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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by moonlightdreamer

  1. Hi guys, I just signed up for this forum, it's nice to meet you all! My questions mostly circle around those that have been banded and have an eating disorder. I have been in a therapy program for a few months now dealing with Binge Eating Disorder. I have been accepted to do an intake appointment with a bariatric surgery department nearby and my first group of appointments are on 3/14. I'm not sure how compatible the two processes are going to be. My therapist feels more supportive to me than my nutritionist at this point. I've been contemplating getting lap band for almost 7 years now and I feel like now that I'm getting a handle on my binging it's a good time to move forward with this as well. I have GREAT hope that the band will help me with my weight loss but I'm worried that 1) I'm not going to be able to handle it with my eating disorder, I know that the band isn't going to fix the psychological aspect of this (although I've been doing great so far...and I know the band is just a tool), and 2) I'm not going to get as much support from my eating disorder therapist and nutritionist as I'd like. Has anyone else gone through this and have any thoughts/advice for me?
  2. moonlightdreamer

    PB, Stuck and Throwing Up!

    Rofl I jumped to the PB&J thing right above that question. Either way yes,
  3. moonlightdreamer

    PB, Stuck and Throwing Up!

    Peanut Butter =)
  4. Before you go asking why I'm wondering let me explain. I've already brought up my surgery (whenever it's set!) with my supervisor. My job is set up through a labor union contract and they are SUPER SUPER strict on absences and such. If I am going to be gone more than 2 days, I need to fill out an FMLA to be sure it's an actual medical leave. I know I'm only gone a week but he really said I should do it for the job security (and yes I am still going to be able to use sick time for it and be paid). That being said, I'm only 25 and have never had any major medical things come up. I looked into filling this out and I'm SO confused. My HR department is not very helpful and basically told me to read the government website on it. I did that but am still unsure of how the process works. Could anyone shed some light on it for me? I asked in another forum elsewhere and the people there treated me like I was some sort of idiot for not understanding. Any info is helpful =)
  5. moonlightdreamer

    Anyone have any experience with FMLA?

    That is so great! Thanks so much! You guys are all so helpful I love it
  6. Well hi everyone. I asked a couple of questions before posting my hello but since I'm sure I'm going to be doing this surgery I figured I'd be formal and introduce myself. I'm 25 and live in Bloomington, MN. I have been overweight all my life. I've tried pretty much every diet out there, Jenny Craig, WW, Atkins, ketogenic, calorie counting you name it and nothing has worked. I've lost weight and gained it back quickly, usually plus some. About 6 months ago I went to a therapist to discuss other symptoms I was having and diagnosed with binge eating disorder. I've since been in therapy at The Emily Program (http://emilyprogram.com/) and since I feel like I'm coming along well with my eating and psychological part of the disorder I'm ready to start losing weight and keeping it off for good. I already went to an information session at Park Nicollet in St. Louis Park and have my first set of intake appointments on the 14th (1 week eep!). I'm looking into getting the band because I think it's the last tool I need to finally get my weight under control. I have a lot to lose (just over 200 lbs yikes....) but am so hopeful in this surgery! Anyway I just wanted to say hello.
  7. moonlightdreamer

    What do I tell them?

    I'm trying to decide how to mention this as I work in a call center and sit around a lot of people. I'm thinking that I'm going to just say I had medical things to take care of and I'm better now. I have 3 work friends that know and they are all outside of work friends too so I know them pretty well. My supervisor knows too but that's about it. I work in healthcare and confidentiality is huge in my department so I know no one's spilling.
  8. moonlightdreamer

    I'm 20 and just got the band!

    I'm 25, I'm looking at getting it and I don't know that I have a fear of what other people are saying as I'm worried about having this for the rest of my life. I mean, I'm only in my 20s and I'm wanting to get this band inserted that I'm stuck with forever? But I'm so wanting to get it set up, I know that's something else I'm going to mention to the doctor at my first intake appointments on the 14th. I feel like it's my last hope for getting this stuff under control.
  9. moonlightdreamer

    Binging & Head Hunger

    I'm glad I saw this thread =) I'm actually diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and there are a lot of tools my therapist and nutritionist are working on with me to conquer those head hunger cravings. One of the things I did that really helped me so far has been to put a sign on my pantry and fridge. It has a stop sign on it and asks 3 questions: 1. Is it meal time? 2. Am I *really* hungry? and 3. Is this helping me achieve my goals? If I can answer yes to any one of those then I can go ahead and have something. But it makes me stop and think every time before opening that up and eating something. The other one I've found really helpful is doing something else for ten minutes. Feeling that craving? Take a walk, read a book, watch a TV show for ten minutes. If it's still there then have a snack. But often times I find that that intial "OMG I HAVE TO EAT NOW AHHHH" feeling subsides after a little bit.
  10. moonlightdreamer

    What did you tell you family/friends?

    I was honest with my parents, sister, and boyfriend. They know my weight has been a huge issue for me over the years and they were really supportive. My mom actually said if she had known I was interested and they could have afforded it, they would have helped me do it sooner. As for friends, I've only told 3 of them my plans, I wanted to feel out their opinions. All 3 were really great and supportive too, but I'm planning on just keeping it to those 3. I don't want a lot of people knowing because I don't think it's their business to know and I don't want to be treated differently if they knew that. I know a lot of people have the idea that WLS is a "cop out" or that I just didn't try hard enough to lose weight before, so I don't want to deal with all that drama and bs. Basically my thinking is that if people are going to criticize you, are they really good friends? Your body, your decision and you don't need their negativity affecting what you are trying to decide. This is a life changing decision but it's your life. I only want supportive people with me on this journey.
  11. moonlightdreamer


    Some pictures of myself before.
  12. moonlightdreamer

    Oct 2012

    From the album: Before

  13. moonlightdreamer

    Jan 2013

    From the album: Before

  14. moonlightdreamer

    Banding and Eating Disorder Question!

    Nope, no purging. I'm actually terrified of throwing up. I will do anything to avoid it, which I guess is a positive thing in this context.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
