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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angemc

  1. Glad everything went well and you are feeling ok
  2. Welcome! I'm day 12 of a 28 day pre-op (yay almost halfway!!) and getting banded on August 5th. I'm nervous too about the surgery but am looking forward to a healthier me! Unfortunately there are always going to be negative people, but it is your body, your life, your decision! Everyone I have spoken to who has already been banded says its the best thing they ever did.. And hopefully we'll be saying the same thing very soon!! I have already lost 18 pounds and can't believe the difference it has made. My back has stopped aching and my clothes fit better. Can't imagine how it will feel to lose 100!!!
  3. angemc

    70lbs down, 100 more to go...

    You look ah-maze-ing!!!! Well done
  4. angemc

    One month results

    You look fab! Well done
  5. angemc

    Cold feet

    That's reassuring.. Thanks
  6. Hi all, day 4 of the pre-op and I have given into the cravings. I have just sabotaged my own surgery. Yesterday and today have been easier with the shakes but I had a horrible work day and was tired and stressed, so what did I do? Eat.. My pre-op is for 4 weeks so I'm hoping that if I toe the line for the next 3 1/2 weeks, my liver will be good to go. I'm telling myself to learn from this lesson by starting afresh tomorrow and forgive myself for my mistake. I know I am an emotional eater and medicate myself with food, but don't really know how to change that habit?...
  7. Yes I am! Day 10 and I've lost 17 pounds!! Thank you so much for asking, I really appreciate it
  8. angemc

    Cold feet

    Connie26 I have had second thoughts as well.. Particularly after losing 17 pounds in the last 10 days. If I can do that maybe I can go all the way on my own right?
  9. I'm day 10 of a 28 day pre-op diet and I've lost 17 pounds. I have had one "blow out". Your loss is fantastic so fingers crossed your liver is a nice small size! It might be worth asking your surgeon what will happen if its not.. My surgeon won't operate and reschedules for a later date. But I think other surgeons go ahead but open you up instead of doing it by keyhole?
  10. Luckily I didn't drink caffeinated soda, but it wasn't diet so it was FULL of sugar. My headaches for the first four days were from carb and sugar withdrawal. I had no energy as well but it all seemed to turn around on day 5! I have also heard that diet soda is bad for you. But because my surgeon said I can have it, I'm having it lol
  11. Hi, I'm on Protein Shakes 3 times a day plus a bowl of steamed green vege for 4 weeks. I'm also allowed to have sugar free soda and sugar free jelly. Nothing to eat the night before and morning of surgery.
  12. Mommyofk that's how I feel! The one time I was put under I was half my size so I'm just praying I'll wake up and everything is fine!
  13. Thanks. That makes me feel a bit better!
  14. Sounds like you're a week behind me.. I start week 2 of pre-op today and get banded on the 5th. The first few days are the hardest, and I admit I fell off the wagon on day 4. But after that, I have coped really well. Lost 13 in the first week (starting weight 399) and am much more motivated this week. I'm here if you need me
  15. I'm hoping I won't care about them too, and that they'll be a part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.. that I'll have them sometimes rather than everyday! Seeing some weight come off in the last week has spurred me on to do this!!! We can do it
  16. angemc

    August surgery anyone?

    That's great news! It's a long wait to get to surgery isn't it? It's been 12 months for me and probably a year before that that I wanted the lapband. Wish I had made the decision earlier, but thought I could lose the weight on my own because I've done it before. But I was wrong! Anyway I'm three weeks away from surgery now. Excited and nervous but know it will be life changing
  17. I enjoyed my last week of "freedom" too!! I know I'll be able to eat my fave foods again, but I felt like I needed to say goodbye for now lol. I still have my food blender from when my girls were babies and have already put it to good use. I was getting a little sick of steamed green vege every night, so used them to make a Soup with a little stock (surgeon said it was ok). But I'm sure after the surgery it will get a lot more use!
  18. Thanks healthydnp! You have a great attitude to losing weight. No sense in beating ourselves up for how we got here, the important thing now is to move forward. I'm amazed at how much better my back and energy levels are after losing only 13, so can't imagine how great it will be to be a normal weight again.
  19. angemc

    On my way!!!

    I'm a week into my pre-op diet and also having 3 shakes a day and green vege only! I'm getting banded on August 5th
  20. Hi, I'm getting banded on the 5th and have already started my pre-op diet a week ago. I'm super excited but nervous at the same time! I found this website a week ago and would love to keep in contact with you all as we start this journey to a slimmer and healthier us! I'm 36 and a mum to two gorgeous twin girls. My starting weight is 399 (ouch! How did I let it get that bad?!?) and after my first week on pre-op I've lost 13. My surgeon has me on 4 weeks of pre-op so 3 more weeks to go!
  21. angemc

    From 400+ to ONDERELAND!

    You look AMAZING!!! My starting weight is 399 and after one week pre-op I'm down 13! Happy about that but have a long week to go yet. Can I ask if you have any issues with loose skin particularly on your tummy? After giving birth to twins 5 years ago and then following it up with a massive weight gain, I won't be surprised if I need a tummy tuck!!

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