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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by angemc

  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. It is a daily battle. I had mashed potatoes last night. I knew I was full but I still wanted more and snuck a few bites. It must be a trigger food for me. I try and think of the goal that I have as well as my new healthy lifestyle. I have to remember its for a lifetime and I have learn to balance healthy choices with occasional not so healthy ones.

    I am still doing the same sometimes.. I know I'm not hungry anymore but I just want to have that extra bite or two. But it's definitely showing on the scales for me.. Still stuck at the same weight. I don't want to be extreme with my diet because as you said, its for a lifetime. I just need to learn to balance it better!!!

  2. I'm doing ok. Still stuck at 12 lbs that I've lost...it seems I keep gaining and re-losing the same 3lbs :( that's getting pretty old pretty fast! I'm trying to make walking a part of my daily routine and have joined a gym. I'm on soft foods now and have been hungrier with every passing day which is also starting to get old. My doc refuses to give me a fill because I'm "still losing" but I keep telling him it's because I want to be successful with the band so I'm eating healthier than ever and exercising...I see him again in 2 weeks...how about the two of you? How are you doing?

    I'm getting my first fill on Thursday, and am pretty confident I have not lost since seeing my doc two weeks ago, but am still pleased with my 35lb loss so far. My doc said getting a fill is all about the "zone" you are in and hunger levels, not how much weight you have lost. And I have been so hungry!! I have to see him monthly for fills, but have no idea how aggressive he is with it. I'm just really hoping to have some restriction. I have been exercising but in the last couple of days have not made the best choices with food. I had a four week pre-op diet of Protein Shakes and three weeks post-op of liquids and mushies, so I'm enjoying being able to eat real food. And because I have no restriction, it is just so easy. It really is a daily battle for me.

  3. I am also a private person. I kept it to myself until after my approval from Aetna. I did run into judgemental people but they dont live my life. It was a health issue and my decision to make. It has improved my quality of life already and I am only two weeks post op. I dont go around waving a flag but if asked, I provide honest answers. The band is not an automatic fix, we STILL have to put the work in so anyone who says we cheated is full of malarky

    People just automatically assume that we will lose weight once we have the band. They just don't realise how much of a role we have in losing weight. It is a daily battle for me, and I suspect it always will be :)

  4. Angemc- I'm staying strong as can be expected at this phase. Today see the psychiatrist to see if can come off some meds. She will probably say wait until all this first and second phase is over but we'll see. My blood sugar this am is 217. I took about 16 u of 70/30 insulin. If all I'm having is hot tea...sf Jello and Water how much sugar is going into my body? Doesn't make sense. So in my estimation it has to be the meds I am taking. Oh well. Life's a mystery...so is our body. Alot of things can't explain. You stay strong too.

    Gosh is sounds like the meds you are on are definitely affecting you. Hopefully as you lose weight, you will be able to lose the meds! :)

    Angemc- I'm staying strong as can be expected at this phase. Today see the psychiatrist to see if can come off some meds. She will probably say wait until all this first and second phase is over but we'll see. My blood sugar this am is 217. I took about 16 u of 70/30 insulin. If all I'm having is hot tea...sf jello and water how much sugar is going into my body? Doesn't make sense. So in my estimation it has to be the meds I am taking. Oh well. Life's a mystery...so is our body. Alot of things can't explain. You stay strong too.

  5. Thank you. Prayer is powerful and does get results. I missed sunday service yesterday still feeling quiessy. But I do thankyou for your kindness. It does go a long way in combatting combat fatigue.

    I say prayers most days and try to get in the habit but miss alot of times but kindnesses are always rewarded and rewarding to the person giving them. At least I feel that way. But I am just having a pity party. Usually strong and self reliant. My dh is quite the helper at times and does give his love unconditionally so that helps keep me going too. Have a great day...you deserve it.

    Donna, hope you're feeling better! Stay strong :)

  6. I can honestly say, day by day, I feel better. I'm at 12 days Post Op & finally feeling good. I actually got dressed up & put make up on today. I had a terrible day this past Saturday. Advice for everyone. Take it day by day. This is a major change in our lives. I have my first post op visit, tomorrow. I'm curious, about how much weight I have lost the past 2 weeks. I know, life can only get EASIER ; ) I'm going back to work this Wednesday. Looking forward to my usual routine. Thank You, to ALL my bandster buddies. I love reading all you posts. Anyone from the St. Louis area? Just throwing this out there again. Take Care!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better :) I think getting back to a normal routine helped me a lot, and we are bound to all have a bad day every now and then.. This journey we are on is long and hard, but getting to the destination will be amazing!! :)

  7. Hi' date=' I'm Laura and starting pre op for two weeks tnis morning. Surgery on the 9th. While I do need to loose weight I am mostly doing this to improve my diabetic control. Bmi is 36- hope to loose 10 before surgery which means I will be down to my pre stroke weight. How bloated were you after surgery from gas? I heard it is so bad clothes don't fit. Any takers on this? Exited to get going and enjoy the friendships and support on this site.[/quote']

    Hi Laura! I had bad gas pains the first week after surgery. Oh my did they hurt!!! But I didn't notice it in the mirror. My clothes still fitted me fine. The first week is pretty hard but it really does get better day by day. And we will all be here for support. The bandsters in this group are pretty great :)

  8. I will be four weeks out as of Tuesday. Haven't started exercising yet bc I want to go to the gym and right at the moment I am without a car and I have to rely on other people. However I do have the biggest loser game for the wii so until then that will be my workout and trust me I tried that workout a long time ago before lap band even crossed my mind and it about killed me lol.

    I'm just curious does anyone else have the problem of people who know you have had lap band do you feel like they are constantly watching you while you eat and when you're done and judge you for how much u ate. and like right now I am eating more but it's bc I need my first fill tonight I did have pizza it was thin crust and I ate four pieces and my mom was like how much have you ate? I mean obviously I'm doing something right bc I keep losing weight. Just was wanting to know if anyone else had this problem.

    And for lunch at work I have my bread that is low calorie and I have turkey bologna with mustard a string cheese sugar free pudding and apple sauce so I don't think that's to bad

    I could easily eat four pieces of pizza!! My girls are always asking "is that on your diet?" Lol. I am trying to teach them that I can eat anything in moderation and balance. But I have had people comment that they thought I wouldn't be able to eat that much. And I have to explain that I haven't had any fills yet etc. It's so frustrating to have to explain yourself!!! I would love to go to the gym but its a bit hard for me because of the girls. My hub is leaving on Friday to work in another state for 4-6 weeks. His boss asked him and we didn't want to say no because its great $ but ill be on my own so it makes it hard to get out of the house child free. I am planning to go to the gym later though because I want to tone my body as I lose weight and hopefully I won't have to have surgery to remove loose skin when I've lost my weight (although I'm sure a TT will be on the cards after carrying twins to full term). Until then the treadmill will be my friend :)

  9. Alot of lbs gone forever. That means alot since you've been doing so well on liquid diets. You will succeed after the fill and it will be dissapointing taking a step back but maybe u won't. After the fill you should be able to start eating a little more normal and remember it doesn't fall off all at once. The band is a tool....you still have to do the work. Gosh how much I've learned being on this site. And you're among them. So don't worry too much. How are u feeling physically? I'm on my 3rd day of the week of Clear Liquids. Most everything hurts going down because of gas except Water. But will persevere. Good luck on upcoming fill.

    We all have to keep our eyes on the prize don't we? My wind pains lasted that first week then were gone thankfully! You will be amazed at how much better you will feel this time next week. I am so grateful to all of you wonderful people for the support and encouragement :)

  10. What is your weight loss 3 wks out?

    With preop and 2 day postop am 14 lbs gone. With some of my weight gaining meds this will be a slow go if all else goes well. Good to hear u are feeling good physically. Having any reservations? Or problems? Hope it goes every bit as well.

    If people only knew....well like the old saying...walk a mile in my shoes. No one will understand unless they have experienced it.

    My weight loss was nothing this week. I lost 23 pre-op and 12 pounds in weeks 1 and 2 after the surgery, but this week I stayed the same. Bit disappointing when I have been using the treadmill twice a day but I have also been eating more than I did in the first two weeks. I am having my first fill on Thursday and I'm looking forward to getting the restriction back I had on the first week, but I'm scared at the same time. I'm worried it will hurt and I'll feel horrible afterwards. I'm also not looking forward to going back to liquids and mushies for a few days. I feel like I've just got back on normal food and come thursday afternoon I'll be back to baby food!! How are you doing?

  11. Ange

    How is your energy these days? Have you started exercising yet? I haven't but I'm going to tomorrow. I have to go back to work on the 9th so need to start building up some endurance. Today is my last 'rest' day so I'm going to enjoy.

    My energy has been a lot better! I have been a good girl and taking my Vitamins everyday. And it has made a huge difference! I started walking on my treadmill about two weeks ago, but just very gently and only for about 10 minutes. The last week I've upped it to twice a day for 15 minutes. I suppose I should be doing different types of exercise but its just easy to use the treadmill. It sits in the corner of our family room and I can jump on at any time of the day. What exercise are you planning?

  12. I know I need to stay positive. Just a bit discouraging to see the scale start moving back up after failing on other diets.

    It is disappointing but I'm reading from other bandsters on the forum that the real weight loss doesn't start until you find your sweet spot... Which for us is probably a number of fills away. Until then I think we just have to try and stay positive and remind ourselves that the best is yet to come!!

  13. I feel a little better than right after surgery. I do have a tight sensation in the middle of my upper chest right between my breasts....gas?....heartburn?

    Also which side of your abdomen is your surgery on??....mine on left. Good luck to us all. It is good to hear the process does work.

    Good to hear you are feeling a little better. Sound like you could have some gas pains. Mine were wicked! Aghhhh! My large incision is to the left too. I am three weeks post surgery and feel great physically. Looking forward to getting some restriction this Thursday because I have none!!

  14. I had my surgery on 8/14. Feeling much better but still sore around the port site which kinda burns most of the time. After I eat or when I'm close to being done it seems to hurt a little more. I feel like that area bulges out a little more too. Is that a sign of fullness? I'm just trying to figure everything out. Don't think it's anything stuck. Not drinking liquid with meals either. Any ideas for mushie foods? Also having trouble getting enough Protein in. For those recently banded it does get better a little bit each day. Remember to rest and take your pain meds!

    I bulge out after I have eaten and it feels kind of tight too. I've been told its normal :)

  15. I am laying in bed on the 3 rd day after surgery wondering if this will be worth it. I just had a little chicken broth and my stomach hurts. I have been drinking fluids just fine but my breathing is short and I feel tightness in my chest. I had a hernia repair as well so I am sure that is bothering me too. I just want to cry.

    It really does get better. You're in the worst of it now but each day you will feel better, I promise :)

  16. Hi Again all!!! I hope everyone is doing well!!!

    tomorrow I start my 3 day liquid diet! I am very fortunate that I don't have the two week liquid diet that many bandsters have ( I think that would kill me )

    As time begins to dwindle down to surgery day' date=' a lot of questions are starting to arise that are scaring me!

    [*']Will my personality change? ( hope not!)

    [*]Will I enjoy the new attention? (probably not)

    [*]Will people still see me as smart and caring, or just pretty and thin? ( probably not )

    [*]Will my relationship with my long term boyfriend change? ( hope not!)

    [*]Will I give up on this, like i have on EVERY OTHER DIET? ( god, that scares me)

    I have always seen my fat suit as a curse, but the closer I come to taking it off, the more I realise how much I care about it.

    The last week or so, I have really begun to analyse myself, and I have had overwhelming feelings of missing this body (to the point of crying!) This is the body I am so used to, how can I be happy and adjusted in the deflated version of this body??

    Anyone else had these feelings?

    Cwinkler we have all had second thoughts and doubts about this process. And I think you raised some important thoughts... We won't be the same people at the end of our journey. The journey will change us. We will feel better about ourselves, be more outgoing, and have more energy. We will be better versions of ourselves!!! I think our relationships will be better because of how we feel and how we live. I can't wait!!! How is your pre-op going? I had to do four weeks!!

  17. I was banded August 1 (with no fill).

    Im on week 3 & the gas & swelling has subsided.

    Hunger has also returned.

    I feel like im gonna regain the initial 10 i lost in the first recovering weeks.

    My first fill is august 30th. I hear most people say they dont feel restriction until their 2nd and 3rd fills.

    Makes me rethink the whole band thing. Probably shld hve gone with the Sleeve tht needs no filler at all.

    Those patients begin losing from day 1.

    I think I'm definitely going to need a few fills to feel restriction because its like I dont even have a band now. I was banded on 8/6. So hungry and can eat anything. Being on my first fill!!!! :)

  18. You have to keep up meds. Idk what ur taking but I have flintstone chewables complete...just pop and chew. I take all vit at night so to rest while they get in my system and the next morning feel great. Now tomorrow I get banded so taking everything might be off kilter but I've been taking at least 20-30 pills a day for 30 years so I won't be off them more than a day if that. Be safe .

    My doc told me that I needed chewable or liquid Multivitamins because tablet ones are too big too swallow, but my other prescription ones would be ok ( I have two). I was very nervous the first time I had to take one but it was fine :)

  19. I know how you feel.. I'm booked for my first fill next week and will only have lost a couple of pounds since seeing him last week. But I'm not worried.. I know I need to be honest with him so that we can work together and help me find my green zone. You have lost, and 10lbs is awesome. Walk into the office feeling proud girl!! :)

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