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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by angemc

  1. Dear. Friends I am in my first week of preop and I'm getting so tired of having only three thins shakes chicken broth iced tea. My second week I might keep busier writing or doing paperwork. I have a sore on the roof of my mouth. I want to eat something. I'm not suppose to have pop but I've had 3 cans this week. My dh won't get me another since so close to surgery. Eat....it's really on my mind.

    My doc said sugar free/diet pop was fine to drink on pre-op and I drank gallons of it! It was my savior :)

  2. You are doing great on your preop diet! You will do great after surgery. We all just need to find other activities to occupy our time when we feel like munching. We developed bad habits and we can develop good ones! We may all end up with really clean houses!

    It's funny you say that because I have been doing more housework of a night just to stop me from eating! I have also been getting on this forum. Oh and Pinterest! That can keep me busy for hours lol.

  3. I am having cravings also but I have been doing other things to keep my mind busy. I have been cleaning and going through stuff and getting rid of stuff I don't need. I am more worried about when I go back to work.

    I have been fine during the day.. My twins keep me busy! But nights are hard. My hub starts work early in the morning so goes to bed early, as do the girls. So it's just me and the TV. Pre-band this was also my munching time. I think a lot of it is just habit and routine.

  4. Hi all! I am two days post op. Everything is going fairly well. I have been having some pain in the middle of my stomach, but pain meds are helping. Getting up and walking is helping a lot too. Haven't had too much trouble with gas pains. Excited I can take a shower today woohoo! Stay hydrated everyone and work on getting your Protein in. Hope everyone is doing okay who is post op and good luck to all who have surgery coming up.

    Sounds like you are doing really well! :)

  5. If you want a really yummy recipe for your shakes - here are a couple: cherry cheese cake- use 1 scoup vanilla Protein, 8oz milk, 1 tablespoon sugar free cheese cake pudding mik, 1/2 c. Frozen cherries, ice is optional. Blend in your blender. It is yummy!

    Another- reeses peanut butter: 1 scoup chocolate Protein Powder or 1 vanilla with 1 teaspoon cocoa powder, 8 oz milk or almond milk, 1 tablespoon creamy Peanut Butter, a packet or 2 splenda, and ice optional. Blend together.

    These are two that I have found very yummy. My dietitian gabe me several Protein Shake recipes so I don't have to br drinking the same thing all the time and I have been very grateful! Each of these will give you st least 30g protein per shake.< /p>

    I am definitely gonna try the cherry cheesecake one! Sounds yum.

  6. For the already banded.. How long did you have to wait before taking the steri strips off? My surgeon said 10 days but I've just taken four of them off because they were half off anyway! Its been nine days, and I left the one on the bigger incision where the band is because its still stuck down nicely. Plus I'm kinda grossed out to take it off because I can feel the lump underneath. Anyone else have a lump where the cut is? I'm assuming its normal because I remember having a lump after my c-section that disappeared as it healed.

  7. I'm 8 days post-op and feeling great the last few days. I am on thick liquids this week and moving to mashies next week. The first six days I had no hunger but on day 7 the hunger came back with a vengeance. Anyone else experiencing this?

    I'm booked for my first fill in 2 1/2 weeks time and hoping that I won't feel so hungry after that. I still have some tightness where my band is after eating and my port sometimes feels like it is "pulling" if I lay or bend funny.

  8. I was on a 1500 calorie diet before surgery so I could have what I wanted. Just couldn't go over 1500 calories. Then I was on a liquid diet for a week after surgery seen my doctor he moved me to soft foods last week and I can have regular food starting Wednesday YAY!!!! However tonight is not a good night for me bc I feel like all I want to do is eat and plus I think I have an incision infected and for some reason I'm in alot of pain which worries me so back to the doctor I go tomorrow....And tonight I had my first breakdown cry. Like u can't do this I'm not staying full I feel like I could eat a Big Mac which I'm sure two or three bites I be done..lol and I was like idk if I made the right decision and maybe I shouldn't of done it.....sigh rough night :(

    I could have written this brittani! I had my first breakdown cry yesterday as well. I am getting frustrated with wanting to eat but can't, and when I have what I can eat, I feel tightness in my band and like my port is pulling. I think I just needed to get my boo hoos out but I seriously said to my hub that if this is how it feels to eat for the rest of my life, I will get the band taken out! And of course, because I was feeling down about it, all I wanted to do was eat the wrong stuff... Which just makes me feel more frustrated and hungry! But I have woken up today feeling better. It's definitely a roller coaster ride :)

  9. Hi All! Home from hospital. Surgery went real well. Had a little gas pain in the shoulder but it has subsided. Pain in my stomach but it's tolerable. Getting up and walking helps! Keeping on top of pain meds. If you have yet to have had your surgery' date=' ask about the nausea patch. They leave it on for two days to keep you from getting sick. Best of luck to all who are going to have surgery soon.[/quote']

    That's great to hear! You will feel better each day :)

  10. I was banded on 7/23.....so im what' date=' like 20 days out. I have no soreness unless I was to deliberately poke or push on my port site. Im down 21 lbs since my surgery.....and have only been walking 5 days a week as my exercise currently...although I do plan to step it up soon since im at my 3 week postop point. My stomach still kinda pooches out where the port is...hopefully thats residual swelling and goes down. But I am back to feeling like myself. I can sleep almost any position except directly on the port side because its uncomfortable. ...other than that im feeling fantastic. My only issue with food at this point is im constantly craving cheese lol. Not real sure what thats about lol.[/quote']

    My port site pooches out after I've eaten (well drunk because I'm still on liquids) and feels tight to touch. It goes down after a couple of hours though.

  11. It's going. I've lost 21 pounds. So I'm pretty stoked about that. I get to start Wednesday on regular food which I'm thrilled about. I was talking to someone today and told them I am starving even though I'm on soft foods and they said its because the swelling is going down. Because I'm so worried ill mess up. They told me its normal to get hungry and this is a lesson we all have to learn. And eventually ill have the hang of this. I'm so glad you were able to get sleep. I was so scared to sleep on my right side bc I didn't want to hurt the port. And my doctor kept saying ur not going to hurt it; it's pretty durable. And I know one morning I woke up and I was on my stomach and I was like OMG how'd this happen but I guess it didn't bother me bc I didn't wake up. I have also noticed since this surgery I'm not getting up nearly as much to use the bathroom in the middle of the night...hey the more sleep I get the better I will feel for the next day! I'm so glad we all have each other to lean on

    I'm so glad we all have each other too! It's so reassuring to talk to people who are going through the same thing or have been through it and can offer advice. Your weight loss is fantastic! Yay to you :)

    I'm starting to feel hungry too. The first six days I was like food? No thanks! Yuk! And now I'm thinking about food all the time and wishing I could eat. You could be right about the swelling being responsible. My surgeon did tell me that I would feel hungry by the week 3 stage. I got to progress to thicker liquids today. And then next week mashed foods. I am soooo over soup! Err.

  12. Hey the doctor visit went good. Sorry I'm just now seeing this post. He gave me permission to go to soft foods and next Wednesday he said I can start re-introducing foods...YAY!!!!! If you are having trouble with gas I had the same issue and gas-x either the kind that dissolves on your tongue or the kind you chew helps tremendously. Last Saturday my mom was going to Kroger at 1230 in the morning bc it was so bad I couldn't lay down. I chewed two pills up and I had immediate relief. As far as laying comfortable I bought this long body pillow that pregnant women normally use its just a straight one not the curl one like they use and it has helped too. I even took it to the hospital. Lay it against my stomach and my leg over it and I was comfy! It's been ten days since surgery and I feel great! I'm glad because I didn't wanna be hurting for long. And when I got sent home I'm allergic to Percocet so they gave a prescription for liquid lortab never had that before so it was a new one not the greatest taste but I got it down. How are you feeling now?

    I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm now 7 days post-op and feeling sooo much better too!

    I had one of those body pillows when I was pregnant with my girls but threw it out when we moved house. But I looooved it when I was pregnant. I actually just used a normal pillow last night to support my belly and slept on my side. Yay!

    You must be so excited to move to soft foods. I still have another week to go on liquids and only today I feel over drinking and not eating. I think because I woke up feeling better, I also had an appetite and have been tempted to make scrambled eggs! But I will follow doctors orders because the weight is coming off so I know it is working... 31 lb loss when I got on the scales this morning (including 4 weeks pre-op). How is your weight loss going?

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