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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    kmwheel reacted to skintowin in Can I Slap You Now?   
    I have had some one tell me about a friend of a friend getting sick every time she eats, I told him, she probably eats too much and she should really work on that. Lol
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    kmwheel reacted to Butterthebean in Can I Slap You Now?   
    I'm sorry, but I wouldn't let anyone's judgemental opinion affect what I do with my life, or where I do it. You don't need anyone's approval to be healthy....and you certainly won't get everyone's approval no matter what gym you go to so who cares? Just stay there and slowly, over time change her opinion of what a sleever can do.
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    kmwheel reacted to Boofster in Can I Slap You Now?   
    Sounds like a bit of jealousy or bias On the trainer's part got in the way. I'd prolly look for another trainer. As someone whose main concern is health and vitality, I think she definitely could have been more positive. You want someone who inspires you, right?
    When I told a good friend of my plans for surgery, she said "be prepared to throw up a lot." I laughed at her ignorance and left it alone. People say the dumbest things. And I haven't barfed once.
    On the flip side, I went to the dentist for a cleaning & checkup today. The hygienist asked if here were any changes in my health. I told her about the surgery and my weight loss,and that i was off all my meds. She lit up like a Christmas tree, hugged me and said I looked great. She asked a few questions about the surgery and congratulated me again. You could tell she was genuine in her happiness for me.
    Good luck, and kudos to you for hitting the gym!
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    kmwheel reacted to AStephenson in Can I Slap You Now?   
    Well la-de-dah for her...she may have actually been genuinely concerned that you may have problems like her friend, but I think she was tooting her own horn...a little too loudly....and right in your face!! I would feel the same way you do about going to this particular gym. I'd go somewhere else.
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    kmwheel reacted to Joy0125 in Can I Slap You Now?   
    I start with a trainer on Monday. I hope my experience is much better. Sorry to hear that they commented the way they did. They should really keep their personal opinions to themselves.
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    kmwheel reacted to vsginnj in Can I Slap You Now?   
    When I go to the gym I always get dressed in the dry sauna , tie sneakers , and stretch. This guy said why do you need to sweat your so skinny? I explained my need to warm up I ain't no ninja. Then gave due credit to my surgeon and sleeve he in turn related he consulted with My surgeon 10 years ago and was talked out of rny bypass by family. I educated him about this "new " procedure and my so far success . He is 55 and has been 375 - 425 as long as he remembers and is "calling him back this week" I will take 100 bad reactions if I can help one person by sharing my experience it's how I say thank you to god for this gift I have been given. As far as trainers negativity " let your haters be your motivators" !!!
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    kmwheel reacted to Geminidrive in Can I Slap You Now?   
    I haven't had anyone give me negative responses, but I would have said to her with a smile on my face, "Aw good for you sweetie now back to me, I had this surgery because my butt was fat and I was in poor health and I decided to take control of my body, hence the reason I'm here."
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    kmwheel reacted to NancyDec20 in Can I Slap You Now?   
    I would report them. But thats just me.. they are there to help us.. not to put us down or give negative feedback..
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    kmwheel reacted to Vidalia in Can I Slap You Now?   
    I decided to go check out a local gym because the weather is horrible here and I can't get my walks in. When I was talking to the trainer I explained that I had recently had gastric sleeve surgery and needed to work my muscles and do cardio. Immediately, she got a bad look on her face and said, "Oh, nooo." ...like I had done something horrible. I gave her a not so happy look back and she said, "Well, it's just that my friend and I were both 100 pounds overweight. I was able to lose all my weight just doing this (pointing to all the equipment), but my friend had gastric bypass and gets sick every time she eats.
    I have not kept my surgery a secret from anyone. In fact, I am quite proud that I had the guts (no pun intended) to go through with it. I know the reasons why I did it and I am satisfied with my decision. This is the first real negative reaction I have received since my surgery and I guess I was a little unprepared for it. I can see now why some people keep it a secret. Does anyone have a standard answer they give to people who have negative reactions to their surgery? Needless to say, the trainer's reaction makes me not want to attend this gym now that I know what she is thinking about me.
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    kmwheel reacted to hm734 in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    The better question would be why wait till you are 220...230..250...300lbs?
    Despite some peoples best efforts, the scale may go down, but always creeps much higher in the long run. An average of 10 lbs a year gain, for me, on what seemed like a lifelong diet - for what?
    Pre-diabetes, heart disease, high chloresteral, high blood pressure, back problems, knee problems, PCOS and a miserable life in general? I WISH I would have considered this surgery at 180. I was too busy kidding myself that I could somehow lose 50+ pounds on my own and keep it off.
    I finally decided to have my surgery somewhere between 213-218. Now, almost 6 months later I am 139 lbs, 5' 4" and for the first time ever I am HEALTHY, confident, happy and content.
    That is why. I see you started at 340 pounds. I would have been dead by the time I reached that weight. I make no mistake about it. My weight was slowly killing me. Let me ask you something. Are you happy you started this journey at 340, or would you have preferred to start at 180? Because you were 180 at some point. You just kept going and going and going, as we "low BMI'rs (read still Morbidy OBESE) decided to fix the problem before it got even more out of control, we should somehow feel guilty? Yeah...no.
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    kmwheel reacted to Radwilk in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    I weighed 185 on consult at 5'1". Barely meeting the 35 bmi guideline my insurance has. I had severe reflux, hiatal hernia, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. While under the supervision of the nutritionist I lost about 4-5 lbs then regained up to 199 day of surgery. One shocking realization was carrying my child up stairs. She weighs about 28 lbs and how unbelievably difficult that was on my whole body. That was a lightbulb moment where i realized how hard 75-80 lbs was on my short frame. How damaging! In addition to my family history of heart disease, diabetes and stroke I knew I HAD to get the weight off. Now I'm cooking some Bari friendly meals and my kids and hubby are eating them with me (sometimes). They are eating more healthy!!! That's a positive too. Also I discussed lower bmi with my primary care doctor and he said "obesity is obesity. It's sort of like being a little pregnant. You can't be. You either are or you aren't". So THAT'S why I wanted to have surgery at just over 180 lbs.
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    kmwheel reacted to Dianne38 in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    I am 5"2 and had the surgery at 171 lbs. My insurance approved it tge same day and paid 100%. Now 6 weeks later I habe only lost 17 lbs but those few lbs lost made it possible to stop taking blood pressure pills by the truck load.....before judging just remember some peoples body makeup was not meant to carry extra weight.
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    kmwheel reacted to SunnyCox in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    The day of my surgery, I weight 279lbs. My husband looked at the two other women having surgery the same day as me, and each of them weighed around 200lbs. He had to remind himself that he did not know their story. At 180lbs, so many are still 50-60lbs overweight. Carrying around an extra 60lbs puts people at a great risk for diabetes and heart disease as well as knee and back pain. Those that weigh 180 are still struggling and are probably getting their weight under control before they ever reach 279lbs.
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    kmwheel reacted to Newme327 in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    Guys, well said. You all have mentioned everything I was going to say.
    I am 5'3", 191lbs and have the worst back pain you'd ever want to experience. Lost about 40 lbs a couple years ago on the Atkins diet only to gain it back with a vengeance shortly thereafter. Since then it's been a losing battle fighting my weight. I have not since been able to sustain any diet and I have tried them all.
    My mom died in November 2011 from complications associated with kidney failure. Her high blood pressure and diabetes led to her kidney failure. She wasnt that much bigger than me at my current weight.
    The weight I carry on my small frame makes it hard for me to exercise but I joined a gym anyway and my trainer just did an evaluation and told me my metabolism was shot. I had my annual check up last July and the doctor told me that not only were my blood lipids high but I am also pre-diabetic.
    I am having the surgery next month and it isn't because I have a few vanity pounds I want to lose. I'm having the surgery to improve my quality of life and maybe increase my life expectantcy.
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    kmwheel reacted to clk in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    Heck, I WISH I'd have more seriously considered the sleeve as a lifelong tool to control my weight and help curb my appetite when I was "only" fifty pounds overweight!
    Instead, I yo-yo dieted for years, developed diabetes and wound up at a high weight of 280ish on my 5'1" frame.
    I can see your the question because the bigger you get, the larger your goal weight number gets! I have a friend that "only" needed to lose fifty pounds but her self esteem was just as shot as mine, her eating habits were crap and she was on her way to joining my pre-op self in the high 200s...along with the comorbidities that come with that type of excess weight.
    Diets fail in most cases. The sleeve is not a diet. This is not an accompaniment to Atkins or Weight Watchers. This is a tool that can finally help people reach and remain at goal and it's far more successful at doing so than any of the hundreds of other diets out there, many of which even the lightweights here have tried and failed at.
    And that same mindset is what kept my doctors from taking my weight seriously for years. The idea that a diet will magically work when you're 60 pounds overweight but that surgery is necessary once you're 100 pounds overweight is ridiculous. If more doctors would help us with this issue BEFORE we get seriously ill and live our lives unhappily, everyone would be better off. I got tired of waiting around for my doctors and self-paid and couldn't be happier!
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    kmwheel reacted to barbi1281 in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    At 194, my BMI was 38... that's how much I weighed when I made this decision... I'm 5'0. When I made my decision, I was 30 with bad reflux, sleep apnea, degenerative joint disease, prediabetic, prehyperlipidemic, hypothyroid and my asthma was one of the worst cases my doctor had ever seen. I had just updated my living will and my life insurance and I was so sick that I couldn't go outside without a mask and I had to carry a portable nebulizer and an epipen EVERYWHERE. Oh and I forgot to mention that I have two children who stared in fear every time I couldn't breathe which was just about every day - sometimes multiple times per day.
    I tried exercise, low cal, low carb, WW, fad diets, and Phentermine and I couldn't lose weight - my thyroid HATES me with a passion. This was my last resort, so yep... I had surgery to lose just 80 pounds and TO KEEP IT OFF. It's been almost 3 months and I've lost about 45 pounds. I can breathe and I don't live every day in fear of dying. I can play with my kids again and I even do hard cardio without breathing trouble. I couldn't have done that without this... that's why people do this at 180 pounds.
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    kmwheel reacted to paula512 in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    Steelergirl... Here is my perspective. I'm 40 years old & 5'2". My start weight 215 current weight 198. My surgery will be the end of February. I have hypertention, my mom had a stroke at 44, & my dad had a heart attack at 60. I've been on every diet possible. I've lost 1,000's of pounds over the years & gained them all back. It really hit me when I turned 40. I always put everyone infront of me (family, friends, work). This is the time for me to change, me forever. Having the sleeve done will give me a regain weigh stopper, so I can catch myself before my weight creeps back on. This will keep me on track. I won't be able to slip back into my old bad habits. I really don't have a specific weight I want to get to. I just want to have a healthy bmi, I want to be able to maintain a healthy weight. For me the risks of surgery are far less, than the toll it would take on my body to yo yo diet for the next 40 years.
    Good Luck!! Keep your chin up!! You can do it!!!
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    kmwheel reacted to amykins in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    I was 199 when I decided to be sleeved. I'm 5'2". I've been fighting my weight battle for more than 10 years. I was extremely depressed and unhappy. My knees hurt, my back hurt, and I was pre-diabetic. I've lost 20-30 and gain 40+ more times than I can count. Both my parents are extremely morbidly obese. I could see my future in them and it wasn't pretty. I could guarantee that my weight would only continue to escalate so I decided to be proactive rather than reactive. Why wait and waste more of my life? I needed a weapon for my weight battle, and the sleeve was it.
    Today I am 138 and feel like I am living for the first time in more than 10 years. I feel healthy, mentally and physically.
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    kmwheel reacted to Ms.AntiBand in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    I am a yo- yo dieter slowly killing myself by going from 190 to 104 over and over. My dr said I had to stop. I got the band twice and had too many complication but was down to 104 for years then had it removed. Jumped up to 190 again and decided I had to stop or wear my system down to nothing and risk my health each time. I want to be healthy just like every one on this forum.
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    kmwheel reacted to funinthesun00 in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    I am 5'2" and 182 right now. That puts me at a 33 bmi. I have recently lost 24 lbs, which was a real struggle for me to lose. So, at my highest weight my bmi was over 37.5 which is severely obese. I have struggled with my weight for over 20 years. I have been able to lose, but never to my "goal" weight and I have NEVER been able to maintain that weight for even 3 months. When I regain the weight, an extra 5-10 lbs seems to come along with the old weight. Even though I have really made serious efforts, my weight has averaged in the 190s over the past 5 years. Again, for my height, this is obese/severly obese. Also, I am a very actice person and I do really watch what I eat, which makes me feel like this battle is a losing one for me without the surgery.
    Also, I am getting older and I have noticed that it is harder to lose the older I get. Additionally, my family history isn't good. My dad passed away at the age of 69 and he yo yo dieted his adult life as well. I want to be around for my kids and grandkids.
    60 lbs. is a ton of weight for us shorties. Those are just some of the reasons that I am having this surgery. I wish people would focus on bmi and not weight.
    One more thing. This was a big one for me. I did a lot of research not just on this surgery, but on obesity in general. I wanted to make sure that I was doing everything possible to get healthy on my own. One of the things that I found so discouraging (that I also knew to be true from my own many experiences) is that 95% of people who lose weight regain within 2 years. After 5 years that number goes up to 98%.
    I would like to ask all of the people who it bothers that "low bmi" people have this surgery, to ask themselves if they want to stop their weight loss journey when they hit a 33 bmi. My guess is that 99% of people will want to lose more weight and wouldn't be happy if that is all the weight they lost. I hope helps you understand my choice.
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    kmwheel reacted to mrs.thang in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    Well I can't speak for everyone with a low bmi, but for me it has been a constant struggle for me since the birth of my last child to refrain from becoming "morbidly obese". I have lost weight via diet pills, dangerous levels of exercise, etc. with a height of 5'3 any weight over 150 is not cute to me. So you do you and I'ma continue to do me..... don't judge....
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    kmwheel reacted to thinoneday in help me understand why get a sleeve at 180?   
    maybe those people are really short, like 4'9 or so with small frames. If so then 170-80-90 looks really bad on them. I'm like you, all I want is to get to 180 for now. lol
  24. Like
    kmwheel reacted to delta_girl in feel like I'm eating too much!   
    Exactly that. Email or call your doctor and explain what you ate and your concern. NOBODY here.. NONE of our experiences nor advice is a good substitute for a conversation with your doctor.
  25. Like
    kmwheel reacted to lessofmeismore in feel like I'm eating too much!   
    That is a lot...I would start measuring your portions...speak to your Dr. and get the guidelines.
    You don't want to hurt yourself. You are most likely still numb
    Just measure small portions.
    Breakfast- 1 egg
    lunch - 2oz meat/ Protein
    Dinner- 2oz protein/meat
    Snack- 1/3 cup greek
    Lots and lots of Water and your Protein Shake through out the day.

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