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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tawnya777

  1. Tawnya777

    Anxiety mental issue etc.

    I think it is a requirement for everyone having the lap band. I had to get a psych evaluation and so did someone else I know who was going to get banded. I have anxiety and panic attacks and I'm on Xanax. My insurance approved my surgery knowing that. Sorry to get off subject here, but after the birth of my 1st daughter I had gotten anxiety, actually I think it started when I was pregnant with her, I started having fears of being in the car and getting into an accident. After my 2nd daughter was born my anxiety got worse and turned to full blown panic attacks. With the birth of my son is when I started to have to take Xanax every day just to feel normal and not have anxiety or panic attacks. It's weird that you said it was after the birth of your kids, because I noticed the same thing. I even asked the dr if maybe my children took some kind of Vitamin or something from me that has caused me to feel like this and the all laugh, and then one day I was reading an article that says if you are magnesium deficient it could cause anxiety, so maybe I was onto something after all. I want to start taking this magnesium powder that I got, but I gotta ask my regular physician first and my surgeon. Sorry that was long, just thought I would share.
  2. Today I woke up disappointed that I did not lose any weight. I'm still 264, but I do feel like I lost inches. It snowed today, so I took the opportunity to go play with son in the snow. After that I took a long nap. I spent most of my day sleeping. I just have no energy. This calorie cut back has me sluggish. Can't wait for my pre op appt on Thursday so that I can ask all the questions I have. I don't really feel like going any where or doing much since I don't want to think about the food I cannot eat. I could tell a big difference yesterday when I was doing my school work that my brain cannot function as well as before. Can't wait until I can eat and have more calories so I do not have any more brain fog. I'm going to bed now which is earlier than usual for me. I'm just so bored and don't want to take in too many calories since I'm hoping to lose another pound tomorrow. Well good night all bandsters, until tomorrow.
  3. Tawnya777

    I hate you diabetes

    I'm surprised that the doctor didn't put you on a sliding scale, which insulin injections for a week or few days before surgery and after so that your sugars can come down. I would call your doctor and ask about a sliding scale. Good Luck!!!
  4. Congrats!!! That's good. My insurance denied me the first time and the second I didn't hear anything for months so I just gave up on getting the surgery. Then one day all of a sudden the doctors office called and said I was approved and everything moved so fast from then on. I had a chance to get my surgery on April 10th, but I choose not to since I had a ball the next day, so I got the next appt which is May 1st.
  5. Thank you! Good luck on the pre op diet, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Let me know how it goes for you and I will keep posting about my journey.
  6. I lost another pound today I was at 264. That's 6 pounds.YAY!!! I focused mostly on my school work today so I didn't get much calories in today. I think I was some in the 400's. I did manage to get on the treadmill again today. I had cravings for Chinese food today, but not really like I gotta have it, it just sounded good. I'm off to bed now, hope I can sleep.
  7. I didn't lose any weight I'm still 265. My calorie intake was 535 today and I did manage to get in some exercise. I'm not hungry anymore during the day. I only get hungry when I stay up late like tonight. I see my doctor on thursday for my pre op appointment. I never really realized how much my life revolved around food until today when I was bored and started thinking that I would have been eating while watching tv just from being bored. Life has changed for me over the last 5 days. Hopefully I lose more weight in the morning. I'm off to bed now.
  8. I lost one more pound bringing me to 265. I had around 700 calories today. I feel a little brain fog and weak. Hoping tomorrow is better. I just feel like resting today and I'm so ready for bed. I shall see what day five holds for me.
  9. Tawnya777

    May 1st!!! APPROVED!

    I know how you feel. I already have an anxiety disorder and thinking about all this makes it worse. I can say that the liquid diet has gotten easier. I use to see food commercials and practically drool. Now it's like that looks good, but I know I can't have that.
  10. Tawnya777

    May 1st!!! APPROVED!

    I drink GNC Total Lean shake 25. They have some good flavors. I like the banana and orange cream.
  11. Today I was so busy that I only managed to get in 535 calories. I had most of my calories for dinner so I actually feel full right now, after just having drank broth and 16.9oz of water. Sometimes I get cranky and I just take a nap if I can. My family jokes that they would rather me take a nap then be crazy...lol... The pre op diet is getting better that I'm actually not even really counting what day I'm on ( I'm on day 3 by the way). I learned to except I will not be eating for a long time. I just make jokes about it now. I lost Another pound bringing me to 266. I was headache free today.....YAY!!!! Oh yeah best part, I didn't have to take any of my diabetic medication today since my sugars were around 110 after eating. It's actually going to be weird when I can eat again. So that's my story for today. Any questions feel free to ask.
  12. Tawnya777

    May 1st!!! APPROVED!

    Congrats! That's 3 of us now having surgery on May 1st. Pre op diet sucks, but I have been dropping weight so I can't complain. When do you start your pre op diet? I have to do two weeks pre op diet.
  13. Tawnya777

    Lap band and diabetes

    That is so true about the stress raising sugar levels. I had no idea that could happen, but when I went in for my EGD surgery I checked my sugar at home and it was 184, but when they checked it at the hospital it was 218 and I didn't have anything to eat obviously due to the surgery. My heart was racing and I was having major anxiety Nd the nurse told me that my sugars can just be high due to stress.
  14. I had 609 calories today. The best part was being able to eat the egg whites. My hunger pains went away after eating the egg whites. I have a headache right now, but I think that is just from my blood sugar levels dropping low and I need to drink more water. Yay I get to stop my insulin today since my sugars are low. I only needed the insulin for 7 days. Hopefully I can stop taking my other meds soon. I'm going to go take Tylenol now and drink some water and go to sleep. Will see how tomorrow goes.
  15. Tawnya777

    Lap band and diabetes

    No I haven't had my surgery yet. This is my second day on my liquid diet and my sugar already dropped real low and I was always in the 200's. I just had my A1c in march and it was 9.2. I'm stopping insulin today and just taking my 2 pills for diabetes. The way things are going looks like I will be off all meds before my surgery. I believe you and me have the same surgery date of May 1st. If your sugars don't come down they might just give you insulin at the hospital before surgery. Are you on a liquid pre op diet?

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