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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by angemc

  1. Thanks for the input. I did read that beet juice was a good way. I have gas so bad hurts likeH.

    I'm getting more sleep at night tho.

    Iwas just fuming.... fatty liver..diabete...high tri...high chl...bipolar disorderr....hi bp...hypothroid...enlarged heart...mental problems.....my body is a trash can. Where do I start to fix it? If I can......I'm like the dead man walking. I just got up and having a pity party...so the rest of the day can only get better.

    Donna you asked how do I start to fix it? I think you already have! You on the road to better health by losing weight and getting fitter :) Just take each day at a time, and the numbers will start to come down and your health problems will get better, I'm sure of it. Stay strong. Big hugs :)

  2. Am doing better today. The only thing I'm very concerned about dh (darling husband) found out he has several more health problems one bein a fatty enlarged liver just like me. We've let ourselves go so bad that our health is going downhill. Dh won't work on his unless I cook for him. He isn't taking it serious enough. Everybody has it he says. So I asked him if he would jump off a bridge if everyones doing it. He didn't answer. I down loaded a book on liver reversible. Then have researched the net for viable fixes. Coming up with some info to get me started. To eat I have to wait 2 wks but I'm going to the grocery after cleaning out the cupboards. We'll see. I can't stop him outside the house but will forbid it in the house and fix him good healthy food. It's about time I take this monster and kick it out. Stay strong.....be safe.

    Sounds like you're on the right track.. I hope you can turn your hubby around to wanting to do something about his liver. I had my hub on a diet once and he ate the right stuff at home but outside of the house was a different story! I would find snickers wrappers in his pockets when I was doing the washing lol!

  3. Anyone care to share when they had their first bowel movement? I have had gas at this point but still no bowel movements and i was banded at 10 on the 28th

    SORRY FOR TMI but i think its probably important to figure out!

    I thought i would put a picture of my incisions incase any one wants to see! I think they are far from gross' date=' in fact they seem to be pretty cool battle scars!

    So sorry if i gross anyone out![/quote']

    You go girl! Your cuts look like they're healing already, mine were covered by steri strips for 10 days so I didn't get to see what they looked like. I had my first bowel movement on day 3 but it was teeny tiny. On day 4 I had a proper bm and then loose bowels for the next day or so. Then for maybe the next week, every time I ate I had to run to the toilet quick smart!

  4. No gas pain? That is terrific. I've got gas throughout my chest area and collarbone.

    I saw another dr today and he said try activated charcoal. So getting some tomorrow. I am weak from not eating and only able to sleep a few hours at a time. I went to bed at 830 last night woke up at 1030. Then about one in the am couldn't go back to sleep. So for the next 7 hours I tried to rest. But couldn't take but small breaths. Thats why I'm so tired. Feel good and stick to diet. I wish you well.

    I hope you're feeling better soon Donna.. :)

  5. Alright band buddies. Should we start a monthly challenge under our Aug 2013 support group? From what I can tell you give your basic info: screen or real name' date=' starting weight, weight now, and goal weight at the end of the month. We can modify and do it however we want. I hope we all can continue to be in our support group for years to come as this will be a life long process and for me personally I enjoy talking to everyone. I love that we are from all over the world. Let me know your thoughts.[/quote']

    I'm definitely interested!!! Great idea healthydnp :)

  6. Ok bandsters.. after a day of needles with dental surgery in the morning and my first fill in the afternoon, I can tell you that I almost didn't feel a thing when the doc put the needle in my port! My port is 1 inch below my largest incision, and he took about 30 seconds to find it. It was the tiniest little pinch as the needle went in, and then I didn't feel a thing! But I do have the say, the needle is HUGE. I started to sweat when I saw it but it really was nothing. And the good news was I am only on liquids for today. Tomorrow I can go back to normal food. Yay!! My doc seemed very surprised though when he asked me if I had been hungry and I said yes.. Hmmm. According to his scales I had lost 3lbs in the two weeks since I saw him last, but according to my scales, I have stayed the same. But I have since realised that his assistant weighed me with the shoes on a fortnight ago, and he weighed me without my shoes. So I'm fairly confident it was my shoes that lost 3lbs!!! I have felt a little less hungry since the fill but I think that could be just my head telling my tummy to do better now I've had a fill :)

  7. Thanks Angemc. Yeah I hadn't thought about my cycle effecting it. My cycle has been all screwy since I started the preop diet so I guess that's possible. Today I got on the scale and gained another 1.5lbs and yesterday I actually ended up at just under 800 calories. I don't get it. I obviously burn more than 800 calories a day just being alive not to include all the walking and whatnot at work. I need to start seeing numbers coming down not going up or even stalling out. I could do that without the band. Lol!!!

    Haha.. you want that band to show that it was worth all that pain and trauma!! I've just had another thought.. have your bowel movements been regular (sorry another personal question lol) because I was told a poo can weigh 2lbs!!

  8. Well....I'M BANDED! feeling very good at the moment' date=' decided to stay at the hospital over night because well why not, I enjoy having medical professionals watching over me.

    My stomach was "floppy and stretched" so he gave me 5 Patterson stitches (sewed my stomach to the other side of my stomach) making it look similar to the sleeve procedure

    Anyone have that?

    Also NO GAS PAIN

    Does that come later? So far I feel great, well wishes to everyone![/quote']

    Yay!! Congratulations! I've never heard of Patterson stitches.. My gas pains started 24 hours later and in my shoulder. You might be one of the lucky ones who doesn't get much gas pain! :)

  9. I'm praying for you!!! Oh' date=' I'm so sorry! My heart just aches for you :'( I totally understand the emotional eating. Try & remember the good memories with him...that may ease some of the pain during this time.....I was wanting to be an emotional eater today. Today was my first day back to work & I feel like I was hit by a train. I cannot eat because my stomach is tight. I'm miserable.[/quote']

    Oh no! Not a great day to go back to work :(

  10. Today it hit home how much I miss overeating. My brother was killed 18 years ago today and it is a turning point because I was 18 when he died. I have officially lived with him as long as I have lived without him. I so just want to go to mcdonalds for a mcgriddle for breakfast' date=' lunch a Mexican food combination plate, supper sushi and an udon platter, and a large blizzard for a snack. Yes 'treating' myself is what got me into this mess and swallowing my emotions. Now I have to feel something other than overheating pain. The physical pain is much easier to deal with than emotional. I used to distract myself with working too much and school. I think I kept going to school to distract myself from dealing with the past. Now I just have to deal with emotion. Ugh. Need prayer today.[/quote']

    I'm praying for you :) Emotional pain is the worst kind of pain and I'm the same as you.. food is my drug to numb the pain!! I lost my mum suddenly almost 4 years ago. My thoughts are with you today because I know how hard it is on these days.. anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas. It makes you miss and think about your loved one even more than you do on any other day. And unfortunately the food only works for as long as you're eating it and then you feel even worse afterwards. Stay strong and I'll keep you in my prayers :)

  11. I just used a heating pad it helped quite a bit as long as I used it. But still have the pain. Drinking Water. Going to have hot tea. The dr office called to make sure I wasn't having problems. Told her about the gas...walking and heating pad. I feel very weak don't know how much walking I can do but will give it my best today. Going to sams club this afternoon to get a few things get some walking in there. How r u doing? Going to be back on liquids for a day then soft for a day? You'll make it . Disappointing but only a few days. Good luck.

    A heating pad is heaven isn't it? It helps so much with the gas. Yep back to baby food for a could of days. Aghhh!

  12. I back on Clear Liquids for the next two days. my mind over matter just flew the coop. I am on my 2nd to last day of clears. Iam sooo hungry that I decided to have about 3-4 oz of skim milk. I drank very slowly but to my chagrin my gas pains in my throat area are now in my collarbone area' date=' left and mid- chest areas and some in the back. Has anyone experienced this? OUCH!!![/quote']

    I used to get that feeling if I ate (aka drank) too quickly or too much. But it doesn't sound like you did either of those things.. How do you feel now?

  13. Today is the start of Day 13 Post-Op. I feel a million times better but I've stopped losing weight. I'm still on full liquid diet and not even consuming 800 calories a day so why no weight loss? I was stuck for 3 days at the same weight and then this morning......I GAINED back a pound. How's that possible? Anyone else have a similar experience?

    My weight loss has stalled as well. I am exactly the same weight I was two weeks ago at day 11 post-op. I'm certain mine is because I was able to eat more and more as I recovered and the swelling went down. Could it be your cycle? I tend to hold on to a couple of pounds of Fluid at that time of the month. Or sometimes it can take a little while to show on the scales. Give it another couple of days and then jump on the scales again. They reckon you should only weigh yourself once a week but I can't wait that long. I get on everyday or sometimes every second day! I'm sure that well deserved loss of yours will show on the scales soon :)

  14. Good luck to the upcoming bandsters!

    Today is day 2 for me and I'm not feeling too well. Having some nausea and a lot of pain in my belly when I move. I have to force myself to eat and drink. So far I've had approx 27 grams of Protein and less than 400 cals today. I'm supposed to work up to 40 grams - that seems so difficult right now. Still really glad I had this done. I managed two short walks today' date=' not fun but I know how important it is for the healing process.

    I chose not to tell my mom beforehand because I was worried she would try to talk me out of it and I didn't want to deal with that stress (it's happened before). I called her yesterday and she was very supportive and understanding - no guilt trip about not telling her earlier. That was a nice surprise. My spouse has been a huge help in caring for me. I feel very lucky to have such a great support system![/quote']

    Day 2 is still very early days and it really does get better. It was about 5 days before I noticed an improvement and day 7 before I felt like myself again. I'm now 3 1/2 weeks out and feel fantastic! Hungry but great!

  15. My psychiatrist gave me all reg. pills and said I could break the bigger ones up and spread them out during the day so as not let them sit in my stoma. But I'll be finishing up the liquid dissolabe etc. I can't afford the others. But she did say my risperdone causes me to gain and can't stop taking. I can stop o r cut back as I lose weight on some meds. So some good news. I had some broth from my dgd's cup of Soup with noodles and veggies. Just broth...tasted so good. Have the rest of today and two more days until full liquid. Can't wait.

    I'm back to liquids tomorrow after my fill and mushies for a day after that. Aghh I'm dreading it after 7 weeks of pre-op and post-op liquids!

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