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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    circa reacted to RickM in Ok So My Surgeon Has Me Second Guessing My Choice...   
    It is hardly emerging science, as this has been known for years, though they are still trying to fully understand the mechanism involved. When my wife had her DS 6-7 years ago it was thought that the intestinal rerouting was responsible for the success in resolving diabetes - there is certainly more to it than simple weight loss or enforced dietary changes as many see their diabetes resolve at the outset. As noted by others, the DS also resolves diabetes, and at a rate somewhat better than the bypass (on the order of 98+% for the DS vs around 90% for the bypass from the figures I've seen), however, the sleeve has also been showing good success at early resolution of diabetes, so the docs are now hypothesizing that there are hormonal changes involved with the stomach changes that are also influential on the diabetes front (that is the more emerging science.)
    It is certainly understandable that your doc advises that you go with the bypass, although how much of that preference is technical/scientific and how much is liability concern would be uncertain. (Put yourself in your doc's position - he may believe that the sleeve is the better choice for you overall, but the bypass has a longer documented history of diabetes resolution than the sleeve, so the bypass is the more legally defendable position should your diabetes not resolve. Unfortunately, defensive medicine is a fact of life in our society.)
    A further complicating factor in your decision making - (my wife was a type II diabetic, treated for around twenty years and nearly at the end of med only treatment for its control when she had her DS) my wife's doc told her that in his experience, the longer one has had or been under treatment for diabetes, the longer they typically take to resolve post-op, which is why hers took around nine months or so to resolve while others walked out of the hospital with it resolved (and yes, there will be long termers who resolve quickly and short timers who take a while to resolve, but on average that relation holds). This implies that the longer you have had the diabetes, the stronger the tool needed to resolve it, so if you are a long timer with it and seriously want to resolve it, then the DS should also be under consideration.
    So, research, research research this to become comfortable with it. As noted by others, the sleeve is having good success at resolving diabetes, but doesn't have the hard data behind it yet. The bypass may be better (and the DS better still,) but has more hard data to show for it. Not an easy decision, but good luck with it.
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    circa got a reaction from 2BThinAlways in I'm Failing! And It's My Own Fault.   
    The best thing I ever did was put a treadmill in front of my tv. I could still "veg out" but was getting something out of it. I think a therapist to find out WHY you have this issue is important. Knowing the why is most of the way to solving the problem!
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    circa reacted to upwardfocusedgirl in First Meal Where My Stomach Has Felt Normal!   
    I'm 3.5 weeks out and pretty much had gotten used to the odd feelings associated with eating. However, I just ate some tilapia and mashed potatoes and not one twinge, gurgle or anything! I assumed I'd have the discomfort for a while when I eat and drink. It feels good to feel normal!

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    circa got a reaction from Mr_Worm in Bk & Kfc.... Who Knew?   
    KFC does sell grilled chicken and its outstanding. They have a sandwich that's 2 grilled chicken breasts, bacon and cheese -that's the whole sandwich - no bread or anything. It would be probably 4 meals.
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    circa reacted to KILROY in Bk & Kfc.... Who Knew?   
    KFC.. Small mash potatoes. . No gravy. ..
    BK.. Grill chicken patty. .. Chopped like on the salad
    It's like heaven. .. 3.5 weeks post-op...... And it's 2 meals
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    circa got a reaction from Swimmer in Help Please   
    Wow - wish I had something to tell you - no idea what that was - a call to the doctor was the right thing - let us know how you are and what the doc says.
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    circa reacted to Capt Derel in Capt Derel's Gastric Sleeve Surgery Journey   
    Ok today is the 20th. Upon wakening after surgery they put me in a room by myself. I got quite a few iv bags and some nausea meds along with some pain killers that didnt help much. I ended up picking up both of my legs by bending at the knees which helped the cramping. The next morning we all got another Iv bag with meds and headed to the hotel. I slept all day. Got up at 5pm to head back to the clinic for an iv bag. After that some of the others looked better. at this point I have only been having diaphram pains and spit globs of bubbles. They gave us some tiny sleeping pills to take also a bottle of blue dye. Then we headed back to the hotel for the night. The master suite is nice and roomy. Next morning we get up at 815 headed to the radiology clinica and drank a clear liquid barium to check for leaks. No one had leaks. We all had to pay 20 bucks for the xray but thats fine. Then we headed back to the hotel. Later that afternoon we went to the recovery house and got our IVs removed along with our drains. How nice and relieved to much cramping. Now i feel 90% better just alittle sore. Its monday and I feel great. About to head home. Whoever Said this place is a joke must be out their mind.
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    circa reacted to feedyoureye in I Am A Failure   
    She got a wide range of support, I believe it was ALL support, just different styles. Sometimes when a child is heading to touch the hot stove , a loving mom might YELL at the top of her lungs to intervene. Some children will only hear that style when in danger. Not my style, but remarkably, I think this site is pretty much supportive almost all of the time.
    ...And I don't want to imply anyone is a child here...or a yelling mother... just a communication style example...
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    circa got a reaction from jenni_867 in My Nosy Boss.....   
    bosses and HR departments aren't bound by HIPPA.
    I would frankly tell them its none of their business - if your boss won't give up and you want to tell him something - tell him its a girly thing.
  10. Like
    circa got a reaction from Shells in Disappointed!   
    Just remember, even at McDonalds, you can eat healthy. Stick with the grilled chicken, the salads and the apple slices. You CAN do this - you recognized the issue, now you just have to tackle it!
  11. Like
    circa got a reaction from gmanbat in I Am A Failure   
    You do really need to deal with this issue - just because it goes in, doesn't mean it belongs there - and you obviously know that. There are strict guidelines for a reason - and its not to make you lose weight faster, its not to make you suffer, its FOR YOUR SAFETY. You could be pushing on your stomach closure and compromising its integrity - meaning, you could be causing a leak. There are been several stories on here of people eating things they shouldn't and causing a leak.
    Deal with your head hunger immediately. Don't wait to speak to the surgeon, get yourself some help NOW.
  12. Like
    circa reacted to Carlos G in Men Versus Women   
    I have noticed that drom this and another website however I tend to agree with Bedhead, Men are either severly out numbered ,or perhaps allot of men would will not join these sites, I know of 3 men friends whom I told about these sites and it went in one ear and out the other. Maybe cause we dont stop and ask for directions lmao. I have been addicted to these sites as I have learned so much. Thanks to all That take the time to post,
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    circa got a reaction from BKdoll in 6 Month Post Op-Almost At My 1St Goal   
    Look at you! Hot STUFF! You were beautiful before and you're even more stunning now!!!!! Congrats!!!
  14. Like
    circa got a reaction from Shells in Disappointed!   
    Just remember, even at McDonalds, you can eat healthy. Stick with the grilled chicken, the salads and the apple slices. You CAN do this - you recognized the issue, now you just have to tackle it!
  15. Like
    circa got a reaction from Shells in Disappointed!   
    Just remember, even at McDonalds, you can eat healthy. Stick with the grilled chicken, the salads and the apple slices. You CAN do this - you recognized the issue, now you just have to tackle it!
  16. Like
    circa got a reaction from longer-life in I've Been Bad   
    Old habits die hard. You have to find the right way to "get out of your own way" and let yourself be successful.
    good luck.
  17. Like
    circa reacted to Mel34 in I Need Help! Please Read!   
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! For all the advice!! i tried the pineapple juice yesterday at the airport while i was traveling back home and guess what??? I can eat now!!! I'm so relieved!!! I don't know what i would do without you all! my friends!
    I was so scared!! But the pineapple juice worked! i guess i did have something stuck in there!
    i'm so grateful for you all!
  18. Like
    circa got a reaction from Shells in Disappointed!   
    Just remember, even at McDonalds, you can eat healthy. Stick with the grilled chicken, the salads and the apple slices. You CAN do this - you recognized the issue, now you just have to tackle it!
  19. Like
    circa got a reaction from Liliana Arleen in Ate 4Oz Piece Of Fish.. Only Took 2 Hours!   
    I bet it felt like 40 oz! That's a lot of food at this stage!
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    circa got a reaction from Amanda 3.0 in I Know People Mean Well But... A Tiny Vent   
    If he's within eye or earshot, I can understand his uncomfortableness. I would NOT want to be around someone barfing in a garbage can. However, the whole running to the boss thing at the drop of a hat tells me what a ninny this guy really is. If it happened repeatedly, yeah, I would say something. No one wants to be around someone up-chucking in a trash can all the time. But once? Geesh, what a nancy. What if you were pregnant and had morning sickness? would he be the same way?
  21. Like
    circa got a reaction from MeMeMEEE in Lets Live This Complication Scairy Site Up!   
    while a lot of complications are caused by not following instructions, that's not always the case. Some people follow instructions to the letter and still end up with complications. Please don't think that because you're having an easy recovery thus far that its going to be that way for everyone. Every person gets a different amount of pain and every person handles pain differently. Just because someone says they have pain, severe or not, does not mean they're looking for attention. They have PAIN. I was a fortunate person that didn't. I knew I wouldn't have much - I never do. I have an extremely high threshold for pain,which means i will NEVER judge someone for their pain tolerance or lack thereof. Comorbidities also contribute to pain factor. Diabetics and those with sleep Apnea and High Blood pressure are known to recover slower due to those issues.
    Please leave the complications forum for those that actually have complications. While its good that you don't thus far, and I hope you never do, There are plenty of other places for your post.
  22. Like
    circa got a reaction from Amanda 3.0 in I Know People Mean Well But... A Tiny Vent   
    If he's within eye or earshot, I can understand his uncomfortableness. I would NOT want to be around someone barfing in a garbage can. However, the whole running to the boss thing at the drop of a hat tells me what a ninny this guy really is. If it happened repeatedly, yeah, I would say something. No one wants to be around someone up-chucking in a trash can all the time. But once? Geesh, what a nancy. What if you were pregnant and had morning sickness? would he be the same way?
  23. Like
    circa got a reaction from nydiva in I'm Having Mixed Feelings About Bariatric Surgery   
    Its something you have to research and prepare for - both physically and mentally. You need to understand what it takes to do this. Its not the easy way out. If you're tired of the eternal struggle, then it might be an option for you. Being borderline diabetic is a scary thing, I'm sure. If you feel you can do it without the extra tool, by all means, do it and be proud of it! But if you need the extra help, that's what its for.
  24. Like
    circa got a reaction from KristinaRN in Need Some Advice - Don't Know What To Do Or Say..   
    That's kindof a red flag for me. The fact that she won't attempt any weightloss through traditional means but she's gunning for surgery. its as if she's treating this as a vanity procedure - a boob job or a Tummy Tuck. I don't think she has any idea what she's getting into.
    Honestly though, this may be the only way for her to practice Portion Control. That's such a hard one. She's not actually addressing why she wants to have SURGERY. Just what she wants the outcome to be. We don't live in a toaster society. You can't just push a button and have what you want.
    Why surgery instead of attempting to diet? Why one but not the other? Surgery is a last resort, not a first. That's the question. Why one but not the other? I hope she will answer that for you
    Have you tried talking to her surgeon friend? Ask him why he thinks she should have the surgery if she refuses to try to eat healthy?
  25. Like
    circa got a reaction from KristinaRN in Need Some Advice - Don't Know What To Do Or Say..   
    I do see your side of things husband. I do know some people that have tried to have wls because they thought it was the easy way to not gain weight. I do know these people exist. Is that what you think your wife is doing? I also know people who have it done as a preventative measure because they see themselves spinning out of control (maybe like her sisters did).
    I think maybe finding out why she wants to do it is really important. An extra 40 lbs will not qualify her. The typical insurance requirements are 100 lbs or more overweight or a bmi of 35. That's MOST insurance companies. Depending on extenuating circumstances, I think these are appropriate guidelines. If there's a psychological issue - she feels herself losing control, etc then it might be a good preventative measure. I would love to talk to you more about this - feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss further. I'm sorry that you felt attacked. So many people here have been attacked for their weight and told "put the fork down - try some exercise" and its just not that easy for people sometimes. My situation is even more different than that - my excess weight was caused by medical steroid treatments.
    Everyone is different, including your wife. But getting to the bottom of the situation may change how you feel about the situation as well - and it may not. But I think you need more information from your wife too.

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