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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by angemc

  1. Glad to know it's not just me - I was afraid I was doing something wrong. But I've the same from some "old timers" on another forum' date=' so I feel better about not losing in the second week. As long as I maintain until my fill in a couple of weeks, then hopefully the weight will begin to gradually drop off.

    Guess I'm just anxious to see the "new" me in the mirror.[/quote']

    My loss in the second week was also minimal - 2lbs. The first week I lost 10!!! My total is 35lbs. Pre-op was four weeks long and I lost 23lbs. I'm halfway through week 3 post-op and not expecting much this week either. I'm very hungry and able to eat more each day. I'm booked for my first fill next Thursday and hoping to feel that restriction again.

  2. Thanks I totally agree. Extra weight is extra weight regardless if it is 60 lbs or 100 lbs. I am excited to have energy when the weight is off. How is everyone's energy so far? I am 2 weeks out and get tired easily. I had 2 other surgeries at the same time. My overall goal is to feel better and live better.

    My energy levels have been horrible the last two days.. But I have also been lazy with my Vitamins and suspect that's why??

  3. I think so. I just am one of those people who usually doesn't like to air all of my business' date=' I like to keep my personal issues personal unless people ask, but I don't hide it. I have told a few people post surgery and they have been VERY encouraging and supportive! I know this was one of the hardest decisions that I have made in life, but I needed to do it. One thing a lot of people do not understand is that choosing to do lap band is not an easy path and I hope to educate them that this is not an "easy weight loss fix" for me. This is a tool that will help me in this lifelong battle that I have had. I will still have to work very hard at weight loss. I think unless you have gone through it, you will never truly understand. That is why I am so thankful for all of you my fellow bandsters!![/quote']

    Musica there is definitely a perception out there that lap band surgery is an easy fix and guaranteed weight loss. People don't understand that you can fail the lap band. They also think the band does all the work and don't understand that it is just a tool and we still have to work hard to lose weight. I have only told my closest friends and family but plan on telling people when they notice the loss and ask how I did it. But I will also be honest with them about how hard it is and how everyday is a struggle :)

  4. I do have energy but this is my first week back to work and I am tired. So trying to do that and take care of me I'm just pooped.

    I will say this its been three weeks yesterday I've lost 25 lbs and its amazing about how much more I can do. This time last year if I would've went to the fair I would've died walking the other night I was able to walk the whole time except maybe to sit while my mom and aunt looked at something I didn't want to. Also I'm happy bc normally before WLS it was so hard for me to shave my legs in the shower but the other day I did that and it made me happy...it's the small things lol

    The little things are sometimes the sweetest NSV's!!! Today I painted my toenails and it was sooo much easier to reach and bend. I had been struggling with back pain as well, and found it hard to walk a long way. But my back is great now!!

  5. I don't like this phase where I'm feeling like my portion sizes are much bigger . I guess this is what everyone was talking abt . I'm still working out diligently. Still in control ..Good feeling !

    I feel exactly the same!! I'm still working hard and focused on my goal but definitely finding my meal sizes are getting bigger and bigger because my hunger is getting bigger and bigger! Weight is still coming off tho :)

  6. Hi Angemc.......this is so crazy. I mean I keep saying "eating" but the truth is its only Fluid. Shouldn't Fluid go right past the band? Why does it make me feel so horrible to have a half bowl of broth? Is like I feel horrible all the time, I can't win. I feel horrible from not eating, headaches and hunger pains and then I feel horrible when I do "eat". Maybe I'm just pushing too hard, trying to feel normal too soon. Today is Day 5 post-op.......and it's been my crying day. I've been crying all day. Crying wondering if I did the right thing, crying that I won't feel better, crying because everything I see seems to do with food and all I want to do is eat something.

    I must say that being apart of this forum has helped ALOT. I've only told 4 people in my life about the surgery and 2 of them live more than 1,000 miles away and non of them have ever gone through anything like this. Without you guys I would truly be all alone in this. Heck today was the first day I actually told my Mom about the surgery.

    Soccerturtle.......Congratulations on your 12lbs. That's awesome!! You must be proud of yourself.

    Pooh bear this forum has been my saviour!!! To have people who are going through the same thing and understand how it feels is so supportive. I also love the before and after pics and dream about being one of those after pics one day! I have only told my very closest family and friends but haven't kept it a secret if that makes sense? Im hoping people will start noticing the weight I've lost (35lbs so far and only two people have said my face looks thinner??) and then I know they will ask how I've lost the weight.. and I'll tell them I have a lap band. My only fear about telling people is if I fail... and having people know I failed the band. But I am working very hard to succeed at this!! 3 more days and I can have "normal" food again!! :)

  7. Angemc and PoohBear22 thank you for sharing how you've been feeling! What a relief to know I'm not alone in this! I was totally miserable post-op for 6 days. Our "pain meds" my doc suggested was Tylenol! I was in excruciating pain those first few days...I was miserable and grumpy from being hungry but feeling like garbage :( I also had massive heartburn pain that woke me up at night every night post-op til just yesterday. I now take 2 antacid pills first thing in the morning and that has made a huge difference. Now, I'm hungry and my stomach growls and rumbles and burns and then when I eat (about a cup of mashies) I don't ever feel "full" I just feel pressure and tightness in the center of my chest. It's been a rough adjustment to this. I guess I always thought I'd feel "full" and then stop eating and not get hungry for several hours. That has not been the case for me. I'm hoping this changes once I start getting fills...glad we're in this group together! :) I'm down 12lbs total (pre and post op). Good luck to each of you!!! :)

    My pain meds after day 2 were ibuprofen. I stayed overnight in the hospital and they gave me good drugs there, I wish they had given me some to take home.. I could have just slept the week away!! I have only had heartburn once and some antacid did the trick. It definitely is a strange feeling being full, although hunger feels the same. And I'm finding each day that I need to eat a little more than the day before to keep the hunger away. My first fill is next week on the 29th, which is three and a half weeks after my band day. Im nervous about getting it done (I HATE needles) but looking forward to having that feeling of not being interested in food that everyone else talks about. Although I'm also hearing that it can take quite a few fills to find that "sweet spot" My doc said he will do a fill every 4 weeks until I'm in that green zone :)

  8. I only told just a few people myself. It will be interesting to see what people say as I get smaller (hopefully :-)). I am kinda glad to be back into the normal routine, but will be real glad to be back to normal foods!

    I think we're all waiting for life to feel "normal" again!! Are you planning to tell people when they notice the weight loss?

  9. I was given my pre op diet sheet yesterday and they are really against bananas! I would have thought bananas being mushy to begin with would be acceptable but they are not?

    Anyone else have the no bananas rule?

    Nope I haven't heard that. But I also don't like bananas so maybe I just didn't pay attention to that one!!! I would have thought they would have been ok though. When I think of mushy food I think of baby food.. And my babies loved mashed banana!!

  10. 4 days post-op. ugh!!! So not feeling well right now. Not sure if I'm "eating" to much broth at night and maybe that's what's making me feel so yucky at night or what but during the day I'm starving and at night I feel horrible. What am I doing wrong?

    Pooh Bear that's exactly how I felt!! Hungry but horrible when I ate. Inm fact I still feel that way!! The feeling of fullness is definitely different after the band. You don't get that normal "full" feeling, you just start feeling really yukky in the chest.. well that's how it is for me anyway. I am finding it really easy to over eat, and then I pay for it. I am keeping my meal sizes small but just feel so hungry because I haven't had any fills yet. And if I have eaten too much, the horrible feeling lasts for hours before I feel better and most often happens at night. I have had two nights where feeling so crappy has stopped me from sleeping till 5 in the morning. Maybe try smaller more frequent meals? That helped me with feeling so hungry in the second week post-op :)

  11. i start pre op on the 25th! Are you feeling normal pain and comfort wise? that first fill im sure will be a HUGE relief!

    Yep I feel great! I woke up on day 7 post-op and felt like myself again. And every day after that just got better and better. Now at 15 days, I wouldn't even know I have a band apart from the lump I can feel under my skin and the fact that I can't eat as much!

  12. My doc gave me info on pre-op diet and post-op diet but it only mentions chicken, steak and bread. I will ask him about those other things when I see him for my first fill next week!! I suppose all you can do is be honest with your doc and take his advice. If your liver is still enlarged will they do the surgery by opening you up rather than laparoscopically? I'm not sure how you feel about that, the recovery is bound to be worse! :)

  13. I was not hungry at all those first few days. I just drank a lot of liquids so the Tylenol wouldn't be so hard on me. Today I feel 100% fine' date=' virtually no pain at all unless I move to quickly or bend/turn a certain way. I felt hungry yesterday and today. I don't feel "full" once I'm done eating. I just feel a tightness in my chest that is very uncomfortable. I only serve myself about a cup's worth of food per meal because I don't want to feel sick from eating too much but I don't ever feel satiated, I just feel uncomfortable. It's a mind-trip now...I have to stop looking for that "I'm really full now" feeling and have to just stop once I know I should. It's a learning period for me still but I'm so happy I'm not in any pain any more!! :) thanks for your kind words! How are you doing?[/quote']

    Yep that's exactly how I feel.. The full feeling isn't like before, its more of an uncomfortable feeling in the chest. It's horrible!

  14. I feel the same way' date=' PoohBear22! I'm hungry too! Just watching my family eat everything has been very hard. I have just had Protein shakes & popsicles. This Thursday, I can have yogurt, oatmeal & fudge pops. Bring it on ; ) Hang in there![/quote']

    It is hard.. I'm on mushies and just miss normal food! I think it is even harder when we have to cook meals for our families and have "normal food" in the house. But I just keep telling myself it is only three weeks of my life! :) :)

  15. Day 5 post op. I have been off pain meds since day 2. I have this slight tugging pain under my left breast' date=' (especially when I take a deep breath). I think, it is associated with the repair of my hiatal hernia. Has anyone else experienced this? I tried calling surgeons office, but their 'out to lunch'. How is everyone sleeping? I have been sleeping on my back & sometimes on my right side. No one has told me any different. I hope, I haven't done any damage. I don't even know where my port is...... I'm feeling full most the time. Anyone from the St. Louis area?[/quote']

    I had to sleep on my back too. After about a week I was able to lay on my right side but it took a few more days to be able to lay on my left. I am still putting a pillow under my tummy when I sleep on my side because it helps with that pulling feeling. I believe the port is up and to the left of the band? But I don't quote me on that!

  16. I am eating about 4 oz three times a day. I am having a hard time getting my Water in. I'm only drinking about 40 oz a day. I can see how you would be hungry in between where what we are on is all slider food. When do you get to go to mushies? Maybe they can advance you sooner since the swelling is going down.

    I've started mushies now but definitely feel ready for normal food!

  17. Hi I normally have depression with my bipolar disorder. And I've spent 30 yrs+getting it completely under control due to alot of things but right now meds.

    I pray I don't get in a funk that will spiral me down to where I was not even 5 years ago. It's very difficult to make yourself come out of it especially when you have a proneness to depression. So good luck to all of us. This is life changing .... a rebirth of sorts.... a great weight is on our psyche as we do this transformation.

    Make sure you take care of yourself! :)

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