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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Chancie

  1. Boy... You guys are eating GOOD!!

    And VegasAngel.. I'm with you.. I hate to cook!!

    I can't stand lunch meat anymore.... havn't had bread since Jan. I don't eat Pasta.... so now whats left??

    I do like turkey cutlets- I'll use that 30 minute marinade and put them on the grill and then I either have them for dinner or luch thru the week.

    Pretty much it's chicken or fish and oh yeah.... SHRIMP!! I loveeee shrimp and it was one of the things I could eat early. ( strange huh>?? )

    Lots of good ideas from you all tho:thumbup:

  2. I got sleeved on 2/09/09... a week shy of my 6 month mark:wink1: I still think it's pretty amazing tooo!!!

    as for the ticker in kg's and lbs..... at least you can calculate them.... I am uh... at a loss.. :thumbup:

    Again.... welcome!!

  3. WOW... How did I miss this post???

    I too had knee replacement... My doc said it was one of the worst cases he had seen in his career..... and I was afraid my left knee was going to need it too... but he said if I got the weight off, I would be able to get more "milage" outta it....

    I told him I was looking into weight loss surgery and he was soo supportive and told me he would do anything he could to help me, write any letter needed, but my insurance did not cover it, so I became a self pay patient.

    I gotta tell you, the surgery (knee replacement) was one of the most painful things I have ever gone thru... but I would do it all again in a HEARTBEAT!

    It was the final deciding factor on my decision for weight loss. My surgery went well... rehab excellent.. but my stamina was pitiful... I couldn't walk much because of my weight... out of breath and new I would never be able to do my current job....

    Now... almost 6 months later and 136 pounds "lighter" I can walk with no trouble... my left knee does NOT hurt at all!!!

    I go back to see my knee surgen in Oct... and I can't wait!! My PCP knows him, and said he is gonna be floored at my progress and weight loss!! I can't wait for that doctors appointment! :thumbup: LOL

    I would love to lose the first 100lbs in 12 months. I personally don't think that is unrealistic considering that's 2lbs a week. I'm going to set some goals next week once I find out about the TPN. I can't wait until I can exercise again. I loved when I started working out after the band, and then my old surgeon made me stop when I started having so much port pain. My neighbor has a pool, and told me I can use it once I get released. I'm walking a little right now, but I run out of gas pretty quickly.

    50lbs gone by end of September would be amazing, and maybe that will be my first goal.

    Losing more than 100lbs is so daunting to me. I know it can be done, but does anyone else ever feel like it's not going to happen?

    My husband said he can't imagine me weighing 150lbs. He says it's going to be awkward because he's never known me to be "small".

    It IS Possible!! I lost 100 pounds in 3 1/2 months! I never dreamed I could.. 100 pounds... crazy stuff..

    I am a member of the "century club"...


    Anyone else want one>?? be glad to hook ya up with your own card!!

  4. Got a question....

    My Doc's goal for me is 160- a weight loss of 194 pounds...

    I think at 170 or 175 would be more realistic.. I am very "big boned" and don't think I weighed 160 even when I was considered "thin".....

    Question being... am I being pesimistic? defeatist??(sp?)

    I'm really trying not to be... but I think in a way I am just trying to prepare myself in case I don't make it... But I REALLY want to. And I will be 6 months out on the 9th...and think I have done a good job to date. I go see my surgen on the 6th... and will compare scales and weights... and see what he has to say.

    Just kinda curious as to what all of your "goal" weights are and how you feel about it.....

  5. I agree with the others....and if she isn't going to be supportive... I would change docs. Just my opinion:blush:

    I was lucky... My PCP had weight loss surgury... and he is the one that helped direct me to my surgen. I see both.. My surgen and my PCP... and my last visit with my PCP was WONDERFUL! He is so supportive and encouraging, and thats important going thru all of this.

    I hope things work out for you... keep us posted!!

  6. Welcome back and Welcome to the "Losing side"!!!

    I'm glad things went well for you... and you've got a great journey ahead of you!!

    I'm glad you mentioned medical alert bracellet.... I go back for my 6 month check up and thats one of the questions I was gonna ask my doc about.

    I've read the same thing... lots of people have them, but i also know of alot that don't. I ws just gonna get his imput on things.

    Again... Congratulations!!

  7. I think Nausea/foamies/vomiting is the worst part of this surgury, and it was something I wasn't expecting.

    I did alot of research prior to surgury.... yet didn't absorb this info like I should have. I wasn't prepared for it... But it passes!!!!

    Just go back to "basics" lots of Water, clear liquids... etc.

    I rember I was about 6 weeks out... feeling good... and my son brought McDonalds... you know those tiny little burgers???

    I wasn't "hungry" but old habit kicked in and I took one... had a bite.. it was pretty good... had the second "tiny" bite... and it started to swell in my mouth... I spit it out. About an hour later it started! I started vomiting... and it went on all night! That was my worst experience! My son was kinda laughing... "Death by a burger"

    I did feel like I was gonna die! There are rules for a reason... and not eating ground beef was one of them... it was tooo early and the grease I guess just really hurt me. I still don't eat it... and will be 6 months out on 8/6

  8. My doctor had me get my Vitamins prior to surgery so I would start them as soon as I got home. I take a complete Multi Vitamin, 1000 units of Vitamin D and a sublingual B12 once a week.

    Vitamins are soooo important on this... and should be a way of life.

    As for being tired.. it should pass about 2 months. I can rember being so tired and weak.. I could barely blow dry my hair... felt like it took everything I had to do it... but it didn't last long

    ( thank goodness!! )

    I use to sleep all the time.. and on my days off sleep till noon... now... I am up early... even on my days off!

  9. I just wanted to comment on the "foamies"/vomiting...

    some what I noticed.... alot of you are early out... and the same thing was going on with me. It WILL pass... around 3-4 months.( Maybe sooner ) I have a bout with it still... but being MY fault.

    Alot of it is trying to eat foods that you shouldn't. Your mind may think uhmmmm THAT sounds good... but your belly will tell you otherwise. And If you eat too fast.. it will happen.. if you eat too much... it will happen.

    And alot of it depends on HOW things are cooked too. I love my George Foreman grill... Talapia has now become my fav, and it only takes like two minutes to cook on that thing!

    Hope this helped a bit!

  10. OMG!! 38 long is tooooooo funny!!!

    I ALWAYS wated a TT! I thought I thought I wanted boobs too... but after shopping yesterday.... It's belly first... then legs! I'vee lost alot in my legs and butt and my legs are sagging bad:sad0:

    And the butt looks like a pancake! But don't think I could handle a butt lift!!

  11. Weight loss AND weight gain is very personal....

    But I chose to tell only a select few int he beginning... of course my employer, because I was already out on a LOA- but wanted to explain my decision. I HAD to improve my life to be able to continue to work.

    I didn't even tell my kids until a few weeks before the surgery so I could get transportation to the hospital!!:blushing:

    When I did go back to work... I had lost about 25 pounds, and people noticed "something different"

    I decided to tell whoever asked... there is not "Secret Cure" for losing weight, and I wsn't trying to "fool" anyone...

    I felt that at least I was in controll of what was said. Alot of people didn't even notice until i lost a signifigant amount! And would ask how I did it... well.. working in retail.. i figured by the time I told ONE person... the whole store would know it!

    But I have alot of support there.... people I didn't think would support my decision have!

    The only problem with people knowing that you had weight loss surgery is they all say " don't get tooo thin"

    That TOO... is a personnal decision. And thats what i tell them.

    They have only known me as obese... so of course seeing me lose weight is different for them too.


  12. WOW!! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

    I thought I would check in this morning and see no posts:sad0: So this was a nice surprise! Thanks again for the welcome!

    I'll try to answer any questions you might have...

    I did have alot of trouble from the minute I got out of surgery, I was vomiting badly! Or should I say "dry heaves"? It really was awful.... after the first day, and continued vomiting, My Doctor changed my pain meds. Still no good. I ended up staying 4 days because of this going home on the fifth day.

    It was bad, but nothing toooo terrible.The first day being the worst.

    I got home and followed the rules, and tried to get in my Water. Geeze... how in the world am I going to get in all this water??? It was difficult... but gradually I did it. Now water is ALWAYS in my hands... I always get in 64 oz. but usually 80-120 now daily.

    When I started on "food" I still vomited... or "foamies" as some of you know it as. Horrible!!!! And I had constant heartburn. So on my check up at 6 weeks, Doc put me on Nexium and also Reglan for the vomiting. This lasted about 2 months.... so I think thats where most of my weight loss came from.

    I still can't eat in the morning.... so I have a Protein Drink. My doctor is ok with this... so far. I go back for my 6 month check up in Aug. And I'll see what he says.

    As far as food goes.... I completly stay away from breads, Pasta, potatoes...and sweets!! I can't do carbs because they are such a weakness of mine and being a "Self pay" wanna get my moneys worth!! LOL

    I don't eat beef yet( have had it... just doesn't sit well with me)... or pork... just chicken, fish,shrimp ( my fav) and turkey.

    As for the before and after pics.... LOL... I first gotta figure out how to do the profile thingy!!

    And I shyed away from pics at my biggest.. so there aren't many... but I have been trying to get at least a face shot every month.. will try to figure this out and post...

    Hope this wasn't tooo long and sound like I was rattling!!

    Gonna go check out the rest of the boards... and will post more often... if anyone has ANY questions I might be able to anser... feel free to ask away!



    It is a whole life style change and mind change. I struggle with head hunger... still think of certain foods....

  13. I just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone....I just joined !

    A little about me...

    I've always had a weight problem, but not as bad as the past 10-15 years. i had to always "watch" what I ate, or I would pack on the weight. I did have a "thin" period... Not a very long one.. but I was thin for a while...

    Then came a divorce and I had to care for my mother the past 15 years...

    I started really putting on the weight.. and then it felt so futile to even TRY to diet...

    Excercise?? What was that?? I felt work was all the excercise I needed....

    I became so stationary... come home, get on the couch and that was it.

    I had been looking into weight loss the past 3 years, and I tried to file with my insurance each year thinking that they would improve, but no luck.

    then in Oct. of '08 I had to have a total knee replacement and I KNEW I had to do something. The surgery was a success.... but my weight was overwelming. I had no stamina... I could hardley walk to the mailbox without being winded.

    I had already been to a few seminars... and I finnaly made up my mind to try again. I went, and I talked with the doctor afterwards and asked how soon he could get me in being a "self pay", I explained I was already on a leave of absence and coudn't afford to lose any more time, he told me to call the office in the morning and tell them he said to schedule as soon as possible.

    I called and thy got me in to see him in 3 days! I went and we talked for almost 2 hours... and I decided to go with the VSG, Best decision of my life!

    That was Jan. 12th....

    I had surgery Feb. 9th!

    I am 5 months post op... I started this with a weight of 354 the day of surgery and today I am 223.. a loss of 131 pounds!

    I still have over 60 pounds to make "goal" but I am so glad that i had this surgery, and it has deffinitly improved my quality of life!

    I still have my struggles, as I will be posting them tooo... but i just wanted to share my story and a bit about me....

    I hope to make some friends here and to have a support group here as well... I don't have one close to attend to in my area...

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