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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kitt3000

  1. Kitt3000

    Pureed food problems

    Good suggestions red! Even shredded meats can be puréed with broth, greens and fruit in the blender with water or juice. Non flavor protein in soups, lentil soup puréed ... The reason you are told to stick with the steps of your program is not to punish you, but to promote a successful surgical start, not tearing out sutures etc. We've all been there, and we are here to pay it forward. I know I could not have walked this walk alone, you don't have to either. A month from now, that one more puréed something, will be a memory. One meal at a time one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. You can do this, believe it.
  2. Kitt3000

    1 year, 50lbs...only?

    Hey wannabe healthy ! I like your name, it says it all. Loosing 50 pounds has put you in a healthier place, try not kicking yourself for wooda, shoulda , coulda, days gone by. Today. This is where you are, in the moment, and recognizing this is your reality. They say the definition of crazy is doing the same thing, the same way, and expecting different results. Choose your reality and work towards your goal in a different way. You are a smart, bright young woman and I believe you have it in you to do this. No one except you can make the change. All we can do, is cheer you on your way to success. Look in the mirror and tell that beautiful woman looking in your eyes, that you believe in her. Hugs!
  3. Kitt3000

    First fill not going well

    Yeah! Happy outcome! Love it! With 2cc instead of the .5, you should reach restriction a little quicker?
  4. Kitt3000

    3 Straight Unfills!?!

    Does anyone think there is a connection with the lap band failing and also having placation. I am so sorry you all are dealing with this, and at the same time, I don't mind telling you, it scares the heck out of me. Genuinely sending healing thoughts and best wishes your way, I feel so badly your having to go through all this.
  5. It seems like your bariatric surgeon would have the most experience ? Also, my understanding was if something was wrong with the port, it could be replaced without band removal. ? I'm not a medical professional, but I really believe in communication. Could you write out as many questions as you can think of, give the list to your bariatric surgeon (maybe he/ she uses email?), If the bariatric surgeon would be the one to replace it, his/her opinion would be the one I would give the most credibility. Please let us know how this goes for you, you'll find much support and many who hope for the best for you. Good luck!
  6. Kitt3000

    Migraines and violent puking episodes

    Darn correction! Occurrence is what i was trying to write !
  7. Kitt3000

    Migraines and violent puking episodes

    Wow. So sorry you feel crummy! I have no idea, but please let us know how you are doing? Was this a pre op question , since it's been a chronic occur acne for you? Take care! Ouch...
  8. That's been a tough call for me. I am trying to make sure I am eating healthy,hard to do, forcing drinking greens plus. When I start eating sliders because it is easier, or more satisfying, I have to make myself stop, evaluate the restriction or or lack of planning.
  9. Kitt3000

    Too tight?

    It's fab cheap and bought mine on amazon prime
  10. Kitt3000

    vomiting while asleep

    Hey B52, do you ever feel hungry at night?
  11. Kitt3000

    Tweaking the fill, part deux

    Yeah! So glad you are feeling better! Thank you so much for your valuable experiences you are sharing with us! Have a great day!
  12. Kitt3000

    Too tight?

    With each fill, it was more difficult early morning, but eventually, that has relaxed. I think in part,I was drinking too fast. What I did is bought a cup hot plate warmer and placed it next to my favorite chair. It also has been useful in keeping my cup of food warm my entire 30 minutes while eating. They are meant to be warmers for your desk, so they are portable and cheap. You will find your way! It's so important to live in your 'real' right now. Accept your new changes and improve them where you can.
  13. Kitt3000

    Does life return to normal?

    Just a new normal. It takes time for your mind to catch up with the scale going down. Best wishes!
  14. Or (tongue in cheek), cold food is disgusting!
  15. Hey Crystal76, So sorry you are so uncomfortable Hun! Stinks! My own experience was feeling like I couldn't eat or drink, but the last and I mean the last thing my doc wanted to do, was remove the priming fluid from my newly placed band. Apparently, he was concerned about the discomfort to me if he was poking on the sutures placed to hold the port. He said if there was anyway I could avoid it, to please try. And so I did. He was right, after 5-6 weeks that pain went away. Honestly, once I told him and even though he did not have a reason why, but guessed, I felt better knowing he knew about it. Prior to that, I was imagining every bad thing I could think of. If you can get water sips down, you should be ok. It's amazing how long we can live off our fat, funny, according to some calculation I read, I could go five months without eating (laugh), although water was a different story. You have to be excited with 31 pounds down, ok, I would have been thrilled beyond belief- I actually gained during my healing time! This is no walk in the park for sure, learning tiny portions and tiny sips instead of belting back the whole 8 ounces in one breath, is new for me. I live in a tropical climate, and drinking a gallon of water a day was pretty normal, prior to the band, now I am limiting outdoor time, because I can't drink enough while working with my horses. Hope you get the help you need soon! Wonderpoo2 , sorry to hijack your thread...
  16. Don't get too tired of your protein shakes- they come in handy- and there are some really great ideas in the prior post! Yummy!
  17. Sometimes,....it's the little things, right? Really, the most painful part is having to waste time in the "waiting room". lol
  18. The fill is performed while it and you are having an X-ray . Sorry to hear you are feeling un well. With your symptoms, it may be a good idea to visit your primary or general practitioner, it's not something I have seen anyone else complain of in conjunction with their band. Monday is almost here!
  19. Kitt3000

    Stuck Feeling

    Have you tried "hiding" your pills in a small spoonful of applesauce, mashed potato, yogurt, anything that could help lube the way down? Like a bruise, when you touch it the next day, it still hurts?
  20. Kitt3000

    10 months post op.

    Lovely and smart! :-) Congratulations on finding your way!
  21. Kitt3000

    Not about the patients...really

    Hey Wendy, Any chance you could phone your dr's office and request a call back from the physician? Perhaps if you were to calmly explain your situation, he/ she would at least make a one time exception until both your schedules can be adjusted? Unfortunately, the doctor is sometimes the last one to know there is a problem in the office. Good luck, it sounds like you have had enough stress to deal with.
  22. I just love that saying, " not my circus, not my monkeys" !! Laughing still...
  23. Kitt3000

    New addictions?

    I don't know... Running May become my new interest... I took my rat pack out for a speed walk/ jog, and did not even get out of breath! Yippee!
  24. No worries on the fill. If you are past 6 weeks surgery, you may not feel anything, or if you do, by the time you count to three, it's over... :-) I used the indoor mall for walking when it was too hot outside, handy dandy fit bit keeps me motivated and on track. Plus it's kind of fun to see the window displays change and dream of all those tiny clothes you will fit into in about a year! Chase your dream until you catch it!
  25. Glad you are feeling like you made the right choice, it's a good example of why many of us went with a procedure that was reversible. Like CG tells us, just because we can eat what we want, doesn't mean we should. Each choice we make, we have to own it. Good luck to you, and thanks for sharing with us.

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