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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tamathav

  1. Hi! My name is Tammy. I'm a 37 year old mom of three and part time pastry chef. I know, I know!!! Challenges abound for me:) I recognize several people from OH here - yay! Next week is my 1 year surgiversary and I am so happy I had the sleeve! I still need to lose about 25 lbs to be at the weight I'd like to be but I have been so happy to have lost 61 lbs so far. I have let myself get into some of my old habits of not tracking what I eat and I do struggle with my carb intake. Professionally my cake business has been booming and some really great opportunities are before me but it's meant lots of recipe testing and tons of baking and I have yet to find the balance I need with my body's needs vs my work. In January I got down to 176 and bounced back a few pounds but have now remained at a steady weight for about 4 months. I eat pretty freely. It's past time for me to step BACK up to the plate and renew my commitment to exercise and making better food choices. I am excited to continue my journey here with my fellow sleevers! Blessings, Tammy
  2. tamathav

    Reflections from a Fat Chick

    Good for you for making the decision to change your life NOW and not later! I feel for you struggling so much with your self image and I can very much relate. May I suggest if you're not already seeing a therapist that it may really help to do that along with your WLS journey? Good luck to you! Tam
  3. Yes, MacMadame and Kristopia have the right advice! You will lose slower if you do not keep to a high Protein low carb diet. At first I decided that was okay for me but again, I DO have problems with carb control! It's something I'll always have to live with. I do not indulge anywhere near like I used to but the temptation both to graze and to graze on carbs is something I find challenging. The best approach is to NOT HAVE THEM IN YOUR HOUSE! When you're at a party you may decide to indulge but it will be a finite amount once in a while, not everyday for a week because there's leftover pie in the fridge:) Also, in my line of work I also try to taste and then spit it out! I treat it like a wine tasting. I do not recommend this for everyone though, because I think it flirts with eating disorder-like behavior. Also you do still get some of the calories and carbs and it may still trigger cravings for more. Lastly, I should say that just post-op I did not crave carbs at all. After your body goes for days without eating them your cravings will subside enormously. At first I had to remind myself to eat anything. I did not reintroduce treats until I was about 3 months out and then only a bite or 2. Now, it's just a struggle that I know is part of who I am. Every day starts anew and every day I do a little better in taking care of myself. Okay - off to hit the elliptical now:)
  4. Yes, that is good advice! Also an old WW trick - chew gum while you're cooking to avoid BLT's (bites, licks and tastes).
  5. It IS possible to fall off the wagon, especially in my line of work - I'm a pastry chef:) I always struggle with carbs!!! I have finally come to the conclusion that if I'm going to have to test product that I have to do WAY more excercise. The trouble with carbs is that once you start back in it's hard to stop. I am trying to move my biz into a retail location so that the bad stuff is not always around. I'm not particularly tempted when I'm busting my butt to get a cake done, but afterwards if there is leftover buttercream and cake or other crap it calls my name:( Wish they would do a lobotomy with the procedure! LOL! Tammy

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