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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Prom Night

    Here is a pic of the whole Prom Gang before they jumped in the Limo.
  2. Penni60

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    Couldn't find the exact article but here is a link to Cosmopolitan Mag which covers lots of info that might be good for you Heather. WINK WINK!! http://magazines.ivillage.com/cosmopolitan/sex
  3. Penni60

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    There are several things you can do. You can make having sex an event instead of a chore or obligatory satisfaction. Get some candles, set them up, run a bath and put rose petals in it, then give him a bath. You can do the same in the shower only no rose petals. LOL!! Give each other a sensual massage. Foreplay is something that is sensual and enjoyable not something to be rushed. And ladies we women take longer to get "in the mood", whereas men just have to see something that has a vagina and they are aroused and locked and loaded. Explain to him that you need carressing and teasing to the point of no return. And let me tell you ladies the "M" zone for men will drive him nutz. Wait let me find that article about the "M" zone and I will post it here. It is his lower thighs are the two Sides of the M, the two V shaped of the M is his inner groin area and the tip of the V is his Penis. You start massaging in the lower thighs and work your way into the Tip of the V and man will he be in ecstasy. Try it. Men love to be massaged although most won't admit it. They attribute it to something sexual. So of course they get aroused. I get aroused when John massages me. There is just something about having a man's hands knead your muscles that turns me on. LOL!!
  4. Penni60

    Port Revision

    Anne: I had a port revision surgery about two months after my surgery. It was much easier than the first and I was an outpatient. I went in that monring and then went home that evening. Piece of cake actually. Not much pain at all. I was put under general anesthesia and the whole thing took under an hour. I had mine done in the States. I would not go back to my Mexico surgeon. He pissed me off. That is a whole other story.
  5. We have another product called Super Stretch when used with one of our lubricants it makes that um process more enjoyable for you both. The Super Stretch does all the work and you just assist. OK Just so you guys know I could care less if I sell anything here. I just thought I would offer some alternatives to your issues. Buy or don't buy no skin off my nose. And you can easily go to the website and purchase items too. www.slumberparties.com Have fun!!!
  6. Penni60

    Job interview update

    Praying, sending good vibes, puttin a hex on the hiring person that if they even think about NOT hiring you then their hair will start to fall out. HEHEHEH!! Helping anyway I can. LOL!!
  7. Can you tell two of us were burnt? That was in September.
  8. They start their Hurricane season starting June 1 through the end of October. I was there when the worst Hurricane came through two years ago. The weather is absolutely wonderful year round. I have been there in June, July, August, Sept, Nov, and December. The only thing different in all those months it seems to be a bit more muggy in the Summer months. December I still got a good burn going. The weather is just supreme there all the time. It does tend to rain a little more in the Winter months. If I were going for the first time I would plan on being there for a solid week. The weather can change from morning with rain to the afternoon with sun shining and clear skies. Especially in the winter months. They LOVE american money. The exchange rate there a year ago was $60 Jamaican to $1 Amercian. So they LOVE LOVE american money. Giving them $20 could feed their families for a week. So unreal. They have an open air market close to the HIP STRIP. DO NOT GO THERE without a guide. I don't mean to scare you but they are so aggressive about getting you to buy from them that they will fight over who sells to you. I avoid that place. Margaritaville is a cool place to go and they have excellent food. The Native is close to Margaritaville and is a MUST for some real Jamaican food. 4 of us ate there for around $60 American dollars. That included a bottle of wine, hor'derves, entree, and dessert. Most hotels will shuttle you to the restaurant. The restaurant will even come and pick you up and bring you back at NO COST. You do need to make reservations though. Just ask at the front desk for the number. Here is a pic of me with my girlfriends on my birthday at THE NATIVE. The guy was our waiter. They just cater to your every need.
  9. OK here is another one. This is the pic of the Sangsters Airport in Mo Bay
  10. ok now you have done it. I am gonna post one or two more pics of Jamaica. LOL! I am dying to get back there. Haven't been in almost 2.5 years now. That is unacceptible. This is a pic of the Public Beach look at how clear that water is. We were pretty far out too. And the water was like 90 degrees. SO NICE!!
  11. I don't dive but my friend does and she said it was spectacular right off the beaches. I went out in the boat with her and just enjoyed a nice cool RUM drink (SLURP) and she went in the Water and got to see all kinds of fishies. They also have a dive you can go on in Doctor's Cove in Montego Bay where you are attached to a helmut like the deep sea divers and you all sit on a ledge and just watch the fishies swim by. I have heard great things about this. The helmuts are not made like the deep sea divers they are modified. Pretty impressive. We were gonna do that but the sea was too choppy and the sand was stirred up way too much. If you go you MUST do the Sunset Cruise from Mo Bay. I never get tired of watching the SUnset on the Bay. Here is a pic of that.
  12. Penni60

    The Picture Thread

    I have to upload some different pics to my laptop. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!
  13. Send me an email at penni.merrick@slumberparties.com and I will let you know.
  14. Having been to Jamaica more times that I can count both with the band and without, let me just say the water there is supreme. To be safe don't drink from fountains as that water is not filtered. Jamaica is not some third world where they don't have the facilities to filter their water. Leaving the airport it might look that way but it is very safe to drink the water and eat their delicious food. Get your driver to stop at Scotchies for some Jerk Chicken and a Red Stripe. YUM YUM!!! I had ZERO problems eating the food. Just take your time. That is what Jamaica is all about. NO Problem! Everyting Irie! Is Sunset Beach close to Rose Hall Plantation? If not then you MUST do the tour. It is just fascinating to tour that house. WOW!! Here is a pic of it. In the middle window upstairs (which was Rose's room) you can see what looks like a hazy silhoulet (sp?) of a person.
  15. Penni60

    Band in the wrong position

    You might also want to contact Inamed to let them know this doctor needs further supervision on placing the band. They take pride in how they train their doctors. So contact them via email or phone. Don Mills (don.mills@inamed.com) Craig Arthur (craig.arthur@inamed.com) Either of these gentlemen can help you.
  16. Dr. Helmuth Billy in Ventura, CA is a GReat band friendly surgeon. They are wonderful and very supportive. I can give you his info if interested. They are only 45 min from me in Van Nuys.
  17. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    Aww thanks Joylynn. That was very sweet. And Lookingout that was very kind of you to say.
  18. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    Ok about this same time last year I went to Maryland to attend a close friends wedding. I wore this cute blue outfit. (SEE PIC) I was stalled in my weight loss and had stabilized at 245 lbs. I was not happy with where I was at and wanted to lose more. Instead just 6 short months later I lost my band instead. So today, I attend a wedding here in Pasadena. Beautiful bride and groom exhuding love for each other. Makes me puke. LOL!! No really it was very touching and sweet. They are so cute together and so meant for each other as well. So I took some pics in my black outfit (SEE PIC). I am at 265 lbs now. That is a 20 lb gain since I lost my band. SIGH!! I am still not happy with where I am but I am learning to cope. Take one day at a time and try to make better food choices. Enjoy the pics.
  19. I sell this product that numbs the back of the throat that can stop the gag reflex. It comes in Cinnamon and Mint. If you want more info then feel free to email me at penni.merrick@slumberparties.com It's called GOOD HEAD! Love the name. I would have to agree that as long as the gag reflex wasn't over stimulated then it shouldn't hurt your band.
  20. Penni60

    The Picture Thread

    I took this about a year ago in Cambria. These guys were all over the beach. UM,... it was mating season. TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    To find out about Erosion just do a search on this site and lots of threads will pop up. And yes If I had it to do over again I would still get banded. Enough on that subject. Paula and Vera: Both are angels. I went to the hair salon the other day and said you know I feel like a drastic change. Cut it short. I have never regretted it since. Love the style and love the ease and it doesn't get in my way as much anymore. LOL!! Now if I can just talk myself into brighter highlights. I have soft golden now. I kinda like them. Just gotta cover the grey on occasion. LOL!! Thanks guys you really made my day. Oh and one more thing. I just sold almost 350 dollars worth of jewelry to ONE person. WHOO HOO!! Gotta love that.
  22. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    Josette: That was so sweet of you. I will do just that very thing. I love my 300. Now I love ME!!
  23. Penni60

    New pics of me UGH!!

    About 18 months out I developed Erosion. Not sure what caused it. My doctor didn't even think I had Erosion and I asked him to do an Endoscopy anyway. He now makes all his patients get Endo's at 1 year out or at 18 months out just to be on the safe side. So far he has been lucky and not had any of his patients to Erode. He said he could find one at anytime. I was banded in Mexico and had a US doc for followup. Yes I would certainly recommend the band. It saved me from a horrible life. I was miserable before being banded. I learned so much while I was banded on how to eat properly and what my trigger foods and emotions are. I highly recommend the band and the head exploration along with the band.
  24. Penni60


    Thanks Legallyblonde2. We have to get together again at some point. The next time I am in Ventura will be in July. Any chances?
  25. Penni60

    My 1 yr Band Anniversary :0)

    Christina you amaze me with your fortitude and such positiveness. It almost seeps from the very pores of your body. I just love ya girlie!! Now post those pics. I put the montage on the first post but add them here too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
