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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrsto

  1. mrsto

    Question For Alex

    I tried to PM you yesterday about my frustrations with the new site, but it didn't go through. That's when I hit the tech support link and mentioned it. Are you getting any PMs?
  2. mrsto

    Question For Alex

    I haven't done much of anything on the new site, other then try & find all the recent posts. I didn't know that I could change my theme, but I'm still seeing the technical support link at the top of my page. I'll play more with this during the week :-) Was weird to have it shut down for a day, though. Like......what happened to all my friends?!!!
  3. mrsto

    Question For Alex

    PS - I do see the technical support link at the top?
  4. mrsto

    Question For Alex

    I reported a couple of bugs, too. One of them is working this morning (got a fatal error when trying to view a profile). I haven't checked the other one yet. That one was sending a PM that didn't go through.
  5. PS: I was in the hospital one night.
  6. I had both done on 3/25. I was nervous about the added plication too, but I'm really glad that I had it done. No problems whatsoever, and I'm down 56 pounds. Happy!
  7. Ditto..Ditto and Ditto again! Scour the internet and anywhere else for information, and go in with all of the facts. I'm with Mis.....I love my band (with plication), and wish I'd done it sooner.
  8. mrsto


    I got the same recommendation from my nutritionist.... I also bought the Celebrate chewable from their office, and take calcium three times a day. I tried some of the calcium chews, but found a liquid that I like better. As for constipation, I've also found MiraLax to be the best and most gentle.
  9. mrsto

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    Countrysweet - most every single person who had WLS, was able to stick to a diet and lose lots of weight. The issue is ALWAYS......maintaining that loss. For me, I've lost and gained the same 90-100 pounds several times. And that is not to mention the smaller losses & gains in between. Now, being older, it was painfully clear that anything other than divine intervention, I needed this surgery to help me get my weight down to a healthy place. If any of us were able to stick to a diet long term, and/or maintain that loss lifelong, we wouldn't be here. But we can't.....and we've proven that over and over again. I've dropped 56 pounds since March, and I have absolutely no regrets. I would do this a millions time over! Having WLS is a very personal choice. People in your life are going to say what they will, but at the end of the day, it's all about YOU, and what you want/need for YOUR life. I agree with the above posters, in that all of the feelings you are having are completely normal. It's a huge step, and not one to be taken lightly. I also had all the "what if's"; what if I go through all of this and either don't lose, or gain all the weight back? It's important to understand that the possibility is always there. The band is a tool for us to work with, not cure us. But I have to say, I was feeling pretty hopeless before this surgery, and now I'm elated. Sending the best of luck to you
  10. mrsto

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    I'm excited for you, Bandista. You've been on here for awhile (as I was before surgery), and I know how excited you must be to finally have your day. Good luck tomorrow!
  11. mrsto


    If you've already been through the complete approval and pre-op screening process, three weeks should be more than enough to be back on your feet. You will just need to be prepared for the post-op diet limitations, and plan accordingly with your school schedule. The best of luck to you!
  12. I have a 10cc band, but my doctor was more aggressive with fills. I had 3cc at the time of surgery, and was given another 3.2cc's one month later. The month after that I got another 1cc, then .25, and last week got .50. Each and every fill made a huge difference, and right now......I'm neon green
  13. What CG says.....PROTEIN is the magic key with the band. It will keep you satisfied for longer, on smaller portions. Banana chips are fried bananas; pure sugar and fat. They are also a slider food, which won't do anything stave off hunger. Bandster hell sucks.....no better way to say it. Until the fills bring you right into the green zone, you really have to white knuckle it. Ugh....it's hard, I know. But soon enough, the really hard parts of this process will be behind you. Hang in there...
  14. mrsto


    I think lower carb eating is better in general. If you get back on the wagon & stick to your allotted daily calorie intake, the weight should start moving again, no? For me, when I hear "sticking to any diets of my past", I cringe. But that's just me
  15. mrsto


    Nioxin worked wonders for me. If your hairdresser won't pick it up for you at their cheaper price, you can get it at most beauty supply stores. I actually think some stores like Target are carrying it now, but they may not have all of the Nioxin products. You have to check around where you live.
  16. mrsto


    First, to make sure that you're not overeating, start measuring your portions and tracking your calories. This is really important in the beginning, so you learn to stick with the smaller band size portions, and you don't exceed your allotted daily calorie intake. That being said, while you're on mushies, you will probably still need to fill in with one or two protein shakes per day. On mushies, it's difficult to get in a minimum of 60 grams, so the shakes fill in the gaps. Some people like to add unflavored protein powder to their mushy foods, but the bottom line is, you'll still need to lean on the protein powders or ready made drinks.
  17. mrsto

    Im already struggling

    There is such a huge variation on what all the doctors require. My pre-op diet was 1,200 calories/day; low fat & low carb. Not NO carb, but just lower complex/whole grain choices. Did I stick to it? Hardly. Please understand that I'm not promoting ignoring doctor's orders, I'm just being honest. I pulled back dramatically on what I was eating, but probably stayed more in the 1400-1500 range. I did manage to lose 5 pounds. My doctor said that he wasn't as concerned with me, because (in his world) my weight wasn't off the charts, and based on my body type, didn't think my liver would be an issue. Bliiing, I've heard everything on here from doctors attempting to do the surgery, but stopping the procedure when they get in there & see the liver is too fatty, to docs who didn't require a pre-op diet, where surgery was done without issue. There is a wide spectrum of possibilities with this, so I would say.......just stick to nothing but liquids until Tuesday. To put your mind at rest, call your doctor's office in the morning and communicate your concerns. I don't know you or your doctor, but if I were a betting woman, I'd say......you should be fine.
  18. mrsto

    Following the Rules...(?)

    I follow the basic band rules, because aside from losing weight, I do not want to cause any damage to the surgery. It was a big and expensive step to take, and I want to protect it. When I say the "basic" rules, I mean small bites chewed well, sticking to small portions, listening closely for the signal to stop, not drinking 1/2 hour before or after a meal, no carbonation, NSAIDs (for the most part). I was told no straws or gum, but I have zero issues with either one. As for the portions, my band dictates that....which pretty much stays in the 1/2-1cup measurement. I don't actually measure, but I can eyeball it when I put whatever in the bowl or on the plate. No matter what is on the plate, I stop when signaled. The other rules....well, I guess they're more behavioral changes they try to instill. Things like keeping a food journal and tracking calories. In the beginning, I tracked calories daily. Once I got to the green zone, I stopped. The band tells me all I need to know, and as long as I'm still losing, it's working. I feel completely FREE since I stopped tracking, and no longer worry about eating to the point of weight gain.
  19. mrsto

    profile ?

    Wish I HAD the phone app. Since I switched to a Windows phone, app availability is slim to none. Oh well......that was a mistake! Phone and internet work great, but??
  20. mrsto

    Port question..

    My doctor placed mine based on the best place for my anatomy. It's about two inches to the left of my belly button. I've had zero issues with it; can't feel it, no trouble bending, waistbands on pants, etc. Some he will choose to put higher up.....just depends the way the person's body is laid out.
  21. I don't believe we have slimming world here in the U.S. I think it's important that you find something realistic that you can stick with. It's so hard, though, as we've all done these diets. But long term maintenance is always the issue. I wish there was a way that you could have your band replaced. But since there isn't, just find an eating program that you can stick with, and keep walking, exercising, etc.
  22. Have you tried Weight Watchers? If they don't have meetings where you live, you can do Weight Watchers Online. It's a livable program, but still......it's all about controlling volume. I feel very frustrated for you
  23. Can you meet with the nutritionist at your doctor's office, to set you up on an eating plan? Will you be having the band replaced? What is the long term prognosis for you?

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