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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kirasoma

  1. I was so excited to have a roux n y surgery, I think I danced my way into the surgery room. I was happy , not nervous, just so excited to start my new life. Kissed my loved ones and said , see you later. Little did I know , later was going to be much different then i thought. When I finally did wake up from my surgery I was still in recovery and not in my own room , like they had promised. They were taking the thing out of my throat, and telling me to wake up, wake up. Now I was under the impression , they had told me, that , when I awoke I would be in my room , and my loved ones would be there with me. Instead , they untied my wrists, kept telling me to wake up, because I had to go home. Mind you , it is not easy to wake up from a deep anesthetic, all that fast. and in fact took me six hours to get my oxygen levels up high enough for them to release me. When I had the chance , I took a peek down my gown and yup there were my prize holes from the laproscopic tools, so what was going on? The nurse happened to see me looking down my gown and put her face close to mine and said, " you didn't have the operation, the doctor couldn't do it, you have a scarred liver" WHAT WHAT ok, it's been a month now , no surgery, no new life, no Jello, no Protein, no nothing. Except in two days I will have my second appointment with my liver specialist, who is so concerned about my liver, as well as I , but frankly, i want my surgery. I know I have to have a good liver , and I have been on pins and needles about it, but in the end , if the truth be told, just give me my surgery. :cursing:) please I am an older girl, and it had taken me ten years to make up my mind to do this , and what did I get, well, probably a blessing. I do thank God in the end of this partial journey for leading me to this , otherwise, If the time came that it showed up in my blood tests, I would probably be at transplant stage, so this is certainly a blessing. I do count my blessings and I read solmewhere if the lord brings you to it, he'll bring you through it. I like that. I will add an update, soon.
  2. I am shocked and amazed that anyone would really care about my story, and so humbled . Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. I have some support from my family, but they do not really understand. I believe you all do, so it means a lot to me, more than you will ever know. i guess this means that you have all adopted me now :crying:) and I will certainly let you know what the next adventure will be. That is tomorrow , dun dun dun the liver dr, and the results dun dun dun. I do believe there is a reason for it all and I accept whatever God has in store of me, doesn't mean I have to like it hehe. Soon soon , just a matter of hours now, and honestly I am hoping for good results, and clearance. :001_tongue:
  3. post script, reason for being here, hoping to have the sleeve.

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