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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by stoongal

  1. Sounds like you are doing really well!

    Glad to hear you are adjusting to this procedure nicely and the weight loss is super! Congratulations. Watch out for stalls soon though ~sigh~ they frustrate us all but eventually the weight starts to come off again. Dense meat is hard to get down so do stop after 2 ozs to see if you should put the rest away or not, I love the meats but it is so easy to overeat and feel miserable for anhour afterwards that you can't even sip any liquids. Still haven't thrown up but sometimes wish I could!

    good luck on the solids!



  2. Hello all, my surgery is scheduled for November 26th at Star Medicia Hospital in Jaurez . I'm alittle bit nervous but also excited at the same time. I have been doing will on my pre-op diet. My beginning weight was 274, but as of this morning my weight was 259. Can you one tell me what to expect after my surgery and their experience in the hospital in Juarez?

    Please keep me in your prayers as I embark on this life changing event.

    Yes, it is a life-changing event, but you will be fine afterwards more than likely. They really emphasize good service in the hospitals in Mexico as their reputations are so important. I had mine in TJ, end of Sept. and enjoyed the whole thing immensely. The only thing that to me was worse than anything else was the removal of the drain on the third day post-op. Mine had to have been stuck between organs or something as everyone else said it wasn't that bad for them. But was pretty horrible to me! Lasts only for about 10 minutes though and after that I was tickety-boo!

    Went shopping first then to the casino (I blew $5 there) and then to the ocean after that so was not a lasting thing for sure!

    Do keep in touch and let us know how it all goes for you!



  3. I take Ibuprofen 800 - not 4x a day or not even every day, but if I have pain in my knees (I'm pretty much bone-on-bone) I will take an Ibuprofen at bedtime to help me sleep - I have not had any side effects from it whatsoever.

    Vegas, can your doctor prescribe some Nu-naproxin for you? That is what I took for years before my knee replacemants, 375 mg morning and evening kept the inflammation (and consequently much of the pain) down to a manageable level. Ibuprofen helps mask the pain but the naproxin also manages what causes the pain, as one Dr. put it, so I opted for that. You have over the counter Aleve there which is not as strong but better than nothing (contains naproxin as well) Worth a try for the knee!



  4. And for the best value, check out Dr. Almanza at the Emmanuel Medical in TJ. MX.

    Number is 1 8666 806 4286, you can get the same procedure done for around $5000, I believe and the care is suberb! All inclusive as well, you only need to take your personal items! Everything else is paid for! I went there end of Sept and was so pleasantly surprised how excellent it was for the money as I was self-pay on a tiny pension. Now my daughter and sister are going for their sleeves there in January as it is affordable when you have to take out a loan! Doesn't hurt to ask!



  5. My insurace will not cover the sleeve so I have to pay out of pocket for the procedure. The surgeon I have spoken to quoted me 13665.00 for the procedure, plus an additional 500 for the consult, nutr. & psych. I know some of you have went to Mexico for the procedure and I was wondering if you could tell about how much the sleeve procedure cost there.

    I know all of us feel strongly that our surgery experiences were the best. I also know from my experience that Dr Almanza has tons of sleeve surgeries under his belt and that he is meticulous with details and was a very good choice for so many of us - there are several specials going on right now that cost only $5000 - $5500 with him as the surgeon. I got in on one of those specials end of Sept and it cost me only $5000. So it does pay to ask around when you are self-pay, as I am now having a debt to pay down at more than $400 a month. A lot when one is a pensioner, but could have been SO MUCH MORE with another surgeon.

    Call the Emmanuel Medical number toll free at 1-866-806-4286 for more info and to see if you can qualify for a good special like I had.



  6. That is so great KyHen!! It feels good to reach such a goal! I was so happy too when it happened to me except for a few days it seesawed back and forth with 200 again. Now that I am firmly at 195 I feel it is safe to say that the 200's are behind me forever now! Anyhoo, congratulations for reaching that milestone and so soon too!



  7. I remember having those injections after my knee replacement surgeries last year!

    I hated them too as they left so many bruises. I know I stopped them long before I was told to (the rebel in me) and now I have a stockpile of them here (in case - I tell myself - of a heart attack or something like that) That scares me a lot because my dad had his first heart attack in his late 40's and died at 56 after a massive one. Mom died of congestive heart failure at 75 after years of poor health with kidney dialysis among that so am determined to outlive them and maybe even my husband who is a year younger than I am. I want to live to be an old, old woman - and a slim healthy one!



  8. Is there any way your bank can extend you or your dad a line of credit? I did that as I too have an excellent credit rating and got my loan for 4.25% interest. My sister got one on her mortgage and got it for 2.5% interest. Worth talking to the banks loan officer about it, you never know.



  9. Don't forget to have some fun while you are there! Well especially once you are back in the recovery house! lots of magazines and novels there to browse through and even a bunch of board games or just watch the guys on staff play dominoes!

    If they take you to the ocean, go down and get your feet wet! Be sure to make use of the free phone calls as well!

    Enjoy the experience! Stay positive!

    (Say hi to everyone there for me, will you?)

    I am assuming you will have access to a computer while there and can read all this..

    otherwise I am way too late...



  10. What the hell is a bowel prep? Like a laxative?

    They do want your bowels to be fairly empty Tara, so Dr Almanza usually has us do at leat 3 days of liquids and to take a laxative 3 days pre surgery date (but just once), and of course nothing to eat or drink after midnight before surgery.

    Those were my instructions anyway, you can always ask Shirley if there are any different ones for you though, not sure if it depends on your BMI or not. Probably not, but I am not sure.

    Hope that helps,

    Donna :)

  11. That would be awesome :blush: When are is your surgery again? my mom and i are trying to book between january 5th and 15th :D

    Hey Lauren

    I am Alison's mom and will be going to TJ in January with them. They have their surgeries scheduled for the 11th January and are flying down on the 10th (Sunday) and back home on the 15th (Friday)

    Hope to see you and your mom there!


  12. It is exciting! I am nervous about the details - I'm a detail chick... dut from what I read on these boards there is little regret. I am still looking for someone that has had their surgery in Costa Rica - haven't found anyone yet. Thanks for being encouragers!

    Actually there is one at least...His name on here is snates, he lives in Costa Rica and had his sleeve done there. Check him out under members at the top of the page here. Hope that helps,


  13. I have officially joined the "Losers Club" and I am so excited. I was sleeved on November 10 by Dr. Aceves. From the pre-opt diet to now I have lost 11lbs. Wow....Yah for me! Dr. Aceves and his team were wonderful. I still am experiencing some pain and lots and lots of gas. My only struggle is trying to ensure that I am getting all of my fluids in.

    Welcome home Jenn,:blush:

    So glad to hear all went well - we knew it would - and now you need to post some pics and keep us posted as you find things that work and things that don't!

    I still struggle getting in all my fluids, sigh! Just not used to having to drink this much this often, I keep forgetting as I get involved with what I am doing!

    The gas will lessen as time goes on, hopefully, if not chew some antacids or sip on milk. Burp lots it makes one feel better!

    For now, take it easy and one day at a time! Enjoy the experience!


  14. Hi All,

    I am now 4 week post-op and I am finding it near impossible to get food down. I would make a egg, and eat a little of it after which I will "burp" for the next 20 min and feel terrible.

    Tonight I had mash from Kentucky, but three teaspoons full and this was followed by the worst burning sensasion I have ever felt. It felt like my stomach was on fire. I manage to stop the sensation by sipping on tea (took about 60 min)

    At a meeting this weekend I picked up a crisp from the treats table, thought I would see what it does, and no problem what so ever - I did not even feel any discomfort.

    Obviously I am not doing the eating thing right. I was banded prior to sleeve and learning the eating pattern was easy, what am I not understanding - please help :blush:

    Any idea's on the cause of the incredible burning sensation would also be appreciated, first time I ever experienced this and that after such a small amount of mash ? It really felt like my stomach was on fire

    Thanks in advance


    I don't know what mash from Kentucky is being up here in Canada, but if you eat things that cause that burning sensation, chew several Tums or the chewable Calcium that acts as an antacid and see if that helps. Follow with a few sips of milk (skim of course). That should put out the fire!

    Yes crackers go down super well, if you do that, at least use whole wheat crackers (low-fat, low sodium preferred) so there is some food value there and spread some low fat cream cheese on it or salmon salad to get in more Protein. Makes a nice meal, three or so of those. Try eggs another week and if you do, make it a poached one. Must treat you new sized tummy like a baby - go slow with new additions, and at 4 weeks you are still in the early stages - have you tried fat-free cottage cheese yet? I eat it with chili to control the heat - works like a charm and is high in Protein as well. Goes nice with chopped up peaches.

    Hope this helps,


  15. My Highest weight was 245, I was miserable. That was when I did the Atkins diet, and it got me to the 225. And I've creeped bay up to 235.

    I'm really down today, Trying to get my blood pressure down is not easy.

    I've been taking meds, walking, eating better, but I've not gotten below

    140/88, that was my lowest reading. I went last week after sitting down at the automatic BP machines in a Local Pharmacy. It gave me great readings, I was so excited....then, I went for my offical reading at my Dr. it read 150/90. I was so deflated. I don't know what else to do.

    I'm taking Garlic pills, eating walnuts, everything I can think of to make it

    come down. Is there anything else I can do?

    Today I feel, weak, drowsy, no energy. What am I doing wrong? Will forcing myself to get up and take along walk help?

    The longer this goes on, the farther way I get from surgery, I just want

    to cry. I had a date....and it's gone. I could be in recovery right now, and

    maybe 20 lbs down. I'm soooooo, sad. I've got to get out of this funk.

    Something has got to change. I don't know what else to do.

    thanks for listening.



    Try this in the dr's office next time. Take three deep breaths - exhale slowly - feel yourself relaxing, go limp even, then let him take your blood pressure, close your eyes, and breathe deeply and exhale slowly when the cuff is slowly deflating. Its a good trick to slow your blood pressure.

    When you are anxious about the possible high reading, it is self-defeating, & it will be a higher reading. Sometimes called white-coat syndrome. (Dr.s make us anxious about the whole thing).

    If it is not down enough, ask him to take it again, maybe even three times, will yourself into deep breathing relaxation each time. It usually works!!



  16. mountain lover and Chancie,

    What was the physical therapy schedule for you? I am trying to see how to manage the time off from work. I could sit at my desk and have everything brought to me. My office is right next to the restroom and I know that my boss would allow me all the flexiblity needed to get to appts. I just can't be off for months. What was your weight when you had surgery if you don't mind me asking? I weigh 280 right now and am 5'3".

    Hi, I will chime in here too, I had two total knee replacement surgeries last year, one in April and the other in October. I weighed about 235 with the first and 227 with the 2nd. I am 5'2". I am one of those who are very resiliant after surgeries so may not be typical, but was up withing 24 hours in the hosp. with the walker and fetching things for the other patient in my room, wallking the halls the days after that, and home after 4 full days there. I live in a 4 level split, but made it down to meals (never missed in those days,lol) without the walker (does not do well on stairs) and just leaned on counters and tables while on the main level.

    Within 2 weeks I was babysitting again (albeit at my own house) I went to physical therapy once a week for about 6 weeks or so and was doing well there, and was driving my standard transmission car everywhere after only a month. Also had urinary stress incontinence then and was needing to go upstairs to where the bathroom was constantly, so got my stair climbing therapy the hard way! Thank God for the sleeve, incontinence gone after only 23 lbs lost! Yeah!

    Hope this helps somewhat in your time off schedule, you may not drive for 5-6 weeks so will need taxiing during that time, but a cane will do for much of it. I chucked the walker after the first 10 days!


  17. I am better since surgery. Do not know if it is becase of the weight loss or because my stomach is so much smaller and not pressuring my bladder? I do not have to wear a pad any more. No drips/leaks anymore. I pee normal. The surgery helped me in that reguard. I did not expect that little bonus!


    I feel exactly the same way! I never could go more than 2 hours during the day without running to the bathroom, now it is at least 4 hours, and it's true, no more leaking!

    Halleluia! A great bonus for me!


  18. Mine are:

    1: Enjoy the journey, the end results will be super, but getting there is so fun too! Enjoy and journal it even!

    2: Share the experience - the more people hear about this procedure, the better, you may help save someone else's life by your example and your testimony!

    3: Have a positive attitude, it helps in every aspect of your life, and especially with this new chapter in your life! Be grateful you found out and chose this in time!

    I know I am!



  19. Hi, I have never used a forum before so I hope this is ok.

    I live in the North of England, and I had my VSG op last wednesday,everything seems to be going well, wounds are healing well, and I am managing to eat & drink ok, and that it what is worring me, I seem to be able to manage everything too easily, already today for Breakfast I had 150ml of runny oatmeal, mid morning I had about the same amount of fat free yoghurt, and for lunch I had 2tbls of liquidised fish with parsley sauce with 1tbls mashed potato. None of these foods gave me any problems, does this sound ok for 1 week out of surgery ?:001_tongue:

    Yes, for many their new baby tummies can handle soft diets a week out, I was one of those too, I made lentil Soup (see recipe section) and lived on it all thru the second week, as well as applesauce, cottage cheese, babybel cheese, poached egg, and yogurt, anything to get some variety. Now at 6 weeks I am eating pretty normally, just not very much - can get in a whole Protein Bar and at 300 hundred calories, use them only for a treat. Some of my breakfasts now are a few Tbsps of cooked oatmeal (not runny) with blueberries (about a rounded Tbsp) and the same amount of hemp-hearts - full of essential oils and Protein. (IMO better than flax) I don't even add milk but do add a tsp sugar to make it more tasty. I had steak the other night (tenderloin done on the barbeque) a small portion only with a tiny bit of potato and several tbsps of peas. what a treat!

    So enjoy the adventure, if your tummy can handle the soft foods, I say go for it! I believe common sense should dictate our choices but early on we need to really chew well and go slow with new things.



  20. Aren't they great?

    I also have my first NSV.

    Last night I met a woman and I ended up telling her I had had weight loss surgery 6 weeks ago, and she said, with a look of shock on her face, "You don't even look like you need to lose weight!" I did have my coat on - but still that made me feel so good!

  21. Hi everybody ,

    I am just wondering , if I had the surgery in Mexico or any other country and came back to canada. Will the canadians drs take care of me If I developed any complications after few weeks of the surgery covered by MSP , I do have manulife extended health coverage as well.

    for all canadians , is there clinics here to follow up with other surgeons covered by MSP

    please help

    Your own local doctor will help with most anything, stitiches removal, infections, strictures - they will refer you if they can't handle it. I only needed my stitches removed, and am healing fine. Don't let them give you an antibiotic ointment though, best treat your oozing ports with soap and Water and spray on some Bactine or similar product , let air dry and re-bandaid, is all you need until any leakage is totally dried up. Ointments inhibit drying and clogs the ports - not concusive for deep healing. Our drs. don't understand that! LOL. My experience anyway.

  22. I am a man ( 6 1'' and 360 lbs ) which puts me with 47.5 BMI, I recently contacted a dr. in Syria and he advised me to do the VSG surgery anytime soon . I a originally from Lebanon Beirut and living in vancouver BC.

    The surgery will cost me 4000$ inclusing everything.

    I am just wondering if anyone here had the surgery done in Lebanon or Syria ?

    how much did the surgery cost u guys in total mentioning the country?

    if everything went fine , I will be doing the surgery by the end of Novermber and I will keep you all posted.

    Thank you all in advance.

    Hi lebyvr,

    I am also in Canada, and went to Mexico with Emmanuel Medical end of September, it cost me only $5000 USD including airfare. And that also included everything.

    Dr Almanza has performed over 400 sleeve surgeries this year alone so is very experienced and skilled. Would recommend this facility and surgeon whole-heartedly.

    Best of luck!


  23. I am now using Dr. Mercola's "Miracle Whey" Protein powder, and it appears there are no artifical sweeteners in it. Ingredients state:

    Defense Nutrition Whey Protein Concentrate, Fibersol, Organic Non Fat Dry Milk, Organic Sweet Whey, Fiberaid, Sun Flower Seeds Lecithin, Natural vanilla Flavoring, Medium-Chain Triclycerides, Gum, Natural Caramel Flavoring, Lo-Han.

    That is for the vanilla flavored one. I bought all 6 flavors when they had the free shipping to Canada promotion. I started a thread here on it about 5 weeks ago if you search for Dr Mercola Whey it will probably come up.

    Hope this helps.


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