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Status Updates posted by lisacaron

  1. Have an Awesome Weekend All!!!

  2. Heal yourself to heal the world around you

  3. Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed, it means that the damage no longer controls our lives.

    1. ProudGrammy


      well put!! 60 lbs gone!! keep up the good job - kathy

  4. Hi lovely, how are you doing this fine Monday morning! I just love Monday's don't you?! (NOT) I hope you are doing much much better!

  5. Hop, skip, gym time!!

  6. Hope you all have an awesome weekend!! I'm gonna work at RELAXING this weekend!!! Even if it kills me :)

  7. I got the eye of the tiger...and your gonna hear me ROAR...Grrrrr:)

  8. I wanna Rock and Roll all night....and Party Every Day!!!

  9. I'm not in a bad mood everyone is just annoying me!! Bad Mood in progress!

    1. dlamp112


      please wait...... LOADING!

      Cheer up sista!

    2. gowalking


      Why did you not follow your own directive?? You said Lisa was going to come first. I just read what you wrote about eating late, getting sick, and now not a happy camper. You should have eaten your dinner while your son was visitng. You could have ordered a pizza for him since you didn't have enough chicken. You need to eat at certain times...and you should have. Don't backslide...or I'll have to come out to you and kick your ass (after I cuddle with the pups of course..LOL)

  10. I'm ready to go home...but it's off to the Mall for me. Am I crazy?!

    1. ☠carolinagirl☠
    2. chasingadream


      Yes, you are CRAZY! LOL...shop for me too! :)

  11. I’ll never be a band basher! I said I do on May 5th, had my ring placed and I enjoy excellent communication with my band and my bariatric group. Communication is the key to success.

  12. If I asked you to name all the things that you love.............How long would it take for you to name yourself?

    1. _Kate_


      Forever... sad but true

  13. Ima give you motivation....I love you and you are the bestest banded sista eva! Lets go to the gym together!

  14. Immerse yourself totally in the experience of NOW

  15. Is this an office or a daycare? Why is some child screaming in here? It's not take your child to work day!

  16. It's Motivation Monday...what's yours? I'm just trying to walk today...legs are still burning from Saturdays work out!

    1. Mikee57


      I'm trying to do anything possible, my hubs is having surgery this week, so am trying to make up work (early in out late), so no time for me...but trying to walk alittle if possible more each day at least in the hospital.

    2. lisacaron


      I understand I have been there! You get lots of walking in at the hospitals. I hope all goes well. Keep in touch, prayers are with you and your hubby.

    3. BladeFox


      Drinking water to flush out what I ate yesterday - whoa!!!

  17. It's Motivation Monday...what's yours?

    1. lisacaron


      Love these motivations! @go not yet..been working like crazy at the day job, and training for my first 5K end of this month!


    2. gowalking


      5K?? Spectacular!!

    3. lisacaron


      I know I must be crazy right?! Yeah I signed up with a couple of gals from work. So now I got to get my butt to the gym every day and get ready for this thing! I'll take photo's should be interesting to say the least! Ken is finally at the pool, I think today was his first day of course I am at work though!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. It's Motivation Monday...what's yours?

  19. It's the band life for me!

  20. It's Tighten that Tush Tuesday! What's your go to move for buns of steel?

    1. lisacaron


      It's the good kind...but when I sit for too long...ugh!! :) But I will say this...that little soreness is working wonders!

    2. Forsythia


      Ha! when I do all the squats and lunges I don't have a problem sitting. Or standing, but trying to sit down (or get up) is the worst. Nothing like trying to sit down to pee after a lower body workout.

    3. lisacaron


      Oh yes that's what I meant. It's the lowering your body and raising it from sitting and the longer the legs are in one position the tighter those muscles can be when you need to move them again.

      Sometimes I get too tied up working at my desk and when I try to get up and need to stretch that muscle to stand OMG! The peeing thing...gets me that night!! That 2 am squeal wakes up the puppies and that is NEVER good for me :)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. It's Work out Wednesday!! Did you get up and move today?

    1. gowalking


      my water exercise class is tonight. How is the training for your 5K going?

    2. lisacaron


      Going well! Ken and I just signed up with personal trainer at the gym I guess I'm ready to die, cause I think they are trying to kill me :)

    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Mon, Weds & Fri - 6 am -7am, Ymca water fitness class , what a workout !

  22. It's Work out Wednesday!! Did you get up and move today?

    1. dlamp112


      Oh deary! You Crack me up.

    2. enjoythetime


      I think I need some of what you got, my butt's dragging today:-)

    3. lisacaron


      OMG too much coffee and now headache!!! Must hydrate :) I still have to go swimming!!


    4. Show next comments  6 more
  23. It's Work out Wednesday!! Do you have plans to move it today? What are they??

    1. TheCurvyJones


      Cardio and lower body workout on deck today!

    2. lisacaron


      I have a meeting with the trainer tonight! I plan to get home give the dogs a bit of a walk they are pups so not very far. Then head to the gym for a 30 min cardio work out and then 30 minutes of pain with my trainer. I think today is arm day...which is good cause my legs are still sore from Sunday!

    3. dlamp112


      NO PLANS any Wednesday - this is my take it easy day and go for my acupuncture.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  24. Just for today.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
