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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by lil.ole.me

  1. I hear ya, you can only have so much Jello, yogurt and pudding....glad to hear your doing good!

  2. Things are staying down better than before, just taking it slow. Still feel the need to chew...

  3. Doing ok here...how are you?

  4. Doing ok here...how are you?

  5. Doing ok here...how are you?

  6. Doing ok here...how are you?

  7. Doing ok here...how are you?

  8. Hey there! Just wanted to say i will be sending prayers your way this week! Keep us all updated!

  9. Hey there! Just wanted to say i will be sending prayers your way this week! Keep us all updated!

  10. Hey there! Just wanted to say i will be sending prayers your way this week! Keep us all updated!

  11. Hey there! Just wanted to say i will be sending prayers your way this week! Keep us all updated!

  12. Hey there! Just wanted to say i will be sending prayers your way this week! Keep us all updated!

  13. Hey there! Just wanted to say i will be sending prayers your way this week! Keep us all updated!

  14. Well Hello Miss Catyroses,

    I cant help answering your question about what to expect after surgery because I am not scheduled until April 19th, thought we could share some thoughts, fears, excitements before our date! Write back let me know!

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