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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by BellaHugz

  1. I just got into a size 8!!! Just in time for my date with hubby tonight!!

  2. I just got into a size 8!!! Just in time for my date with hubby tonight!!

  3. Shut up i just hit 65 lbs lost!!! Yeah these hours at the gym are paying off : )

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Schmincke


      Fabulous you!!

    3. Indigo1991


      Woo hoo! Always knew you could do it!!!!!!

    4. Teachamy


      Woo Hoo! ROCK ON!

  4. Today I saw some friend I havent seen in a while, and they said Hey girl your looking good! It was a nice moment.

    1. RJ'S/beginning


      that is much better then what the hell happened to you..I've gotten that one...lol Congrats girl!!!!!

    2. LilMissDiva Irene

      LilMissDiva Irene

      Awweee Bella that's great! It feels so good doesn't it? Keep up the good work.

  5. 4 months sleeve anniversary & able to say goodbye 61lbs!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. joatsaint


      You are doing great! Keep Pimpin' that Sleeve!

    3. LilMissDiva Irene

      LilMissDiva Irene

      Yayyyyy Bella heres some Hugz =))

    4. BellaHugz


      Thank you everyone!!

  6. 60 pounds gone for good!! HaPPy dance!!

    1. Dragonsmate


      Congrats and way to go!

    2. StayingStrong


      WOW!! Super amazing. Just saw your pic, you look great!! YAH


    3. ribearty


      You go girl.

  7. Woot Woot I have lost 52 Lbs in 10 weeks!! Take that 7 wk stall : )

  8. Finally broke my 7 week stall!!! To be honest my heart was sinking during that time but i kept on working out and eating right and kicking that nagging voice in my head that said you should just quit.. I didnt and it paid off!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. belladona


      Hi I havent beem online since December and that is because I at the time was fighting the same 10 lbs going up and down then stall this has been going on for months, so please dont feel bad I get it and I too had to keep going ughh so hard when life happens. Glad you broke it.

    3. LilMissDiva Irene

      LilMissDiva Irene

      Thats great Bella! I knew you would do it. :)

    4. sunny2day


      That is so awesome, I am so happy for you. I know its a great feeling when the scale keeps moving down. Keep up the awesome work.

  9. I am a sleeved sista now!! Woot woot!!

  10. Woot woot 10 lbs lost on presurgery diet.

    1. FitnFabfor2014
    2. ribearty


      Woo hoo!! Congratulations. You go girl.

  11. Sleevin" Jan 17 th

    1. ribearty


      Congratulations. So happy for you.

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