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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. mistysj

    Dry heaves? Vomiting?

    I've edited the title of your topic so that people can find it if they have the same question as you and do a search. I hope that's ok!
  2. It's not really intestinal gas, but gas that is trapped under your diaphragm from the surgery. So it won't come out as a fart. If you feel uncomfortable, take a walk up the aisle and/or visit the toilet. Let the flight attendants know you recently had surgery and need to walk around to help your circulation (it is true). At the airport between flights, walk around as much as you can stand. I do tend to get some gas on long flights and always have. I just make my way to the toilet if I feel like it is going to be a big one.
  3. I couldn't eat strawberries for a while. Felt like sandpaper in my tummy. It's fine now. I have not had anything else disagree with me. Others have said that some high-sugar or high-fat food gives them the runs. Some people get gas or cramps with spicy food, or reflux. I'm fine with spicy food.
  4. mistysj

    Staple foods for puree (phase 2)

    Hi there. I don't have an opinion on this because my plan did not specifically call for sugar free food. I tend to think that if it is sugar free, it might contain a lot of chemicals. This thread is specifically for people to list off what foods they found helpful during the purée phase. You might find more people see your question if you post it to the Food and Nutrition forum as a new question. I can actually do that on your behalf if you would like. By the way an apple still has 15 grams of (natural) sugar. There is nothing wrong with an apple!
  5. mistysj

    Easy freezer food?

    Chili is a great freezer food. Baked beans. Shredded. beef, pork, or chicken (barbecue style). Seasoned taco meat. Baked ricotta (see the recipe in the Recipes sub-forum of this forum). Crustless quiche or frittata. Not a freezer food but stir-fry will keep in the fridge a week if you put the part you aren't eating right into the fridge relight after cooking it. You can make all this kind of stuff on the weekend and be set for the week.
  6. mistysj

    Easy freezer food?

    You are still less than a month out. What are you allowed to eat right now?
  7. mistysj


    You have to use safari on on your iPhone, not the app.
  8. mistysj

    Gluten Intolerant and Sleeve, Anyone have and advice?

    By capsicums you mean sweet peppers? I had no idea they caused any issues for anyone!
  9. mistysj

    The best cottage cheese?

    Small curd has less liquid yep. It's not sweet. It's a little salty and not a strong flavor. So you can add fruit or savories or have it plain. You can get a small tub of it and try a few different ways. It is really high protein!
  10. mistysj

    Gluten Intolerant and Sleeve, Anyone have and advice?

    I'm not gluten free, but the sleeve "rules" mean that most of us don't eat many gluten-containing foods. I hardly ever eat bread or pasta for instance. Protein, vegetables, fruit, and dairy are my staples. Most gluten-free recipes are to modify gluten-y foods to be gluten free. You don't necessarily need to do that, since you probably don't need them anyway. If you are not celiac or do not have a diagnosed intolerance, then a little bit of gluten now and then will not hurt you. If you are trying to avoid all gluten ever, you will need to pay attention to things like ice cream, sauces, gravies, salad dressings as well as the things that obviously have wheat. So it just depends on what your goals are.
  11. mistysj

    The best cottage cheese?

    Besides the brand, you will have a choice of large or small curd. Try each and see which you like. I prefer large curd because it has more liquid in it. Lots of people prefer small curd though. I can't do fat free cottage cheese but low fat is fine to me. You can put sweet things in it like fruit, or you can add salt and pepper, or mix it with chopped tomatoes or put green onion in it. Try several ways to see if you have a preference. I definitely prefer savory but lots of people prefer sweet!
  12. mistysj


    It was answered a few posts up in this same thread. in your profile settings under Notifications. You can't see your profile from the app so you need to log in to the website. After you are logged in, look at the top of the page and you will see your name. Click the gear next to it and click Settings.
  13. By the way Lissa, I got your PM and tried to find you on Facebook but your name is too common. I think I could find you by your personal email address if you could send it to me. I don't know why I am hard to find on Facebook, I think you should be able to search for me by my email address.
  14. I have heard good things about the day spa at the Sofitel in Brisbane. You could stay there and get the works. It is expensive though!! Then you could take her to the Brisbane Jazz Club at Kangaroo Point for a concert if she likes jazz or swing or blues (they have different things on, several nights a week). I like the idea of not making the day about food but about pampering yourselves. I am sure you know what I mean, the old me tends to look for the best restaurants etc. but speaking of restaurants, if your mum likes sushi or Japanese food, Sono at Wintergarden is very upscale and has lovely food and presentation. I love taking clients there. It is also perfect type of food for those of us with small appetites. I adore their sashimi and they bring it out on a bed of dry ice! Or if she is into tapas and cocktails, look into Lychee Lounge at West End. They have an amazing cocktail menu and it is a really nice atmosphere. Definitely dressy and you will need to book especially on a weekend. Great for people watching.
  15. mistysj

    Damage to Sleeve

    Me too. I get a thought that goes through my head like "ugh why am I still eating?" That's one of my signals to stop.
  16. mistysj

    Sorry if this grosses you out

    The runs is not dumping. Still it is normal, especially before you are on solids. If it continues past solids and is happening most of the time (rather than rarely), talk to your doctor. It could be something you are eating that is not agreeing with you, it could be gall bladder issues, or could be just one of those things.
  17. mistysj

    Damage to Sleeve

    There is a whole forum for band to sleeve revisions here. I am sure you will find a lot of helpful feedback there.
  18. You might have better luck posting in the California thread in the Local Gastric Sleeve support forum, or under the Surgeons and Hospitals forum. Let me know if you would like me to move this thread to one of those for you. You can also search the forums for Fresno. Good luck!
  19. I had several laparoscopic procedures before the sleeve, including hysterectomy and laparotomy (not in that order).
  20. Check out the "staple food" threads in the sticky section of this very forum. If you are using the app you will see a "Stickies" tab at the top of the forum. If you are in the website they are the threads that are always at the top. There is one for soft food. Please add ideas there when you find what is working for you.
  21. CONCLUSIONS: In this long-term report of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, it appears that after 6+ years the mean excess weight loss exceeds 50%. However, weight regain and de novo gastroesophageal reflux symptoms appear between the third and the sixth postoperative year. This unfavorable evolution might have been prevented in some patients by continued follow-up office visits beyond the third year. Patient acceptance remains good after 6+ years. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/20622654/
  22. Most people have a very easy recovery. Check this thread out: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/218686-anyone-have-a-relatively-easy-recovery-story/
  23. I love spicy food and eat it all the time with no ill effects. Laksa is mild as milk compared to some of the food I eat.
  24. mistysj

    Adventures in shapers

    I have tried the high pants and the tank top type and they always roll at the waist. I haven't tried lately and I probably wouldn't invest in the body suit type until I get to goal because I guess I will just shrink out of it and they are so expensive! I think if I could get my panni (not panini, iPad) under control I would lose two pants sizes. I really hope the panni will continue to deflate and will just be empty skin at some point.
  25. I love laksa. I eat the prawns and fish, some veggies, a noodle or two, and a couple slurps of the soup. No problems. Except the amount that gets left behind. But I care less about that as time goes on. Tom yum and other Thai soups are big favorites too.

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