. He basically told me "no, women with PCOS look a certain way; you don't have it, you're fine". Actually, I still get DR.'s telling me there is no way I have it...then I show them the blood work and ultrasounds and they are like "wow, you do". So it's still really under-diagnosed and one of those things that DR's have set in stone as far as symptoms and the way someone looks who has PCOS. It's unfortunate, and I'm lucky to have found a fertility specialist that does educational seminars on PCOS to teach the masses.
  10. Alish

    Too much exercise?

    Thanks for the answers. As for mydailyplate being inaccurate on calculating calories burned; even if I didn't burn 300+ calories an hour dancing..it was probably really close to that for my size. So I'm WAY under in calories consumed then. I love the dancing and don't plan to stop BUT I gained 1lb today and I'm getting super discouraged. I upped my calories yesterday and everything UGH. This just sucks. I supposed I could cut out carbs for a few days and see if that breaks my stall? I'm not sure that's what I want to do though. I just can't believe how discouraged I'm getting over no loss then a gained lb! :banghead:
  11. Alish

    Who is coming for dinner?

    Honestly, I've told people I had a Hiatial hernia removed. The recovery is the same as far as the liquids and the mushies. A few people do know the truth, but not more than a handful. Most haven't even noticed how little I eat; if they have they haven't said anything about it. When someone does notice or ask I tell them that I have scar tissue at the top of my stomach and throat and after a few bites I get a really bad tightness in my throat and I have a to wait a while before I can eat more. It's worked like a charm and no one had even questioned it or the weight loss! I do kind of feel wrong for lying but really it's not anyone's business and if people want to pry and be nosy then why not just fib , ya know?
  12. Alish


    I'm almost 3 months out, the only difference I've noticed with my PCOS is weight loss. I do get periods since I've had 10% of my ovaries removed though, so I can't really say on that. Google "ovarian drilling for PCOS"; I had something kind of like this. That made my cycles become regular for the most part, it did not cure my infertility. I don't think you would need metformin after this surgery at all, since your body learns to work with such a small amount of food I'm sure that your insulin resistance will regulate. You can probably expect your cycles to regulate, but as far as the other symptoms disappearing...that's a long shot. I've been a "thin" PCOSer; I've been very thin at points in my life for very long stretches and I've never had my symptoms disappear. I worked out for 3 years when I was younger, I had excellent muscle tone; my periods returned to normal for two years but none of my other symptoms went away. Working out is supposed to lower overall testosterone in PCOS women. I'm lucky to not have horrible symptoms, I do get irregular periods, facial and body hair, overweight (hopefully not anymore after the sleeve!), and skin tags. I don't get the dark Patches and I'm grateful for that. I can honestly say my hair growth has not slowed down at all since my surgery, and my skin tags are still in abundance. My periods have been kind of wonky also, probably due to the weight loss and exercise. I think the best bet for the embarrassing PCOS symptoms is laser hair removal, I'm planing to get this at some point. I can live with the skin tags. As for infertility, that's usually not to hard to deal with if you don't get periods, usually all that is needed is something like Clomid or Femara to induce ovulation. The weight loss is a big one but I've done the sleeve for that YAY! You wanted to know if I feel better in respects to my PCOS? Well that would be yes, I do. I think that is just based on weight loss though, the PCOS made it hard for me to lose weight and let me tell you that 38lbs makes a huge difference on how easy it is to move!!!!!! I think you will feel a million times better with a sleeve, and once you lose some weight your periods should get normal. It usually doesn't take long, maybe 2 months after the sleeve...possible even 4-6 weeks. Should be about the same amount of time that it would take the Met to work. Feel free to message me if you have any questions
  13. Alish

    Breast changes

    Thanks so much for the info. I can barely do sit-ups now since after pregnancy. It just does something to your muscles in your stomach lol. I've been doing crunches like crazy but I think I'm going to have to move it up to full sit-ups! I didn't know that about the cardio, thanks for the info. I was doing cardio like crazy, I've cut back a bit and been doing more weights, sit ups and push ups. I am still doing a little cardio, I've been using my xbox 360 kinect Dance Central, which is awesome by the way! I'm addicted to it so I'll probably just use that for my cardio....but hey I'm learning how to dance too LOL.
  14. Alish

    Let's count Dr. Aceves Patients!

    I was sleeved 8/27/10 with Dr. Aceves. My experience in Mexicali was good. Some of the issues I had were; there were highly armed guards with huge guns walking around the hospital when we got there for pre-op blood work. That was a little unsettling to say the least. Luckily that was the last we saw of them. The pain medication really just didn't do it for me, I have a high tolerance for even narcotic pain medication as I've been hospitalized for issues with my pancreas over and over again and given narcotic medications. I spent most of the time in pain, and Sergio telling me that the medication would work soon...it never did. The CNA's were just amazing, sweet and wonderful, as were Dr. Aceves and Campos. It's honestly the best post-op care I've ever received. Of course not the most pain-free but by far the best care. I did have Dr. Campos call me after the surgery because of a fever and he called me Alice NOT my name. That kind of bothered me but with the language barrier and all...I mean no one ever gets it right, even in the US lol. And yes Dr. Campos is a cutie, and the anasteiologist huba huba...whoo! I don't remember his name but he was really good looking and had a great smile...just the kind you want to see before you drift off LOL. The good looking Dr.'s made it even better To sum it up, I would do it 100 times over to get the results I've gotten so far. I would reccomend Dr. aceves to anyone I know. My sister is planing to go to him as soon as her little one weans off breastfeeding, I'm totally confedent about the care she will receive.
  15. I still have discoloration on my stomach from the tape they used to hold the drain on me. I seriously think it scared my skin I did get an itchy rash from the tape but it wasn't bad enough to where I scared it scratching; it's a funny color too, like a darker color than my skin...it's very odd. I didn't get any scars from the tape they used over the incisions though, and it did get red and itchy too. Oh yeah, and it was on there for a lot longer than they said it would be, I eventually had to pull it off after like 12 days.
  16. I was sleeved Aug 27th and I'm down 38lbs :cheer2:
  17. Alish

    Breast changes

    Not to hijack your post but is that you in your avatar pic?? If so OMG look at your abs! Can I please have your workout routine? LOL I have a trainer who wants to get me "jacked" but I thought it wouldn't be a good idea....but looking at your pic I'm reconsidering Oh yeah, as for my breasts, I had very lumpy breasts before children, not as lumpy after two kids and breastfeeding. My breasts were alwasy rock hard, they honestly looked like implants. Now they are very, very soft and hang a slight bit. I can still feel the lumpy parts here and there but the Dr. said it was fine. I've lost 35 lbs and my breast haven't gotten any smaller WTH!! I thought for sure I'd be down a cup size...but noooooo.
  18. Hi, I'd like to know if you got pregnant within a year of getting a sleeve done what gender was your baby? I had been trying for more than a year and a half before I got my sleeve; I have a history of infertility. Anyway, I have two boys and was doing a ton of research and swaying while trying to get pregnant. Data shows that weightloss sways for a girl (changes the PH in the body), so I'm just wondering what gender you had if you were still losing weight from your sleeve and got pregnant!! Thanks in advance
  19. Thanks so much for all of your replies. Actually, what has the most influence on determining the gender of a baby at conception is the Ph and the ion status of the mother's body. The Ph and Ions are most influenced by the diet of the mother; I've been studying gender and conception for three years; I have a background on molecular science. The male carries the x or y sperm but he isn't the determining factor, our environment is. The only reason that the day of month has anything to do male of female is that your environment changes down there the closer you get to ovulation. Egg white cervical mucus favors the y (male) sperm because of it's higher Ph. If your Ph is already low in your body as a whole, it will make no difference what day you have sex, the sperm probably won't be influenced by anything but the low Ph and negative ions, usually resulting in a x sperm winning. I said usually, but there is obviously a 50/50 chance of either. The only thing that is 100% is PGD. I did some research on babies conceived within a fifteen month window after weight loss surgery (the 15 months being from the date of the surgery); 17 babies resulted in 12 girls and 5 boys. It's interesting to say the least, for me anyway. I don't think I'll be having anymore babies, but still interesting.
  20. I did two rounds of the HCG diet before I even considered my sleeve. I'm losing just as fast and most days faster than the HCG diet with just my sleeve. I don't recommend the HCG diet while just having a sleeve done. Your body is trying to regulate your hormones that are changing as it is. I really think it would be slight sabotage on your sleeve; let you body get used to your sleeve without throwing anything else in the mix. HCG really isn't all that of a miracle; it's really just the starving on the 500 calories a day that contributes to the weight loss on the HCG diet. Like the PP said it's a total fad. I've injected WAY more (10,000iU at one time) HCG then the HCG diet calls for during infertility treatments and never had loss of appetite or fat loss from it. I've also been pregnant twice and gained weight both times; mind you I pretty much starved for the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy because I was so sick and I only lost 5lbs. Dr. Simmons protocol is complete crap if you ask me. I lost 22lbs with the HCG diet (followed to a T) and ballooned up 16lbs heavier than I was prior to ever doing it. I lost 22 to gain 38 back. It wreaks havoc on you metabolism. Just work your sleeve, it's all you need
  21. Hi All, I feel like complete poo today, AWFUL. I feel dizzy, tired, hot and my temp is 100.4. I'm completely freaking out!! I just want to cry and crawl into a ball, I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack thinking I'm having a leak or something. Is this normal for 4 days out? what do I need to watch for for a leak? I'm so FREAKING scared because I had such a hard time with the recovery in the hospital. I'm dreading that it could be a leak and they may have to operate again. I know shoulder pain but how do I know when it's just gas or more? fast heartbeat...well I'm freaking myself out :confused::confused:. It is possible that I cought something on the plane home as I was FREEZING and shivering the entire time!! Someone please help, I'm not looking forward to having to go to the local hospital and tell them about my surgery in Mexico! Help! Thanks!
  22. So I'm clear for cream soups and pudding and I don't want either LOL. I have to say the hungries have cooled way down. I'm not really hungry anymore and when I think I am I start to eat some pudding and I can only get down a few bites and them I'm so done with it. It says small pieces of watermelon; I just tried that and I was able to get about an ounce down and it was OK....it just doesn't taste right. I'm REALLY craving eggs:drool: my wonderful husband made Soupy (our homemade Italian cured salami: Soppressata) and eggs and OMG, it smelled like heaven. I just want the egg forget the Soupy! EMMMM EGGGGGG. I can't wait, ten more stinking days:thumbdown: On the plus side I'm down 16lbs WOOT WOOT!!
  23. OK so I found some really good info in a PDF about post-op diet http://www.sleeveguide.com/uploads/1/7/9/4/1794785/dietguidevged42006feb.pdf Tons of good info and the same post-op diet as aceves, as far as how long we need to do liquids.
  24. The V8 is listed here: http://verticalsleevetalk.com/pre-op-post-op-diets/1822-dr-aceves-information.html post #4 It's under Dr. A's info so I assumed it was right since we could have Jello at day 6. Maybe it's wrong:confused: The V8 is working for me so I'll continue. I'm totally ready to move to mushies...yummmm cottage cheese. I love cottage cheese and yogurt too! I seriously am so hungry and would just love to eat some yogurt, cottage cheese, and Soup. The cottage cheese isn't until day 21 so I'm SO sad about that. I think maybe the cream Soups may be harder for our stomachs to break down...hence the waiting until day 11? I'm just confused and don't understand...I think I'm going to look into it a bit.
  25. Alish

    So mad at my PCP *vent alert*

    I'm afraid of this when I speak to my PCP. I'm prepared to ask him what HE knows about surgery in Mexico? Don't judge something you are completely uneducated about. I mean really, do they have any idea about surgery in Mexico, no they don't, so the fact that they judge it is just outright stupidity. Stupidity makes me sick, and I'm not looking forward to dealing with it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
