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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by carolyn24seven

  1. Good to know we can all have: 1. a bad day and get over it. (with juicy treats no less)

    2. good grooming cures all. (I am all better after massage and new hair~do)

    3. just because we are "mixed" up, does not mean we cannot win overall.

    Great messages to take from our fuzzy friends.

    I am now a "forever fan' of BF's.

    Give him a juicy treat from his fans at VST! :}]

  2. Joon:re:water. get some crystal lite mix. When you drink the flavored water it satisfies thirst better. ? I do not know why. I used to love to just drink a whole bottle of Water too and now I can't I miss it. But, I did find the additive helps with the thirst. There is a Kellogs Protein water additive, a strawberry lemonade flavor one that I like.

    You will be able to take a drink, not just sip eventually. go slow and enjoy the journey.:001_tongue:

  3. Welcome InternetAngel. you will find a bunch of support here. I lurked for months before posting also. Getting my courage up I guess. I am so thankful for this board. I have learned to use my new tool, and not hurt myself. and, have been able to vent a bit too. Mostly I wind up seeing the humorus side to things, which is a relief!

    Happy to have a new sleeve sister.

  4. Tiffy: that was a great NSV. I had posted but not in this place. So sorry if you all havealready read this but here goes.

    Friday after thanksgiving we were going togo to the show and meet friends after. I had to try on 8 different things to find one thing that was acceptable. Then on Saturday I was wearing just my regular jeans and top and I was working in the kitchen and walking back and forth to the dinning room (putting stuff away) any way hands full and all my pants started sliding down. Now, get a mental picture of this please, my hubby is up on a step ladder putting the bowls and large platters away for me and here I come with my arms full and there go my pants! I am trying to do the legs wide apart so they don't fall off, and so I am just waddling. histerical. just crazy fun. After the moments (several) had passed, my hubs said I was to go shopping and get some pants that are tight. Tight enough to last until the next stage. He is sure a believer now in the sleeve. So, walking out of your pants is fun. I laughed so hard and long my sides still hurt on Sunday. Sunday when I went and got 2 new pairs of pants.

    Hubby said good thing I was not wearing thoes jeans when we went out last night! duh!

    Glad you had a great time with your Hubs too. Thoes moments lead to such great celebratory fun. heehee

    turtles and blondes: you get us on our backs and we are both screwed.

  5. Glad youhad a safe trip. Bonus about the -6lbs.WOW. I thought we stopped loosing that much in one week after the 2nd month.

    I lost 1 lb.I weighed on Wed and then again on Fri. Honestly, the normal binge foods just did not taste that good to me. I litteraly had one bite of pumpkin pie. I am back to drinking coffee again. I use FF hazelnut Creamer. I only get a half cup down now before it gets cold. I could not drink the wine they gave me. I tried, 2 sips, just did not go down well. Hubby saved me, he drank it. lol. Hope everyone did well over T day. glad you are back Tif.

  6. Great story. Thanks for the reminder.

    I walked out of my pants two days ago!

    Hubby said I Had to go shopping and get some pants!

    I am laughing so hard at that statement. HE never wants me to go shopping.

    I think pants falling off by themselves is a great NSV.

    Not one I ever thought I would experience.

    Amazing journey!

  7. Welcome Katrina. Let us know when you get your surgery date. We all get together and send hugs and best wishes and pray. You will feel the great vibes coming your way!

    We are glad to have you join us. I am glad to hear you have a good support system.

    Congratulations on loosing thoes 38 lbs.

    You will do well with the sleeve.

  8. Have a great trip. You will be feeling well by then. Eating "regular" foods. So, travel will not be a problem "sleeve-wise".

    Here is the problem I forsee for you. Clothes. Seriously, after 6 weeks they are falling off of you. I was not going to buy any new clothes until I got to the size 10 or 12.

    H A !

    You will not want to be walking around in "clown" pants. And, they fall off sometimes.

    I just went and bought 2 pair of size 16 (on sale at least). And 2 14/16 tops. Most of my 18/20 tops are ok. Dooable anyway. but, NONE of the 20/22 items are wearable with out laughing. (or being laughed at!) You would think streachy items would do, but, they really aren't as they get so long and hang funny. It is a good problem to have, but, dealing with it on a trip??? Hummm, might be a challenge. Maybe just take a couple of things that are too tight now and they may fit then?

    I wish you the best of luck. It is worth it no matter the challenge.

    Go on your trip! Enjoy.

  9. yes I am. I can feel it in my pants, every thing is so loose. Loving it. I just did the waist because it was there and I like to "see" results . I am not tracking anything else. Have too much to do with the Protein count and Water and exercize. Enough wiht all the journaling already. How is the weather in Riyadh? R U military? I have been told Afganistan is down to 20 at night. For a california raised girl, that is cold for November. My source is not complaining, he has just learned not to drink after 6 PM.

    (tent heated, latrine not)

  10. Carmalized pork, humm that sounds tasty. I am making Lyonaise potatoes right now. I will post the recipie if it turns out good. Did you see the recipie for baked ricotta? I missed it but it got rave reviews. I am all about the fresh ingrediants right now. I am a taste connussier. ha

    I do not like spicy. I like savory. post recipies please.

    Everyone should try the squash souffle it is easy and wonderful. I will be making it many times this Christmas season. Great dish to take to a party.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
