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Posts posted by LuminousLife

  1. Help me out here guys.

    I'm rounding out 3.5 days of my 10 day pre-op diet (after a good few months of an already reduced calorie diet). Average 800 cals, 100-120g Protein, average 40g carbs, less than 20g fats, drinking fluids. Tracking everything in MFP. Now I'm just wondering, that if no weight loss occurs during this time, how can it happen after the sleeve? Because the average intake will equal to about that, maybe a little less at first.

    How will weight loss occur post-op, if it isn't happening now? I've actually gained a few. Makes no sense. I know, stay off the scale... but if by this time 6 days from now, I have not lost anything, I'm seriously doubting getting on that gurney.

    Someone, anyone - please help ease my mind here... :(

    Well I lost NOTHING in the 2 week pre op diet. I am 7 days out now and I have lost 13lbs. The last time I ever lost was 15lbs while on Jenny Craig for 6 months.

  2. I don't think it has much to do with my procedure. In fact I left our kids with a relative for a week so he had no responsibility. He was enjoying it. Never had a concern about the surgery. I think its just really him coming to grips with the responsibility of parenthood and that he no longer come 1st. It complicates things that we adopted these boys. We have had them since birth though and it was well thought out (or so I thought).

  3. I do see the gravity of his actions. 90% of the time he is an amazing father and husband. In the last year something has changed in him. He sought therapy for himself but he just started. I am trying to see if my friend can take the boys for a pizza so I can lay down ground rules with him. He has a place to go of he needs to. Its just hard because I am still physically limited and quite frankly, exhausted. I just wanted to point out how important it is to have a strong person by your side during this process if you can.

  4. Bad morning but not because of the sleeve. But its important to know that while you are sleeved and especially recovering things can and will happen around you. I had no back up plan. My husband was supposed to take our young boys to school this morning. Normally my job. He was running late and flew off the handle because he felt the kids (3 yes and 4yrs) were not listening to him. His temper went into overdrive and ended up scream at all 3 of us "I hate you and I'm never coming back". My husband is in therapy but obviously more work needs to be done. Not to go too far into the actual fight I want to show you that I was in that instant stranded. I got my kids to school and I came home and sobbed from 7:30am to 10:30am. Never once taking in any fluids and then the dry heaving began. Life swirls around us but we can't just time-out the recovery. I'm doing my nest to rehydrate now and make some sort of plan of how I am going to avoid conflict tonight. So far I have a friend coming with me to help pick up my boys.

  5. Thanks everyone. I am still waiting the hospital I am at doesn't do bariatrics I had to travel 4 hours away to a hospital my insurance covers for surgery. So I was getting my vitals done and they were drawing blood and one of the guys goes yeah I bet it's your gallbladder how we test that is stick our hand under your rib cage and grab the lower part of your rib feeling for the diaphragm and we should be able to feel the gallbladder. I snapped at him "the h3!! you are! I am six days post op you just start grabbing things that are potentially stitched I am going to lose it." I have a bunch of extra stitching because my surgeon also repaired a hiatal hernia.

    Please Lord direct these people on how to help me!

    With! What state are you in? That's insane!

  6. Hey guys,

    My surgery date is on the 20th and my mom and I are actually getting it on the same day with the same surgeon. My surgeon actually doesn't require a liquid diet before surgery but he did suggest cutting our food intake by 20% two weeks pre-op. Finally got all my appointments ands tests done, now just trying to get everything together before surgery. Started to get a little bit nervous but you'd be amazed at how much grad schools finals can take your mind off of things lol.

    He did put you on liquids for the day prior I hope?

  7. I started at 204, and the pre-op diet got me to 192 - 12 lbs gone in 6 weeks.

    Surgery day was 11/13/13, and I weighed 192 that morning.

    Today, at 3.5 weeks out, I weigh 180 - another 12 lbs gone since surgery. (I'm tickled pink with that, but at the same time I'm kinda disappointed when I see a picture of myself and I'm not thin yet! I know, I know, I didn't get to this point over night either.)

    So my post-op rate of loss has been about 3-4 lbs per week, and I'm not exercizing. I've been trying to convince myself to start an exercize plan, and I even have one selected... but I just hate exercize! I work at a desk job, so that's no help.

    Lucky ducky! Call me I'd wait for a stall before adding exercise! :D

  8. You'll do great Mel! I have 2 toddlers. I sent them to stay with a relative for a week so my husband could care for me and not get too stressed. I don't know young your kids are but if they are young you may need some more time when you get home. Maybe your husband could set up a day or 2 away so you can recoup with him. Regardless you will be great. Precooking meals is smart! Sending a prayer your way.

  9. Hi all, a question for the pre-op dieters or this month's sleevers. Have any of you NOT lost any weight on pre-op, or lost very minimally? Going on day three here and gained two pounds even though I'm peeing like a race horse! I swear I could eat a sheet of drywall if it was put in front of me right now. Trying very hard to stick to the plan, this is a ton harder than I thought it would be :unsure:

    I ping ponged up and down 3 lbs through out my 2 week diet and by surgery day j hadn't lost anything lol

  10. I called the doctor and informed the nurse of what was happening. She called the doc and called me back and said "pain is to be expected, call if it gets worse". Holy heck if it gets worse I'd pass out. Oh well, I will have to try to endure it and go to the er if its gets to bad. Thanks for the feedback :)

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