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Posts posted by blossom

  1. We have to be able to yell and kick and cry and scream. We can't be expected to hold back, bite our tongues, remain dignified, watch our manners or post only things that won't offend others.

    Well that is definitely NOT why I come here. I come here for the advice and commraderie of those who are in a simular medical situation as myself. And if this board becomes like the above description, you can bet I won't be hanging around anymore. This website is a forum, not a therapist, and that is ALL it will EVER be. If you feel the need to seek therapy, please find a licensed professional who can help you.

  2. Give it a couple of days. How much Water can you sip? When I was overfilled I could only take a couple of sips and I was done. Are you uncomfortable or hiccupping? I had a .5 cc unfill and now I am back to gulping water, but I am eating less than I was before I had the overfill. Does that make sense, LOL!!! I lost 14 pounds with my overfill and it still didn't loosen up.

  3. Awwww, Paula! Your shoe story reminded me of one of my own....

    When both my sister and I stayed at Mam-maw and PawPaw's we usually slept in her bed (they had they're own rooms ya know) and she would sleep on the couch. Well, one night me and Cindy just couldn't go to sleep and we were all giggly and squealy like little girls are and Mam-maw had given us several warnings. Then Cindy (she's older than me) decided to tell me a spooky story to scare me. I can't remember what the story was, but what I do remember was something came flying through the air and landed on the bed right between us!!! Scared me so bad I went flying under those covers and all the way down to the foot of the bed! Seemed like I was under there forever when it finally dawned on me that I could hear Mam-maw laughing so hard she could hardly catch her breath, so I slowly came back up to the head of the bed and peeked out. The light was now on and she and Cindy were both laughing and crying at the same time. Seems she had taken the spooky story as an opportunity to teach 2 giggly, squealy girls a lesson and she had thrown her house slipper into the bedroom to scare us at just the right moment. She just didn't figure it would make it all the way to the bed!

  4. Bubba, my gyn told me that most women cycle for approx. 40 years and then go through the change. But he also said that signs and symptoms can begin much earlier. I am 41 and I began having periods when I was only 9. I, too, have been noticing some slight changes. Not looking forward to those hotflashes!!!

  5. Where's the fight?!?! Did I miss it? You guys gotta quit posting on here in the evenings cause I miss EVERYTHING, LOL!!!

    Betty please don't be upset. I'm sure it's just a family sqaubble, you know how we siblings can be.

  6. Wow! Excellent thread!!!!

    My parents divorced when I was about 4, so I spent many long summers with my mom's parents. My mam-maw was the sweetest woman I have ever known. We did so many, many things together. They lived way out in the country, and my favorite memory was when she and I would go to the little country store (Penni, it had wood floors and a glass candy case, too!) and get Mountain Dews and Peanut Patties. Then we would drive back to the farm and lay under a big ole shade tree and try to make out shapes in the clouds. And, oh Lordy, could that woman cook! My sister and I talk about her cooking all the time. We both try to make things like she did, but they just never taste the same.

    Her husband, Paw-paw, was just plain mean. I hated him and I always tried to avoid being around him. He just died on the 13th of this month at the age of 98. I refused to even go to his funeral and I'm not in the least bit sorry!!!

    Dad's Parents. Well, I only saw them a few times a year and it was just as well because SHE didn't like me much (I look like my mother, LOL). SHE always wanted me to call her Grandmother, so I would smile and call her Mam-maw every time, LOL!! She had this awful habit of putting my hair behind my ears while she smiled and said mean things about my mom to me in the sweetest voice you ever heard. That was really hard for a little kid to deal with, even if the stuff she was saying was true. Didn't really ever get to know my Grandfather very well, he was county commissioner (3 terms) and a sort of gentleman farmer. I do remember that he seemed to have a pretty good humor about him and he kept bees. Funny, I've been planning to start my own hives out on our property...

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