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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SouthernSleever

  1. SouthernSleever

    scared, leak, please help!

    No advice but I'm thinking of you and I hope you heal up quickly!
  2. SouthernSleever

    Eating and Drinking Too Much

    I can almost take the same size drinks as I could preop. Infact the only time I feel pain is if I'm drinking and I think "OMG I just had surgery that was too big a drink" then I feel pain but the other 2/3 of the cup when I forgot I was postop goes down fine. It's a lot easier with warm drinks so I'm drinking decaf coffee with sugar free syrup in it.
  3. SouthernSleever


    That is so awesome. Size 10 jeans?!?!? <cheer!>
  4. SouthernSleever


    It doesn't make sense to me to eat 3 meals a day with 2-3 bites. There isn't a way to get in your needed nutrition for your body to function well. If we are doing exersice to make our bodies stronger we are using up more calories. The reason we got this surgery is we aren't listening to our bodies. We don't pay attention to full signs or hunger signs. With the smaller stomach we have to pay much more attention. It only makes sense that each person's eating habits should depend on the amount of activity, the amount they are able to get, and their calorie goals. It is a very personal number. I, myself, will never eat 3 meals a day. I have learned through Nutrition classes long before hearing about this surgery and my sucessful attempts at weight loss that my body and my mind do better at 5 small meals or "grazing" as some call it. Like the previous poster I also, before surgery, would eat a little something before going shopping or to a party so I didn't feel the need to over indulge. I'm glad to hear everyone's experiences though!
  5. SouthernSleever

    Top 10 Reasons

    1. So I don't develop diabetes and have my legs cut off like my aunts and uncles 2. So I can have more energy to play with my kids and set a good example for them 3. I am sick of buying overpriced ugly fat clothes 4. I want to know what it feels like to be thin and not have my world revolve around food 5. To be able to get a job because I'm the best, instead of being looked over for my weight.
  6. Anyone have an update on how she is doing? I'm sure her hubby is just overwhelmed with all this.
  7. SouthernSleever

    Don't sign up with Gold's Gym...

    I'd tell them that unless they provide a signed copy of my contract where this is all stated then I will be taking them to court to recover the charges they put on my bill and any bank charges resulting from that.
  8. I don't want to jinx myself but I'm feeling like my old self 5 days out. I sleep on my stomach, no nausea or fatigue. The only thing I'm doing a little different is I'm not drinking sugar free. I don't like artificial sweetners and I'm nursing my little one. I don't want him getting all those chemicals. I'm just sipping all day on Coconut water, gatorade, and fruit juices.
  9. SouthernSleever

    The Husband

    If he is a good man otherwise I would tell him "I am doing this for me, not for you. If you would like to support me that would be great. If not, don't say anything at all." You can get all the support you need right here from us.
  10. SouthernSleever

    Drain Removal

    Didn't hurt but felt like they were pulling a snake out of my stomach lol
  11. SouthernSleever

    The Husband

    It's not about him, it's about you. He better straighten his butt out cause after you have this surgery there will be no reason to put up with his BS.
  12. Wow! 18 lbs! That's crazy! I haven't even stepped on the scale since I got home which was only an hour ago :) You are doing great girl, KEEP IT UP!

  13. SouthernSleever

    Post Op Back pain

    My surgery went great. I had a hernia and Dr Aceves said that can cause some back pain. They gave me a muscle relaxer earlier and I've felt much better since. Keeping down fluids fine and most pain is gone! I'm excited to get home and see my babies tomorrow!
  14. SouthernSleever

    Woah! Rough Day!!!!

    Friday is my VSG...I cannot believe it. I decided to keep my son out of school today so we could all spend the day together (incase I die and all. Morbid I know). We were doing running around had just a couple things to pick up. We went to the Chinese resturant to eat lunch since that's where my son wanted to go and I was surpised at how many things I could eat. Opened my fortune cookie "Today is your lucky day". Went by starbucks and ordered my 3carb coffee decaf that I had been craving and went on my way when BAM a huge Dodge Ram truck slams into the back of me. Me and my husband go flying forward and then slam back in our seats breaking the seats (yeah I need to lose weight) and pushing the seats back on our kids laps. Hubbys headrest even broke he hit so hard. This guy was going about 35 and never hit the brakes. My car is totally smashed in but everyone is okay other than neck and head pain from everyone. Had to drive the car home and go get a rental which took 4 hours. I'm at home now and my youngest just fell asleep. That means I wont get to tell him bye before I leave at 5am. Infact I just nursed him to sleep and that might have been my last nursing him I'm packing and super nervous. Like almost in tears nervous expecially reading all these post about how many troubles people are having post op. Keep me in your thoughts please. I'm headed to Mexico in less than 12 hours.
  15. So I had my surgery today with Dr Aceves. I was the 3rd to go out of the 4 of us here. I had a hernia so he repaired that for me and they didn't give me a spinal block because of a previous blood clot in my lungs. When I woke up from the surgery I was in OMG so much pain. Neither ankle surgery, my csection or my homebirth prepared me for that kind of pain. Right in the middle of my chest my stomach just below and my back were terrible. I think I didn't have any painmeds in my system when I woke up. Here I am 12 hours later. I've peed and went walking twice. I have this little yellow pouch that I could have sworn was Morphine but it isn't dripping into my line. Infact it's hard as a rock when you touch it. Dr campos if they gave me too much at one time it would make me sick to my stomach. I wish it were later in the day so I could speak to a DR or a nurse who spoke english. So that's my story so far. I cannot wait todrink something. I'm nodding off again.
  16. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery!!!
  17. SouthernSleever

    Gaming Sleevers

    Or I should say Gaming soon to be sleever in my case. So my game of choice is World of Warcraft on Azjol-nerub realm. I have an 80 priest, hunter, druid, warrior. I mostly PVE/raid but I've recently gotten into pvp with my priest almost to 1500 rating :001_smile: What about you?
  18. For right after surgery why are people drinking sugar free drinks/jello/popcycles? I hate artificial sweetners so I thought I would get some Vitamin water to drink Post-op but tons of ppl are drinking all this sugar free stuff. Is the sugar upsetting because surely you aren't getting enough calories from it to hurt.
  19. Arrived in Mexico today and everything has been great. I don't care for planes but they ladies that are being sleeved tomorrow, Ernesto, Dr Campos,and everyone else (I'm not great with names) have all been great. The preop testing went smoothly and the hospital is so clean. Seeing Dr Aceves in the AM and tomorrow night I should be sleeved! The hotel is wonderful and I can honestly say my last meal was the best meal I've had in months. I'm so excited for tomorrow!! BTW the Men here are amazingly attractive at the hospital!
  20. I've tried low carb before and it's been incredibly difficult. Friday I started my low carb diet for my VSG and I'm worried I'm not doing it right. I'm keeping carbs right at 30g/day but I don't feel weak or tired like I usually do on a lowcarb diet. I'm also not craving carbs at all. I fear I'm doing it wrong and my liver will be fatty :scared0:
  21. SouthernSleever

    Wait, why sugar free?

    I think page 118 is pretty much what we all know. Long term I wouldnt' drink full strength apple juice or orange juice since I dont' do that now. I mix it with Water but I wonder if it might be good for all the energy ppl are saying they are lacking in the first few weeks. From what I've read fruits are slow sugars and as long as you pair a food with a high gycemic index with a fat or Fiber it will keep your blood sugar under control. Of course that wouldn't apply till you could actually eat solid foods but I think at that point you rely less on artificial sweetners anyway and more on protien, veggies, and if you have room fiber foods.
  22. Hey Deb, I had a PE in 2003 I was smoking, on birthcontrol, and had a left ankle fracture which left me in a wheelchair for 3 weeks not to mention my obesity. I was on Coumadin/warfrin for about a month afterword. I told Dr Aceves about this and he wanted me to take lovenox for 2 days prior to surgery and 10 days after to prevent another clot. Soooo...the long winded answer is you should be fine, they will want you to continue your bloodthinners.
  23. Had this saved from when I first started researching Dr Aceves and since my surgery is Friday and Im leaving in just 9 hours (YIKES) thought I'd give it a bump!
  24. SouthernSleever

    Getting Sleeved FRIDAY!!! October 8th!

    Who is doing your surgery?
  25. I cannot believe we can count down the HOURS till we are sleeved! O!M!G!

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