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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JudyJudyJudy

  1. Do you have pictures of yourself after these wraps? I've been told that nothing helps sagging skin, that it's either live with it or have a tummy tuck etc. Does this really work? and how much does it cost. Most of us can't afford such things. It was everything we could do, to have the surgery.
  2. JudyJudyJudy

    My poor boyfriend

    Well, I'm with you. He should NOT eat that stuff in front of you, it's just down right disrepsectful. It's like an alcoholic trying not to drink and a freaking bar! He should eat those things away from you, not in your face. I mean being strong is on things, and I commend you for that, but dayum, he should do better, and think of YOU, and what your going through. I've been through the same thing, and it's not fun. I don't like it at all! But your success IS up to you! Don't let him drag you down, or keep you for doing what you need to do for yourself. some me don't want change, and they will do what ever they have to, to stop it. Don't let that happen! Take control of YOU!
  3. JudyJudyJudy


    I know how you feel, I'm 11 months out, and I've only lost 50 lbs. I'm happy to have lost that, but it's not nearly what I had hoped for. I just don't want to start going backwards. I WAS going to the Gym 3 times a week religiously, but now that I have a new job, now where near a Gym that has stopped. The only exercise I get now is walking. I hate that, but there is not a lot I can do about it other than create my own workouts at home, and continue to walk. I started out at 235 and I'm at 185. I went from a size 20 to size 14 which is great, but I was hoping for a 10- 12 by now. I'm not giving up, but it is going slow. Plus I'm not eating right. It is way too easy to go back to the same old habits. I can eat 8 ozs now. I never expected to go beyond 6 but here I am. Over all I'm happy with my weight loss. It has certainly changed my life, but I would like to loose more. I've just got to work harder at it. Keep you chin up girl, all is not lost. Never give up. Boy friends come and go, but there is only ONE you. IF he don't like the ride, he can get off any time. Keep doing what your doing, the weight WILL come off. It took me 6 months to loose 50 lbs. and I've not lost any since then. But I"m not giving up by any means. We all go through good and bad times. DON"T GIVE UP!
  4. JudyJudyJudy

    Really Disappointed

    I hate this, it's NOTHING like it used to be. I can't even navigate this. Where are the new posts? How do you find people? WHat about updated pictures? I can't find any of the people I used to know here. I don't like this at all. PLEASE BRING BACK THE WAY IT WAS!!!!
  5. JudyJudyJudy

    The new me

    From the album: Judy Now

  6. JudyJudyJudy

    53 lbs. down

    From the album: Judy Now

  7. JudyJudyJudy

    Bill and I on Vacation in Michigan

    From the album: Judy Now

  8. JudyJudyJudy

    Me and My Hubby

    From the album: Judy Now

  9. JudyJudyJudy

    1 year out today

    awesome, fabulous, terrific, supurb, way to go girl!!!!!
  10. JudyJudyJudy

    How much does the sleeve really stretch??

    I can eat 4 to 6 ounces of protein foods like Chili w/beans, fish, chicken salad, etc. I can eat much more in slider foods like cheese it's, cheeto's etc. because they are made of nothing...and end up like mush in your tiny stomach. That is why I can eat more of those, but I've totally stopped that completely because I was going in a bad direction...old habits creaping up on me. I could eat a Jr. Hamburger from Sonic for 1.00. But that would be my entire meal for lunch. I've had to stop that too, because of the carbs. in the bread. I don't feel my stomach has stretched...it's just the foods you choose. Chips, crackers, chocolate, etc..go down easy, and you can eat more of them. Solid protein foods fill you up and keep you full much much longer. My Dr. explained to me that the part of the stomach the the sleeve is made of, is the toughest part of the stomach. It has the most muscle, to it dosen't stretch like the lower part of the stomach. I believe that....Just make the best choices you can....eat smart....don't eat junk. I WAS eating junk for a while and I gained 5 lbs...in 2 weeks...that just devestated me...and I'm back on track now....And I'm staying on it.
  11. JudyJudyJudy

    Weight regain with VSG?

    Everyone is different....just DON'T be that person...the sleeve is different...you can't stretch it out like other surgeries as far as I know. You WILL be different....YOU WILL SUCCEED...just allow it to happen..and stop reading such negitive post....be the positive one like our beloved Tiffykin's....you'll be fine....just stay possitive!!!!
  12. JudyJudyJudy

    My APRON ----UGHHHH!!!!

    I have an apron, to too bad, but bad enough. I've lost 52lbs and it's still there...It may always be there unless I have it removed. I look great in clothes but when I come out of them...there it is...still there...smaller...but still there. It is frustraiting...but what do you do? I also have sagging arms and thighs....Still I'd rather be 52 lbs. lighter than were I was 5 months ago. I'm GOOD!!! :thumbup:
  13. JudyJudyJudy

    Hair loss started today

    I'm 4 months out and my hair is falling out. I too have very thick hair, so I'm not worried about it. I do get plenty of protein but it's still coming out. In the shower, on my brush, all over my clothes. I have to rake the bathroom floor with my fingers to get all the hair up after blow drying. Because my hair is so thick, I'm used to it falling out. But this is way more that usual. I'm told it temorary, and will start new growth in a couple months.
  14. JudyJudyJudy

    Hi from Louisiana

    Hi, I had my surgery In December 1st 2009. At that time it cost 13,950.00. That encludes everything. You have to put down a small down payment if your self pay like 250.00 if I remember correct. I really like Dr. Ballenger. He is a great Dr. He's not real talkative, but does an exellent job. I've had NO complications what so ever. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself. I wouldn't change a thing. I've lost 48 lbs in 4 months. I am not looking for super fast weight loss. My progress maybe slower than some, but I'm very happy with it. My Insurance did not pay for my surgery. I was lucky enough to have inheireted enough money from my beloved Grandfather to pay for the surgery. He would have wanted this, and I know he would have approved. They do have a payment plan, but because I didn't have to use it, I don't know much about it. But if I had to do it that way, I would, no doubt. It's worth every penny. My husband would not hear of me going out of the country, so I had to give up that idea. Best of luck to you !!! Judy:blush:
  15. JudyJudyJudy

    Woohooo... losing again!

    I am a very slow looser too. I've lost only 48 lbs in 4 months. But that does average 12 lbs per month. Not too bad. However the last two months have been really slow....back and forth 3 lost, 3 gain...constantly...SIGH....I work out, I eat right, I take all my pills properly. Yet I loose VERY slowly. I started out at 235, and am now 187. I've gone from size 20 to size 14. I'm very happy with my results...just wish sometimes it wouldn't go so slow. You will have ups and downs...so get ready for it. You just have to try different things, and experiment with food., change your work out, Change your calorie intake, etc. Keep up the good work !!! Congrats on loosing again!!!!
  16. JudyJudyJudy

    Scared to death!

    Every one goes through fears, it's not unusual. For "Me" this surgery was SOOOO easy. If you think about it, all surgeries are dangerous. Having a child is dangerous. We could all die at any moment of our lives, crossing the street, driving to work. Obesity is another form of slow death. Everything about this surgery will improve your life 10 fold. Sure the first month is hard, but so is the first month after having a child, or the first month of a new job, or the first month of a new school. Or the first month of marriage or anything new or different. Question is, do you have the courage to take the chance to save you life! Don't be afraid, think of the possitive effects. Think of how you'll feel when you look in the mirror and love what you see. I'm 100 days out, and I"ve lost 45 lbs. I'm in size 16, I go to the Gym 3 days a week. And I feel better than I've felt in 15 years, not only physically, but how I feel about "myself". Everything will be alright. Surgery is fast and will be over before you know it. And you'll think back on this and think "what was I so scared of?". Stop thinking the worst....think the best.....!!!!!! Hang in there girl.
  17. JudyJudyJudy


    From the album: Judy Now

  18. JudyJudyJudy

    The new Me

    From the album: Judy Now

  19. JudyJudyJudy

    Judy 3

    From the album: Judy Now

  20. JudyJudyJudy

    Judy 1

    From the album: Judy Now

  21. JudyJudyJudy

    Judy 2

    From the album: Judy Now

  22. JudyJudyJudy


    From the album: Judy Now

  23. Ok Girls....now that I've lost a little bit of weight, I'm starting to get the saggies ( sagging belly and bat wings). Does this ever go away? I work out 4 times a week. I do all kinds of cruches, pool exercises, swinning, weight lifting, ab machines, and dance classes. Will this help that saggies? I'm 48 years old, do I have any hope of this skin shrinking much? Although I'm very happy with my weight loss, and feeling better, and getting in smaller clothes, the skin thing is a bit of a let down (no pun intended) HA!!! Any solutions, other than surgery? a-waiting enncourageing hope......:001_tongue: Judy
  24. JudyJudyJudy

    I made it to Onederland!!!!!!

    Totally awesome man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantasitcal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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