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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. paula-o

    Love advice...help~!

    Now I need to know how this ended too!!!!! And my thoughts on the subject is he doesn't want you to meet him. However I'm an insecure person at the moment so that's that.
  2. paula-o

    I need someone to kick my ass...

    Thank you B 52 and Carolina girl. I started today with a refreshed approach and decided to not stop half way. It's what I tend to do in my life period. Marriages, lap band, career, etc. This is going to be the one thing I finish I swear it! Got a 5 yr old to be here for. Thanks again for the advice.
  3. paula-o

    I need someone to kick my ass...

    Thank you all for the words and the truth (as I sit here eating frozen yogurt with Reese's). I am my own worst enemy for sure. No doubt about it. And you're right it's gonna be like starting all over again. But I've done it once and can lose this last 100 pnds!! Back to the basics for me first thing in the am. Also I have the 14 cc band and have 7cc in it. Not sure I need a fill other than just eat right. Thanks again...
  4. Back into gear. I was banded Jan/2012 and have lost right at 100 pounds. Now I seem to be right back to my old addictions (p'nut m&m's, ice cream, Hershey's). I guess it's because I we a yr I was successful in avoiding that junk. But for some reason after Easter I can't stop getting some type of that (oh yea an Pringles) once a day. I'm not stomach hungry, I'm head hungry for that junk. Also I've been extremely successful in avoiding drinks 30/1hr before and after food. But what I suck most at is eating slow and recognizing when my pouch is full. Thanks for reading this just typing it means I've admitted in slipping off the wagon. I'm in charleston,sc if you're close. I could use someone who works out too. I go just not all week long.
  5. paula-o

    Ok-need some splainig...

    I've been banded for a little over a year. I'm down 150 pounds. I started with the no carbs because that's what my doct said was the best. Lots and lots of proteins. Now, because I missed them for so long, it's all I crave. And as a result have put back on 3 pnds in 2 weeks. For me moving forward, I'm gonna do 2 weeks no carbs and 1 week carbs and back and forth. Also a little advice- never wait until you are starving to eat. This is usually when all bad food choices are made.

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