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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BlueMoon~T

  1. BlueMoon~T

    Feeling ugh today !

    I cannot speak directly to what you're feeling, but I agree you should speak to your Dr. or PA. Keep in mind your body is still healing and needs rest to heal. Please don't get discouraged. The first few weeks are tough. Try staying positive and hold tight to the determination you had in making the decision to have WLS. I hope you feel better soon. Call your surgeon... : )
  2. BlueMoon~T


    Freaking love the V cut. You've done awesome! You're also easy on the eyes!
  3. Lovin' Life

    1. catfish87
    2. pupichupi


      I'm happy for you!!!

    3. Mikee57


      that's the way it should be!!!

  4. BlueMoon~T

    Kisses to all my friends

    From the album: Progress silliness

  5. BlueMoon~T

    Summer Hair

    From the album: Progress silliness

  6. BlueMoon~T

    Spring Closet Cleaning

    I'm glad that the gibberish I write in my blogs can be relatable to others who have gone through WLS. Change is hard, but empower yourself. Make your goal your mantra. You got this! Keep me updated on your progress.
  7. BlueMoon~T

    Spring Closet Cleaning

    This weekend I did what I have never done before. I cleaned out my closet. I've held onto size 16 to size 26 jeans/slacks/capris for years. I would go up and down and I would always have some back up clothes to go to. Well, not anymore. I got rid of all my size 20-26. I can still wear some of my 18's but I can fit into my size 16 jeans now. I loaded up bags and bags full of clothes and dropped them off at the Planet Clothes depositories that we have here in town. Looking back in hindsight I see we have a clothes trade forum here and should have donated them to someone who might have needed them. I will definitely do that next time! I just feel so good b/c I am letting go of things. I'm learning to be more confident and in becoming that new me, I let go of the security blanket of 'what if". You know, what if I gain the weight back and need those clothes? NOPE! Not going to happen! I'm hoping my next step in this journey will be getting off of the medicines I have to take now. One day at a time, one pound as it goes, I'm getting healthier and that's what I chose!
  8. BlueMoon~T

    Feeling Froggy!!

    From the album: Progress silliness

  9. BlueMoon~T

    Some progress pics

    From the album: Progress silliness

  10. BlueMoon~T

    Bad Day!!

    From the album: Progress silliness

  11. BlueMoon~T

    Rear view mirror, LoL

    From the album: Progress silliness

  12. BlueMoon~T

    Side view

    From the album: Progress silliness

  13. BlueMoon~T


  14. BlueMoon~T

    20140403 161049

    From the album: TaraG

    7 Months post op
  15. BlueMoon~T


    I also like the face greek yogurt. It's all about what you like, it's just best to chose a yogurt that is higher in Protein. I use Muscle Milk Light and I also use Body Fortress. I like the vanilla because I mix it with soy milk a frozen sugar free fruit. I'm a weirdo though, I never get tired of having the same Protein shake for Breakfast. Go figure! Most of the time your Dr. will give you samples. Oh, I use unjury too. They all taste the same to me. Again, I'm a weirdo! There are tons of recipes for Protein shakes online. Try this site out: http://bariatricfoodie.blogspot.com/p/favorite-recipes.html Good Luck to you!
  16. BlueMoon~T

    Quick Port Question

    I'm six months Post-Op and have started doing some new exercises focusing on my abs. I know there under there somewhere. Anyway, I digress. My port is placed at the top of my stomach just under my bra line and since incorporating abs into my workout my port site has become sore. All you Dr.'s out there.. this is normal right? I'll be discussing this with my surgeon on the 20th. I was just curious if anyone else has experienced this?
  17. Great weather in Missouri this weekend! Outside time!

    1. catfish87


      Enjoy the weather!

  18. BlueMoon~T

    WLS and Divorce

    I am just curious if anyone wants to chime in on this topic. Is there a correlation between WLS and Divorce?
  19. BlueMoon~T

    WLS and Divorce

    KimK - I'm doing fine. I was just curious. I lean more to towards the thinking that if a couple gets divorced after WLS there were problems there to begin with. I also agree with what was said about gaining confidence and deciding you may be in a relationship where you deserve better. I know of two people who had affairs after they had WLS surgery. They enjoyed the new found attention they were getting and decided the grass was going to be greener on the other side. In both cases, it wasn't. I just happened to talk to one of my gf's about her affair yesterday so this topic was on my mind. As those of us who are married or in long term relationships we know, it takes work to make a relationship work. Just like we who are dropping weight and feeling better about ourselves it can sometimes take a little while for your significant other to catch up. My hubby is having to get used to a more active and outgoing me. For instance, I would never go to any of his work functions because I was embarrassed of how I looked, but his friend is getting married next weekend and he was surprised when I sent in the RSVP for two. I guess, what I'm saying is if your not prepared or secure in your relationship WLS can be a point of contention for couples.On the one hand I'm happy for those who leave dysfunctional relationships because they find their voice, but on the other hand I'm sad for the folks who get thin and lose their minds wanting to relive their youth and forget about their family. Just my two cents.
  20. BlueMoon~T

    YouTube...You Rant

    Last night I got the wild idea that I would look up Lab Band Vlogs on YouTube. Big MISTAKE. HUGE! The first 20 or so results were all negative. The first lady I watched to understand why she hated the Lap Band and seemed to make it her personal mission in life to discourage the world from this evil thing called the lap band. As I listened I heard excuse after excuse as to why her band failed. She said she threw up everyday and that nobody told her about PB's. Then she went on to say later that she never got restriction and could eat a plate full of food. Two things. 1)If you over eat you are going to get sick.2) If you're having PB's you have some sort of restriction. She talked about never having restriction again, then told a story of how she almost died (rolling eyes) because she was over filled and couldn't swallow her own saliva. Ok... so we can all conclude she had restriction. She also confesses she's a binge eater. Another red flag. You have to commit to eating smaller portions and having the will power to stop eating when you're full. In my most humble newbie opinion this lady was either not educated on how the Lap Band works, and if that's the case shame on her surgeon, or she just thought it was going to fix all her eating issues. She also kept using air quotations when she said the Lap Band was a "tool". She said she hated when people said that. MY GOD WOMANIT IS A TOOL. NOT A MIRACLE CURE! I was so sad to see all the comments of gratitude for her being so brave to post such an honest video. Uhm... that was not an honest video that was an angry woman who failed to follow band 101 rules. It actually made me angry. I considered the video an EPIC FAIL. She made broad sweeping generalizations saying that the only people that the band works for were people who replaced one vice for another. She used the example of transference of food binging for exercise. They just swapped one for the other. I have to say that I realize that there are risk of complications with the band and that it doesn't work for everyone. But, from what I've read most of the time if people are truly honest they failed the band the band didn't fail them. AND... If you're band isn't working talk to your doctor be persistent there could be something mechanically wrong with your band... but you have to be diligent in taking care of your band. It's high maintenance, but I have to tell you, knowing that every month I have to go in and see my Dr. and be accountable for my weight loss and how I've been treating my band makes me mind my P's and Q's. I've been stuck at 230 for two weeks...but... I've lost another jeans size so my body is losing inches. I love my band. If I was brave enough I would start my own Vlog on YouTube. Just a side note. I always here the soup Nazi's voice in my head from Seinfeld when I want something I shouldn't have. He says, "No cookies or cupcakes for you!". Happy Hump Day, Ya'll!
  21. BlueMoon~T

    YouTube...You Rant

    There are some crazy people out there. Wait, I might be the weird one! We're all "special" in our own way, I just think some people don't have common sense. Thanks for reading my blog.
  22. BlueMoon~T

    Husband has hesitation about lapband

    My husband also voiced concern about me having WLS. I also took him to a seminar. That didn't really change his tune much. I had several health issues and shortly before I committed to having the Band I was hospitalized for a month. Not to be over dramatic, but I really almost died. Several times my family was told that they didn't think I was going to make it through my first night in the hospital. I too, had lost 90 lbs once through diet and exercise, but in 13 years I managed to gain it all back plus an additional 50 lbs. Every time I would go to the Dr. I would have gained more weight. and my comorbidities grew. As, PT mentioned above. YO-YO diets are dangerous and for the most part we're all here because we weren't able to lose the weight and keep it off on our own. You have to want this for yourself. Only you can make WLS work for you. It's a personal challenge. I'm not telling you to disregard your husbands concerns but make sure you're educated on the procedure so you can help him understand what's going to happen after the surgery. My husband was ultimately just concerned for my safety of actually going through the surgery. He worried if my body was strong enough. He just wanted to protect me the best way he felt he could. Finally, after my surgeon and my PCP reassured him I was perfectly healthy to have the surgery, he was there by my side. It's also fair to note that some men worry if their wife loses a bunch of weight and gains confidence she may leave him, etc. Just a thought. Also, as PT said. My hubby rather enjoys the changes that are happening with my body and after 21 yrs. of marriage its like were teenagers again. Enough said! LOL I am still on several medications that I have to take daily and I have not had any issues with taking them. You can talk to your surgeon about the best way to take your meds. I have one medication I have to break in half to ensure it goes through my band. I had a bit of a learning curve when it came to feeding myself and my family. They don't necessarily like the things I eat and my cupboards are not always lap band friendly. It just took some adjustments but everybody is happy now. Including me. Honestly, I didn't realize how much me getting healthier would affect the rest of my family. I've said it before in my blog... If Mama Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy. Do something for you! Best of luck!
  23. BlueMoon~T

    What’s Wrong With My Lap Band Diet?

    I'm a self proclaimed carb junkie. I find myself following a high Protein low carb way of eating and it agrees with my band. I stay away from crackers and breads because I know that those are my kryptonite and if I started eating them it would be a slippery slope. Also, I don't let myself veer too far off of my food plan. I'm sure that will change when I'm in my maintenance phase! Nothing gets me more motivated than watching the numbers drop on the scale or pulling my skinny jeans out of my closet and being able to wear them. I agree with the statement that people know what's wrong with their diets. I did! I just cant wrap my head around why someone would go through the process to get WLS if they weren't truly committed to taking the weight off. SMH! It's such a drastic measure. I'll also admit in the beginning I was worried because I had/have so much weight to lose I wasn't sure I could do it with the band. To hell with that! Again, I will say how important it is to keep up your appointments with your WLS office. Even if I don't think I need a fill its just an accountability thing for me. And, I again SMH when people are having issues but haven't seen their Dr. in months. Why not? That would be the first thing I'd do! TGIF. I hope everyone has a fantastic day!

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