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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Chancie

  1. I had NSV last Sunday...

    My girlfriend came over... and we were just gonna hang out.. then we decided to go play Bingo... well..... I LOVE to shop now, and to LAYER... hehhehe.. something I NEVER did "Heavy"......anyway... I just added a "little black jacket" over my turtleneck sweater......... and she said... "I want a "little jacket tooo"........... well.......... I had a brown one to match what she was wearing.......... she tried it on and it fit...... a little big, but loooked good.

    The NSV part of this story is...........

    She is one of my VERY SKINNY friends........... and could wear something of MINE!!!!!!:biggrin0:

  2. I was the oppisite-

    Because of my obisity.. I didn't have a "regular" period........ sometimes I would go 6 months without one........ I thought I was in menopause.

    Then 3-4 months after surgery.. had my period and it has been like clockwork ever since!

    Doc said it was my body gettting bck to "normal" and this was good....... and here I was thining I was done with it!!!:001_smile:

  3. Bill.............

    My starting weight was 354..........

    and am now 193!!!!

    So YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! You can be in the 190's with no problem!! But no pressure!! Get there how you think you can!

    My Doc wants me at 160............. I kinda see the horizon............ yes... it is attainable........... yes i can. yeas I can!!

    but I'm not gonna make myself crazy over it. I will get there. And so will you!! I wish you all the best and most success!!!

    Positive thinking!!!!

  4. Carolyn-

    Thanks for the words of encouragement!! The belly is an issue.......... and I don't think the skin will "catch up".......

    Like I said... we all have our 'demons"..... and the sleevless blouses and dresses don't bother me near as much as my stomach!!

    I wore sleeveles blouses this summer!!! hehehe.... and was HEAVIER!! BUT........... still hav the bat wings. but am ok with that......... funny how we all look at ourselves.

    We're all beautiful.......... we all have hearts and souls..... and those that have never been in our shoes will never know how wonderful everyone really is!!

    OK... got a bit mushy........ but I really love the fact of how everyone changes their perspective on life after being overweight........ and getting a second chance.

  5. Wingrider-

    I don't know your stats...... or how much you have to lose. but IT IS POSSIBLE!! I did it! I NEVER dreamed I would............ but did!! I still have 33 pounds to lose....... I lost most of it within the first 6 months.

    But just an FYI.......... most men lose more AND faster than women!! Lucky YOU!! hehehe


    I was in the same boat as you!! Tall- 5'8" and VERY large boned............ and just want you to know........ it CAN be done!

    I wish you all much sucess!!! I know this sounds like a cl'shay...... but.....

    " IF I CAN DO IT.............. SO CAN YOU!!!"

    hugs to all!!!

    g'luck on your journey!!!

  6. Cajun-

    I appreciate you're reply- and I do agree.... to an extent. I am VERY happy with my weight loss, and if I can't have the TT- I will be ok...... but it is a personnal decision for each and everyone of us.

    Like I said... I dunno if it will make me "happy"... but I will be more comfortable in my own skin ( another pun - unintented )

    I went shopping yesterday- and at 193 pounds now........ I am in a size 12...... when I was 180 before.. I was at least a 16!! My g/f is amazed as am I.. my legs are SKINNY!! I have no "BUM"....... but carry it all in my wiast and loswer belly. I have gone froma 59 waist to a 38........ what is a "NORMAL" waist??? I dunno.........

    I also understand what you meant about the denial. I was definitly there too. I still want to put down...... 293 Instead of the 193

    ALOT of this is a "mental thing"

    But.........When trying on clothes..... and my belly is bigger than my butt........... it IS physical!


    As far as the face lift ect......... I am ok with what I see in the mirror.. but we all have our "demons"...... My belly is mine. I have "good" skin........... it is a bit thicker..... I didn't get the "Turkey Neck" associated with weight loss......... I am very greatful for that!! but my cheeks are sagging a bit.. and would consider a face lift as well........ but for me.. thats purely cosmetic...... but my belly to me isn't...... ( IF that makes any sence watsoever!! )

    So we will see where we all are in another year........ I hope we are all here, and not lose track of each other to be able to discuss where we are in our Journeys!!

  7. When I hit the size 12 Jeans........... I told a few at work ......... but i could also tell there was surprise because of how BIG iwas just 10 months ago........

    "You're gonna be smaller than me" uh....... is that a compliment or a slur??? I just shrug it off.........

    Going shopping tomorrow..... gotta return a few things that are tooo BIG!! thats a "first" hehehe

  8. I too had a head full of hair... but at 5-6 months... it was rellly falling out.

    I put in a hair trap in the bathtub..and after every shower had to dump it.... LOTS of hair in it... and when I put moose in my hair...... hands were full... floor covered after I blowdried..... AWFUL!!

    I also lost it in "patches".... one right in front!! and one in the back by crown...

    Now.. at 10 months... it has stopped! The hair trap doesn't have anything in it after my showers!! WOOO HOOO!!

    But I am still using hair, skin and nails Vitamins and the minioxidil... can't hurt... and I actually think it helped ALOT.

  9. welcome to the boards!!

    And congratulations on your decision for the sleeve!! It sure did save and improve my life!!!

    Your very fortunate to have someone help you with the cost..... good Luck to you!!

    I believe there are several here from AZ.... so hopefully they will be along to share their info with you.

    If I can help answer any questions... I'd be more than happy to!!

    Good Luck on your journey!! It's fantastic!!

  10. Lan2k-

    I;m almost 11 months out and I have the same issues. I DO NOT have hunger, and sometimes just hate the thought of cooking because I will think it's what I want, then doesn't taste right to me. I hate wasting food... so sometimes I will just open a can of tuna I also found some salmon that you mix like tuna and eat some of that thruout the day...

    But I'm not making it a big deal... because I know that I'm gonna eat SOMETHING....

    I did the same thing Friday that I said I wasn't gonna do anymore... I went to get chinese take out... and......... couldn't eat a bite! grrrrrrr....... wasted money! I took it home.. but I just couldn't eat it.

    Like Cajun said... eat by the clock... not your hunger.

    You're goin on 3 months... have you had your blood work done? See how those #'s are and what your doctor thinks.... if they are fine... then don't worry!

    Let us know.......

  11. G'Morning and Happy NewYear to everyone!!

    I've kinda been "missing in Action"... lots going on right now and am under alot of stress at work. I felt really bad at work on Sat. and was dizzy and my head was hurting.. so I went to the BP machine.. and my BP was HIGH. So i went bck an hour later and it was even higher.......169/97..... it has been EXCELLENT since my surgery 114/60 so I went to urgent care... says I have an inner er infection.. but gonna make an appointment with my regular Doc this morning.

    I havn't even measured since Nov. 23rd:scared0:So am starting off the NEW year with my measurements too....

    DOWN 9.50 INCHES!!!

    Weight-193.6 - 4 pounds!!!

    S0 I am HAPPY with the start of the new year! I honestly don't think I will make "GOAL" by

    Feb 9th... but am getting closer!!

    DeeDee- you're doing soooo good, don't get discouraged now!!

    And Cajun, I'm sorry you're having problems, I hope they find out whats going on. Hope you get to feeling better!!!

  12. I've had alot goin' on and no excuse for not doing my Monday Weigh in!!!

    I've gained am 197.6

    I've had wayyyyyy too much alcohol this past week... and it being New Years eve and alll.......... guess I'll behave later!!! hehehehe

    Hope everyone has a Safe and 'Wonderful New Years!!!!!

    I'll do better next year :(

  13. I hate to be one to say I told you so............. but it is a TUFF surgery!!!! I have a high tolerance to pain... and i was hurting really bad... ND WITH MY WEIGHT and physical therapy........... I was a mess. "But it does get better!!!"

    Hang in there........... it will be well worth it in the end!!!

  14. Merry Christmas Everyone!!

    I had a feast. with LOTS Left over!! But My youngest is coming home tomorrow night with a friend of his, so it won't go to waste.


    Mashed potatoes and Gravey

    Green bean cassorole

    white Beans

    fresh creamed corn

    Sausage stuffing

    and Home made cheese cake for dessert

    I did most of my cooking last night, just a tradition, had friends over for drinks and I cook and my son and his friends came by.... and stayed the night.

    I got up this morning and made Breakfast of bacon and eggs , and just didn;t want to eat dinner. I did have a bite of ham and green Beans.< /span>

    These are the onlhy meals I really like to cook are big ones. but I need to tone it down... cooked WAY too much!! But I got two big boys, and they ( and their friends ) will eat it this week end . I have to work so I will eat off it the next 3 days at work too!! gonna start planning my meals better.. and this is a good start!!

  15. It's always been "to lose weight"

    Now it will be to work my "tool" and continue to make healthy food choices and healthy lifestyle changes.

    I too plan on quiting smoking this year.. but not my New Years resolution.. I have to do it when I am "ready"

    De-cluttering has been going on since my VSG.. but I want to get more organized.

    I also think I am ready to let someone into my heart again....

    I have been talking with someone, and I'm not going to "run them off" I am going to be patient and follow my heart.

  16. G'Morning everyone..... I actually FORGOT yesterday was Monday!!!! Work is CRAZY with Christmas just a few days away!!

    I didn't even weigh or measure yesterday!

    So will post this morning...

    195.2 I'll take it!!!

    I actually thought I might be up!


    CONGRATS!! And 20inches of SNOW???? OMG... I am really having a hard time the cold since I lost weight... I was NEVER cold.... always sweating...... now.. I have to wear sweaters, and layers... NEVER been able to do that before because I was always so hot.


    CONGRATS to you as well for getting out of the 170's woooooooooo hoooooooo!!

    Stoongal- you'll be at goal before you know it!!

    I LOVE hearing all the victories!!!!

  17. hey Carolyn!!!

    Thanks for the "pep" talk.......... I need it..

    I'm not gaining..but not doing what I need to do, so not sure if I make goal by my year Surgerversary.

    I'm hoping to get more focused after Christmas, not an excuse, just a fact... I put some things on hold, as long as I'm not gaining.


    I still can't eat Breakfast, so thats why I still do the Protein drinks in the morning. I still vomit and feel bad when I eat early. If it's my day off, I can eat eggs etc. IF I am up several hours.

    And yea...... the exerciseing SUXS right now. I gotta find SOMETHING I really like... and wish I had a workout partener.......

    No support here on this end ( boo hoo ) lol.......... but PROMISE......... Dec.26th............ am back to basics and normal work schedule.

    I'm ok since I'm not gaining........ but gotta get back into the groove!!

    36 pounds!!!!


  18. I gotta tell you that I'm struggleing right now... and I'm 10 months out.

    I had "head hunger" realllyyyyyy bad at about 4 months out... that is gone. Now I might think of something to eat- I will make it... and guess what?? It's not at all what I want.

    I don't have any hunger-and I with my work schedule- I have a hard time eating three meals a day. Sometimes I don't eat at all. And I KNOW thats the wrong thing to do- I just got out of the habit of "planning"

    Example: Yesterday I had my coffee and Protein for Breakfast. (7 am ) Didn't get to go to lunch unt almost 3 pm- got a Wendy's small chile- ate 1/2 and then about 6pm ate the other 1/2.

    That was it! No way is that what I should be doing.I know I need to plan better... and I think I got lazy- someone YELL AT ME!!!:):scared0::scared0:

    And with the holidays here- yep- I do like the forbidden CHOCOLATE!!!

    I also notice I don't like red meat. A steak does not even interrest me.

    Just kinda rattling here...... but wanted to state that my taste buds have changed tooo.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
