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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chasingadream

  1. chasingadream

    What It Should Look Like

    Like your bra clasps..LOL Love the graphics....cool to see what it should look like....plus the plication as well! Like a little banana. Glad things are a-ok at 17mos!
  2. chasingadream

    Anniversary and Before/After

    You look terrific and you are terrific. Congrats on 4 years of being banded and congrats on achieving such wonderful success. You are truly an inspiration and I thank you for sharing your successes and insights along the way!
  3. chasingadream

    A Whole New World....

    I've discovered since having my lap band surgery on Sept. 19th that a whole new world is really out there waiting for me...and I am quite excited by this! In 7 weeks and 5 days I have learned so much more about myself than I ever would have thought possible. First and foremost....I can eat to live and not live to eat anymore. This is a big one....as a constant food grazer for the past 30 or so years...who knew you could really just eat to nourish your body and mind and move on with your day....with your life. My band and I are forging a whole new relationship together and we are getting along fabulously....I'm learning to stop at satisfied, chew, chew, chew, and to eat slowly. When I do this I don't feel that pressure in my chest I experienced a few times when first back on solids. I eat when I'm hungry...this is a new one for me. I actually wait when my stomach begins to growl and really get rowdy. Why one might ask. Because I havent felt TRUE hunger in so many years its actually a nice feeling. It reminds me that this is the signal that tells me....Yup....time to put some nourishment in me....and that's it! Food is not all consuming to me anymore. I dont have any cravings. I dont know if its the band or the plication but I am loving it! I realized a week ago that I can eat something like a fun-size bag of peanut M+M's and the food demon of my past will not be unleashed. I thought for sure once I had that taste of chocolate...the taste of salty and sweet...the taste of goodness and comfort and joy that those M+M's used to elicit would cause me to slip back into old eating habits and patterns. You know what....IT DIDNT. Mind you, panic over this little "snack" did cause fear in my heart and soul as I ran around the house for the rest of the night telling my hubby that I surely released "the demon". Well, guess what?...the next day was like any other banded day for me. Eating breakfast, lunch, my little snack to get me to dinner and then to my last meal of the day- dinner. Now when I see that bowl of leftover Halloween candy, I glance at it and say ....aaahhh...and walk away and onto the next thing I was going to do. Moments like that I now say WOW to. At work, no one (well actually only one person---the wonderful school nurse who helped me when I fell outside of work right before my lap band surgery and i basically broke down because of the stress of everything---knows). One girl has said I've lost weight.....many others comment on how great my hair looks and they all love the shirts I'm wearing. I find it funny....not sure if they dont know what to say or this is how they are noticing it. I've always been a loose fitting shirt girl, always trying to cover up all my baggage and now my clothes are beginning to hang even more. I know I've got to get new stuff but the thought of not hiding stuff is all new to me. I will come around...for I must...but this part is the hard part right now. I feel good...I feel light....I feel faster...I feel more energetic. I love that my wedding/engagement ring are constantly twisting on my finger. I love that my watch needs a link taken out. I love that I can eat at home or go out to eat with my family and I CAN eat. Whatever I want....sometimes better choices than others but I can always eat everything. I DO NOT feel deprived of anything. I don't miss the constant grazing, the donuts by the dozen, the pints of Ben & Jerry's, the 2 or 3 helpings at dinner. I DO LOVE that my hubby is able to reach around me better when he gives me a hug....I can keep up with my kids better....i feel better about myself....i am happier than i've been in some time.....I'm healthier.....i've lost 46 pounds and this is just the beginning. I look out my window and see that whole new world that being thinner offers and at times it is scary and seems so unknown but I wont know how truly great it all is unless I continue to travel down that road and reach that weight loss goal that has eluded me for sooooo many, many years. So, watch out....'cause here I come!
  4. Im 7 1/2 weeks out of surgery and I still use my scale from all of my failed weight watchers attempts....love a scale that switches between ounces and grams. I always weigh my dinner Protein. My eyes are still (and will always be now) much bigger than my stomach. Good luck to you!
  5. chasingadream

    Lap Band Talk?

    I thought maybe it was just me struggling to navigate around here...having a hard time finding my friends from Lap Band Talk....located a few but oh boy....its a whole new banded world out here now.....
  6. chasingadream

    I did it.....

    You look amazing in those coral pants.....seeing you reach this milestone is great since you have often talked about getting into those capri's during the course of your weight loss. I hope you know what a true inspiration you are to me...and many others....there is no phony baloney here...just the plain and basic facts of banded life. And ever since I've been on this site, I've followed a few people and you have been one of them and you are making such a difference to me. I've been banded only 7 1/2 weeks and I keep your words in the back of my head...out for a walk tonight with the dog....was it cold in NY...yup...so on went the winter coat and out I went. It felt good and no one could make me do it but me!!!! I think the best thing has been making better food choice and NEVER feeling deprived. I eat everything I want and am learning to pay attention to that "stop sign" you talked about. I don't always listen or get it just yet but I'm figuring it all out....and the results are there.... I feel better....physically and mentally. My clothes are loose...even big...and the scale (which I am NOT a slave to) is down...... 46 pounds ALREADY. So a great big thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing YOUR CORAL CAPRIS....and thanks to AJ for sending them to you!
  7. chasingadream

    17 months post op

    AAAHHHH.....LOOK AT YOU GIRLFRIEND! Beautiful and amazing....what an accomplishment.....you are SUCH an inspiration! Loving my band and plication too! :wub:
  8. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Good job on hanging tough and not turning to the one thing that can sabotage all of your hard work.
  9. chasingadream

    One year!!

    Great journey...thanks for sharing!
  10. chasingadream

    My day at the hospital

    Congrats Bandista...sounds like you are doing superbly! Wishing you a quick and easy recovery and all the best in the coming weeks.
  11. chasingadream

    Recovery Time

    I am a teacher and had surgery on sept 19th....had surgery on a thursday and went back to work the next thursday without a problem. A little sore and itchy from sites healing but it was pretty good. I also stayed overnight in the hospital as per my surgeons protocol. I believed that helped a great deal in getting rest and a jump start on my recovery. Good luck and remember EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT...DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT AND IS BEST FOR YOU!
  12. chasingadream

    Lap Band with Plication

    I also had both on Sept 19th....6 1/2 weeks out feel great and even was lucky enough to not need my first fill at last weeks doc appt!
  13. chasingadream

    One Year Mark :)

    What a wonderful story and journey for you! Congratulations and continued success in the future!
  14. Great check at my monthly doc appt. No fill--and 40 lbs GONE....so psyched! :)

  15. chasingadream

    Mushie question

    Sometimes I would reheat it since it gets cold so quickly. That is the one thing I find with my new band. By the time you cut everything up so small and take the necessary time to eat and wait between bites its cold....LOL....maybe that is the deterrent to eating it!
  16. chasingadream

    Skip 1st Fill?

    I am 6 weeks out and did not have or want a fill when I went for my doc appt this past Friday. Im satisfied with 3 meals and 1 small snack a day. Averaging around 1000 calories a day. I have no cravings and am only eating when Im supposed to. Im eating about 1/2 cup- 1 cup of food each meal. I am doing okay without a fill and am happy to keep moving forward for as long as I can without one. I do feel a little hungry as the next meal approaches and I'm okay with that....I haven't "felt" hunger in so many many many years I actually like having the feeling and knowing that it is true hunger and not head hunger or boredom or anything else. Wishing you much success!
  17. What an exciting feeling to just eat out with friends and make good choices and leave the table feel satisfied ! I can honestly say that has probably never happened until today....there is hope after all! :)

  18. chasingadream

    On the lighter side

    I am VERY thankful for YOU! A blessing to have gotten to know you! You are a wonderful person and a true support. Thanks for being you! :wub:
  19. chasingadream

    Can't wait for mushies!

    no, but i did get saltines and they basically melt in your mouth instantly.
  20. Well, its been 5 weeks since surgery and I am having a great experience with my band and plication. I am happily on solid foods after a 2 week liquid pre-op diet, then surgery, then 2 week liquid post op, then 2 weeks of mushies and then onto solids. I can't believe that I am satisfied on 3 meals and 1 snack a day! The weight loss has been incredible and I'm following the rules...ALL of them....from day #1. I don't have any cravings for anything and am happy filling up on Proteins first followed by some carbs and a veggie. I go for my next appt with my doctor on friday and am happy to not want a fill right now. I am feeling blessed in so many ways....i feel SO much lighter...its amazing....my clothes are fitting better (no need to put on my shirts and do that stretchy-pully thing to make them just a bit larger and more comfortable...lol), I feel like I have a little more zip in my step, I have more energy (most days!), and for the first time in a long time....I AM FEELING KIND OF GOOD ABOUT ME! I'm getting out there and walking more and I'm finding I enjoy the quiet time to settle my thoughts and figure out things without anyone needing me for those 20-25 mins. It's me time that I don't find from the time I get up until the time I go to sleep...so I'm enjoying it immensely. Thanks to all of those that have supported me and sent your good wishes from my pre-surgery lurking days, to the PM's I've sent out that were always answered with love and support, to my post surgery time! You guys rock and there is no site quite like this one! I'm just wishing for continued success for myself and the many others that have and are preparing to embark on this wild ride...as well as for those longer term bandsters that provide such great support and info each and every day! Happily, Chasingadream (and I feel like I'm beginning to catch it! :wub: )
  21. chasingadream

    Can't wait for mushies!

    Ohhhh mushies...never tasted so delicious! I was allowed egg, tuna, chicken salad and saltine crackers....i got a magic bullet and made the salads in there....so yummy. I was also allowed ground beef as long as it was pureed....made tacos (meat only) and threw it in the magic bullet. I was also able to have soft cheese. My hubby found a quaker oatmeal with high Fiber (weight control cinamin & brown sugar)...that mixed with a cup of low fat milk was like 13-15g. Protein for Breakfast. I also had minced chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy. I had Wendy's chili in the magic bullet with a bit of sour cream...yummy too. Alot will depend on your docs instructions as to what they consider a mushy but that is some of what i was allowed to have. Good job on all the liquids...it is a tough stage...but you are more than 1/2 way done....WAY TO GO! Hope that helped....
  22. chasingadream

    Restrictions post op

    I had 2 weeks liquid pre-op and 2 weeks liquid post-op...and no doubt about it....IT STUNK ....but hang in there...you can and WILL do it....and believe me, you will LOVE. LOVE, LOVE mushies (if thats what comes next for you). It made me realize how good food actually tastes after its over. No doubt about it, its hard! Hang in there...you're doing great!
  23. chasingadream

    Im so confused! Help!

    My doctor was on board with the lap band from the very beginning but i've heard many others suggest, and I would agree, dont let your doctor push you into anything YOU do not want. If you are not comfortable find another great doctor out there. Do your research and figure out what you want to do for you. I was 280 when i started my journey to have the lap band but I do not have your medical conditions so I cant help you with that. Im sure that there is someone here who will be able to help you with that. Good luck whatever decision you end up making!
  24. chasingadream

    I'm alive

    Sending lots of good thoughts and quick healing wishes your way....glad to hear the surgery is over...you're gonna do GREAT!
  25. chasingadream

    check in..


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