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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Chancie

  1. Ya know what??

    My biggest concern in the beginning was the "turkey neck" EVERYONE i have ever know to have weight loss surgery had this.

    I Don't.......... but was totally surprised by my legs!

    I never dreamed they would get as skinny as they are.... and look so bad! Like an elephants skin, yea... we pick ourselves apart...... but I can live with it all..... even the turkey neck, to just be "healthy"

    And I'm still working on that...... emotionally as well as Physically.

    I'm "picking" my battles too.

  2. Judy-

    I hope things are going better with you... havn't heard anything.

    If you want to talk ..... Please send me a message..... I'd like to help, but don't want to "slam"

    The one thing I have to agree on.... the first part of this surgury is called the "honeymoon" stage...... it doesn't last forever and it is the BEST time to take advantge of the"Sleeve".

    12 days- 18 days or 60 days............. YOU should be WORKING the sleeve.

    Make the right food choices, and remember WHY you had this surgery in the first place.

    Please contact me ok??

    You can do this!!

  3. DeeDee-

    You look absoutly beautiful!!! There is no way you need surgery!!

    I'm not as daring as you to take pics ... but if you seen my legs... then you would know what it is to have to have surgery.

    I'm also 20 years older than you... but I do have good skin, can tell some of it is going to be ok... but with as much weight as I have to lose, surgery is going to have to be my answer.

    You look wonderful, and with you exercising like you do- I don't really think you will need anything!!

    Keep up the good work!!

  4. Just thought I'd pop in here say hello and welcome to the boards.

    I'm a 50 year oold female thats had the VSG for 10 months now.... still new to it. Never had the band, and all I can tell you is I think the VSG is absoutly WONDERFUL!!

    My starting weight was 354

    I am now 196

    a loss of 158 pounds in 10 months!!!

    There are several here that went from bnd to VSG and am sure they will be around to tell you the same...

    Do your research, and i hope you come to a decision that right for you.

    G'luck to you!

  5. Good questions and concerns....

    If being overweight you had confidience..... it will double being thin!

    I was always overweight as a child and had a brief period of being thin in my 20's, after childbirth I started gaining weight....

    I still tried to project confidience.....

    But now that I'm older.......and now "thinner" my confidience is sooo good.

    I too didn't lose weight to be sexy- but wanted to be "healthy" especially since I am older now..... but let me tell you...... the "sexy" is good!

    I don't avoid social events or make up excuses-

    I don't avoid mirrors or getting my picture taken as I had in the past.

    When I was at my worst/heaviest........ my thoughts of myself were"altered"....... I didn't think I was as heavy a I was........ in total denial.

    Now after losing 158 pounds, I have a more "realistic" view of myself. My confidiene is so much better,and cannot believe I was in the dark place I was before.

    You will change.......but you will still be "YOU"

    You will still be pretty-just with more self confidience.

    But you also need to be aware of others and their insecurities. Some people cannot except change.

    Where I work....... all everyone has known is the "fat" me...Telling me not to get too thin, yadda yadda.....all meaning well,and everyone is sooo supportive with my WLS but because there is another woman that had an RNY-She lost alot of weight, but she also had a lot of other medical problems and they try to compare me to her.

    ( For me NOT to get like that )

    You'll just have to pick your battles, and stay focused on who you really are, and people will just have to accept you and your weight loss.

  6. I've just now started trying on Jeans........ and I have bought 3 pairs so far........ and all of them Gloria Vanderbuilt, suppose to be true to size... not sure.

    Steph........ am in the reverse situation...... TALL no ASS- bellly bigger than my butt!!!:drool5:

    And I still havn't tried on any skinny jeans........ I wasn't in the mood last time I went shopping.

    I went to old navy- wasn't impressed with their jeans...............Am I getting OLD???:lol0:

    I'm having problems because my legs are so skinny now- but I still have a "thick" waist..... so I hve to find something that fits the waist..... but always baggy in the legs....

    Will I ever be satisfied>???

    Yep- just wish I could hve my own personal taylor!! lol

  7. Judy-

    WOW- 17 days out and there was no way I could eat what you are.

    I'm not gonna preach...... but am going to be a bit "firm" OK??

    Dorritos??? Bad Idea. You need to start making healthy and smart choices early.

    Juice: whether you dilute it or not......... lots of sugar and unnessesary calories. Stay with the crystal light or Water.... and drink all day long.

    Nuts: WAY too soon to be eating these! And lots of calories. Is good for you.. but later out.... not this soon.

    Yogurt: Lots of calories in this. but kroger has a brand called Carb Masters- less carbs and more Protein. I think it has 80 calories where the others have like 250 or more. and more Protein than the others... and it taste GREAT!

    Read your labels!! Lots of things sound "healthy and good for you" but not always the case

    And I disagree with losing the scale....... I think you NEED the scale to help you stay accountable.

    If you are up a pound..... go back to basics......... and try to drink more Water. Do more protein.

    I'm a firm believer in keeping a journal- write down EVERYTHING you eat..........

    How much you ate.... and why.......

    Hunger? bordom? lonely? pissed??

    you get the picture.

    Measure once a week.......... you may not lose pounds, but inches.

    I know you will be ok.....it is frustrating..... I have been at a stall for a few months.. a pound or two here and there......but my problem is I am not eating....... I need to up my portein...... but I don't have any hunger........ and I forget.

    keep a positive attitude......... that helps tremedously!!!

    Domn't compare yourself to others.. EVERYONE loses differently.

    I'm rooting for you Judy!! I know you can do it and you will!!

    Big ((((((HUGS))))))))))

  8. Not a medical person here..... don't even know what size my sleeve is.......... and not sure what causes it to stretch.

    But losing 100 pounds is awesome. So you have to be doing something right.

    I'm 10 months out....my hunger is not there... which is a good thing. But at times I feel I too can eat more than most sleeve patients...

    But with my work schedule lately- I just don't eat like I should... and I think thats what has slowed down my weight loss.

    I did better when I made myself eat 3 times a day.

  9. You seem to be doing everything right... just keep it up nd don't get discouraged.

    I lost the bulk of my weight in the first 3 months... LOTS of inches...... to date I have lost 108 inches. but int the past two months the weight has slowed down, but I have dropped in sizes........and I am OK with that!!!

    Don't compare yourself to others... we all lose diferently.

    Just follow the rules....and drink LOTS of water!!

  10. I just gotta say thank you all for the support!!

    It really means a lot to me!!

    And PMIL............ Hackensak NJ!! I was born and raised in NY....... and as a kid use to go there!! Hadn't heard that name in Yearssssssss!!

    I hope I can reassure any newbie or anyone else..... that this is a great surgury!! You have to work it a bit..... but all in all......... I think it almost works itself!!

    And if you havn't seen my "before" pic...... take a peak........... and 10 months later.... I'm ok with ya looking at it. because that was WHY I did this...... and am soooooooo happy I did!!

    G'luck to all of you just starting this adventure.......... you will love the results!!

  11. I was sick with the "foamies" for well into 3 months and vomited daily.

    sometimes if I took my meds...... I would get sick... if I drank too fast I would get sick.

    Like Tiff said... try to narrow it down, keep a journal to help.

    Eat SLOW....... and I mean slow! Makes alot of difference if you have a tendancy to vomit.

    I was one of the unfortunate ones that got sick for almost 4 months... and still get sick if I eat too fast-or too much.... sometimes I can't swalllow that last bite, it will swell in my mouth and I have to spit it out....... you will learn your body.

  12. Carolyn-

    I'm sorry you've had that kind of experience...... mine has been nothing but POSITIVE!

    I have an overweight male boss.. and we get along really well, but he'll ask me "whats in that bag" if I bring in take out for lunch... and it is usuually Soup, or maybe chili, or a salad...... and sometimes I might say "nunya" ( none of your bussiness )

    but he keeps me on my toes! and he always means well......Amd if he sees me "dipping" in the chocolate ( a girl at work ALWAYS had chocolate on her desk) he'll just ask........ how much did you have? and I need that....... I have even told those I can talk with..... remind me about the chocolate.......

    So I appreciate the ones that help me...... and they mean well.. and want me to succeed.

    I've told EVERYONE that asks...... I have not yet gotten one negative comment on why.

    But......... on the other hand........... it could be that I was morbidly obese....... and they SEE how much healthier I am.......

    Just my thoughts.......

  13. Longhorn-

    I just got to comment, you may not WANT to eat the things you did in the past.

    I LOVED a good double ( greasy) cheeseburger in the past, a good ribeye- but today- they don;'t even interrest me.

    I think thats one of the strangest things I have found with this surgery- I don;t think the way I use to about food, It's more to live than live to eat.

    I was told that my hunger would come back, but 10 months out... it hasn't. Even my "head hunger" has subsided.

    Just take it one day at a time, stick with the rules, and you will be pleasantly surprised!!

    g'luck to you!!

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