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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by daisey22

  1. daisey22

    Doc has strongly suggested RNY

    Hi there, I had the same I wanted the band but the surgeon said to have the roux and y, it shocked me I am about the same size as you slightly larger BMI 42. I had the op last Thursday, first two days I can't remember because of the morphine, I came home yesterday 4 days post op but I felt terrible, didn't know what to do with myself. This morning I was able to go to the loo and felt much much better, it seems the gasses play havok. I must admit yesterday I wished I didn't have it done but now I am comfortable. Not able to drive a car for 6 weeks and need to self inject a blood thinner for two weeks, little things I didn;t know about. On the ward there was a nurse who had the band done and she lost 4 stone then her band got a leak and she put all the weight back on plus a stone. She then had the roux and y done and now has lost 5 stone since may. I know it is a big surgery but if the surgeon suggests it he knows best and speaking to lots of people will help. I can't advise on the band as I don't know enough about it but I have seen people go from the band to the roux and y. I wish you well and by the time you have the op I will be feeling great and have lost a lot and can tell you what it is like. Jane:tt1:
  2. daisey22

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    i am around 18 stone I think, i wont weigh myself but my clothes are still fine and fit if not a little loser. I gave up catering as I was in an accident and had my back fused so I am used to major surgeries had 4 in total and a lot of minor ones. Due to not being able to move a lot my weight went up by another 3 stone and I can't get it off so it is my last and final hope to be slim again. I cant wait until I can say I have just been banded and I am sore :tongue: Good luck and you will be a size ten in no time!!!!! if thats what you want of course. Regards Jane
  3. daisey22

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    well done testa!!!!! I was a chef for 21 Years and then an NVQ assessor took its toll on my body tho :cursing: you must be sooooo happy even if your a bit sore.
  4. daisey22

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi MissWilde, I am going to chichester on the 25th April for my first consultation, then the dreaded 5 month wait, so you will be 5 months ahead of me. Guy is the one seeing me so pls keep me updated on how you do. I can't wait. My email jane@orpchiro.co.uk Cheers..
  5. daisey22

    how long on nhs waiting list

    so pleased for u janice, i got my funding approved in december but our PCT then insist i wait 3 months for my intitial appointment and then there must be a 5 month wait so I am looking at August maybe, I will have then been pushing them for 1 year and 4 months. I wish u luck well done. :smile::tt1:
  6. daisey22

    Nov banding

    I wont get my initial appointment until around march, then surgery about 5 months later by which time you will be a stunner! same as you i have tried every thing but had two spinal surgeries and therefor cant move around a lot. I still try but I am not getting anywhere fast but due to complications during my surgery my surgery has been funded which is a great bonus but a long wait. I won't even buy clothes now, I am just waiting now. To me it is very important I have heard that Somers is a gem and I am pleased that I have been referred to him. I live in Kent where are u? It seems we both have the same amount of weight to lose, still think u have done fantastic so far. Cheers J:lol:
  7. daisey22

    Nov banding

    wow, I wish I could go private, three stone is great I have 6 to lose that would put me half way. Well done, let me know how you get on I am very interested. Cheers D:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
  8. daisey22

    uk members

    Don't let others get you down, they are not living the life you are. You are so close now - many would wish to be in your shoes. Chin up and go for it, two friends of my friend had it done and they both look stunning now! My ex husband is very negative, as if I care what he thinks. You are going to have a new leash of life and will feel and look so much better and most of all be healthier before the summer. I can't wait, I go to sleep every night with a smile on my face thinking I am another day closer and I won't be banded until August. Good luck for the 29th and let us know how you get on :whoo:Daisey
  9. daisey22

    Another newbie

    I spoke to the hospital today and for our trust is works like this...here you have to have the funding in place to even get to see the specialist so the GP does the run up to funding work and then the specialist does the rest. I was told that from the date of my funding I have to wait 3 months for the appointment to see the specialist so that will be March and then after that the list is about 5 months for surgery. So I am looking at 8 months for it all to be done. I was a little disappointed but im a very lucky to get it, my BMI is 43 which in their eyes is not too high compared with some cases. I kept saying over x mas this is my last one fat but it looks like it will be the next one but nothing can wipe the smile off my face now :whoo:
  10. daisey22

    How can you get financial help?

    in my case things are going kinda the other way round, i went to my GP explained that I had tried all sorts and that I had been on this site and followed several peoples journey and that this was my last hope. He had no idea who to contact so he referred me to the local surgeon only for the PCT to put a spanner in the works they wanted to see my visits to a dietitian - records of any slimming pills I used etc etc etc. The GP called me into his office and I went to see a dietitian who actually said there was not all that much she could do so she sent me back to the GP. I left with my head hanging low and put my flat up for sale to pay for the operation, this done I got a letter 2 days before x mas that they have agreed my funding. So don't lose hope even when you think it is all over! I have now got to take the property off the market again tomorrow - mad world isn't it. Like the others say, keep pushing and don't give up. I emailed the specialist who has told me to call the office on the 7th and he would try to get me in quickly as the funding was already in place. Daisey:clap2:
  11. daisey22

    uk members

    I had an email today saying that I could have the first appointment private and it would not put my funding at risk. I am a bit confused though I received a letter saying that the PCT have approved my operation and the PCT have referred me to Mr Somers, does the hospital then have to apply to the PCT again? I am not sure how it all works but I would happily sell up to fund it my life is more important. Yes MS is awful, Mark is in a wheelchair and I moved in with him to care for him until I hurt my back and had to have 2 major spinal surgery in the past 3 years. So now we have a carer for both of us and due to lack of exercise I have not been able to shift the weight and depression doesn't help at all. My kids don't really have a life as we can never do things with them anymore so this surgery is very important not just for me but for the family. Daisey:)
  12. daisey22

    uk members

    Thankx Debbie, do you know if I can do the initial appointment private and then transfer to the NHS waiting list? I did this before with my back surgery and it just helped me get on the waiting list a bit quicker. My husband has severe MS and I can't care for him at the moment as my weight is causing me a lot of pain. Daisey
  13. daisey22

    Nov banding

    how long did you have to wait for your first appointment and then the surgery with Mr Somers. I have been referred and obviously can't wait :whoo:
  14. daisey22

    uk members

    Hi guys after your advise here a while ago I pushed my GP and I have now been given the funding by the PCT I have been referred to Shaw Somers as there is nothing local. I hope the appointment comes very soon. I am very happy and excited.
  15. daisey22

    Another newbie

    I got a letter yesterday saying the trust has authorized my funding and have referred me on to a specialist. Can they after this letter still change their minds or am I definitely on for the surgery. I have had the dietitian and weight loss pills through the GP but because of a back condition nothing worked and my GP re applied to the NHS trust for the funding. Fingers crossed I will not be messed around, they do not understand the psychological problems some of us have and messing people around only adds to the pain and lack of self esteem some of us suffer from.
  16. daisey22

    how long on nhs waiting list

    Hi Guys, I have just had the best x mas pressie ever, My funding has come through for my banding I have been referred to Mr Shaw Somers in Chichester. I too have severe back problems due to an accident and had surgery. This is a dream come true and I am going to get my life back. Has anyone else seen Mr Somers? I can't wait!!! yipeeeeeee
  17. daisey22

    The Worst Thing About Bein Fat

    What is the difference between the two bands? I have gone to the website to have a look, can't believe you have lost 10kg in a month!! what a difference a month can make. I truly hope I can be me again this time next year. How long was it to get an appointment and then the surgery? Daisey22
  18. daisey22

    The Worst Thing About Bein Fat

    The worse thing for me - I live abroad and I don't dare go home to see my friends as when I left I was slim. Over the years I kept saying I will go and see my friends again when I look good, until one day one of them died and I will never be able to see her again. Being overweight has taken so much from me. I am now looking at going private as the NHS is going to waste another two years of my life. I am looking for a good surgeon around here - any recommendations? I dream of looking good again...
  19. daisey22

    any side effects?

    I am trying my hardest to get my GP to put me forward for banding, he did refer me but our trust now has a whole procedure I must go through first. I had to see a dietitian - although I have followed many diets. She said I wasn't really eating too badly so sent me back to the GP. may I mention that I have had spinal surgery and have problems burning up anything I eat as I can't exercize as I am always in a lot of pain. During the surgery my nerves were damaged and I can't feel my bowel. The GP took the next step, Rimonaband a diet pill, this made me sick but worse of all I became incontinent as I had permanent diahrroea and with not feeling the bowel it was awful. I cried for days and would not leave the house. My fear is will I have the same problem with the lapband? My GP is now going to try and put me in for the surgery again as it is the last option for me now. I am just so scared about the side effects. Can anyone comment on this please. Has anyone else had any problems with the NHS trying to get this done? :help:Daisey x
  20. daisey22

    any side effects?

    Hi, I can handle constipation, I take the Aloe vera drink every morning and it just keeps it fine. I cant handle the other as with having no feeling, there is no warning and not enough time to get to a loo. I dream of the day where I will be normal again. I know this sounds bad but I don't want to live like this and I have tried just about everything. Thank you for your reply, Daisey22:rolleyes:
  21. daisey22

    uk members

    Thanks for your reply, I would love to go private if I had the funds. I am now registered disabled (I can walk though) and my husband has MS and is in a wheelchair. So money is kinda tight. For years I felt it must be me but the GP has finally seen that I desperately need help. I will write a letter too, it may well help. Cheers Jane
  22. daisey22

    uk members

    Hi I am from Kent, morbidly obese and still trying to get an appointment with a specialist, not much luck so far as the funding is a problem here. I don't have a problem with food, I eat when I am hungry but I have a health problem and can't burn the food I do intake I have maintained this weight for a long time but I just can't lose it. I am hoping that with the band I can just reduce my portions to the minimum and get this rotten weight off me. I feel like a skinny person trapped in a wrong body - anyone else feel like that? Daisey22:think
  23. How are you getting on? would love to know Regards Daisey22
  24. I went to see my GP last week, explained what I would like to have done. I actually have a chronic backproblem so he knows it would be benefitial to me. He has written to a Mr Boyle immediatly as he hopes he will be able to help me, if not put me in the right direction. I will keep a diary of every move in this route of getting banded as it will help others. Cheers, Very Hopeful Daisy
  25. daisey22

    Any other London bansters out there?

    Is he good, is he friendly? how did you get on, are you glad you have done it? I have 6 stone to lose how are you progressing. Does he require the pre op diet like the shakes etc? I can't wait to have it done but I want to make sure I am going to the right person. Thanks for your reply..

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