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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MrsRyan2Be

  1. I'm on day two and feeling pretty great! I still can't believe it. So here's the rundown of how everything went: I got to the surgery center at 6:15, they took me back at around 6:30. They had a few issues getting my iv in. Apparently I have tiny and very branchy veins. Who knew?! That was NO fun. Also, make sure you're really hydrated beforehand. I looked at the clock as the were wheeling me back at 7:21. I was out at 9:45. Last thing I remember is they were ace-bandaging my arms and I had to take deep breaths into the mask. Next thing I knew, I was in recovery and my fiancé was there! Hooray! I was pretty nauseous and sore. They gave me more phenergen for my nausea. About a half an hour later my love was helping me get dressed. I slept all the way home. Lol. I have two tiny incisions. Also, my doctor told me my liver looked perfect!! I'm so relieved. I admittedly cheated a couple of times on the liquid diet. Nothing huge or high carb or fatty, but I was still concerned. I slept as soon as I came home and only had one popsicle all day. I'm just not hungry. I won't lie, it's been really tough to move around so far. Just a super tight and tender feeling. I also had a really sore throat from the breathing tube. Getting much better as the hours pass. I've been drinking my Protein shakes so I get my nutrients. Thanks to everyone for your support! Couldn't be doing this without ya'll!! Even with being pretty uncomfortable, I wouldn't have changed a thing! Im so excited for the future!!!
  2. MrsRyan2Be

    Last unbanded day...

  3. MrsRyan2Be

    Im banded!!

    Thanks!! Im so happy to be on "the other side" lol. Just try to relax. You'll be just fine!! Believe me, I was nearly having panic attacks!!
  4. I'm a self-payer too. Best "investment" ever!!! Think of all the money she'll be saving on medications and possible diseases in the future had she not do it. I just keep tasking myself, how much is my health and happiness worth? Best of luck!!
  5. Sooo I just picked up my medications and am trying to relax, but I am SO anxious. These past two weeks have been such a roller coaster! As of this morning I've lost 14 lbs. from the liquid diet. Looking forward to that stage being over, but I made it. It's been so difficult to make the decision of who to tell, did ya'll make it public knowledge or keep it more private? I've told my parents, fiancé and best friend. I'm just going to leave everyone else guessing, I just don't think it's fair to myself to have to share my most personal struggles. Gotta admit though, feels weird going into surgery. I've calmed my "are you crazy for subjecting yourself to all of this electively?!" thoughts by reminding myself that this is not in fact elective. I'm so grateful for this forum!!!!
  6. MrsRyan2Be

    Being banded early tomorrow!

    Thank you!! I will definitely keep you posted :-) I know how helpful it's been to hear from others!! Good luck with you Pre-op diet, I know it's tough but you can do it.
  7. MrsRyan2Be

    June 14th is the day!

    So happy to hear you're hanging in! Been thinking about you today and sending you lots of positive energy!! Keep us posted! :-)
  8. MrsRyan2Be

    June 14th is the day!

    Hi there Megpieky! Best of luck to you tomorrow! My surgery is on Tuesday so I'll be anxious to see how you're feeling. I'm sure you'll do great and your doctor wouldn't have taken you on if there was an overwhelming chance that you would have a problem. Just my opinion!
  9. Hey everyone! This is my first post (although I've been reading all of ya'lls for serious support!) and Im scheduled to be banded on June 18. Im at a week of my 2 week liquid Pre-op diet. It's been an emotional roller coaster! Just wanted to post and say "hi" and Im definitely going to be a frequent visitor!! Im so inspired by everyone's journeys. :-)
  10. MrsRyan2Be

    Liquid Diet Crazy!

    Thank you everyone SO much for the support! I can't tell you how much it helps. Woke up this morning to my fiance singing a rocking rendition to "Living on a Prayer" with the specific lyrics of "ohhhh you're halfway there, ohhhh living on a prayer"...he's notorious for adapting songs. It was hilarious. I've always been super independent, so asking for support is difficult for me, but I know it's what's necessary! I got on the scale this morning and after one week of this liquid deal I've lost 10 lbs.! I'm so deeply inspired by everyone's courage. Thank you!!!!!
  11. MrsRyan2Be

    loving my results

    Hi! Your anniversary is my date to be banded. I can't wait to celebrate my anniversary next year with you!! Congratulations!!

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