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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kitt3000

  1. Kitt3000

    6 1/2 years post-op and strange hair problems

    What is the name of your bariatric vitamins? Please share?
  2. Kitt3000


    Hi Natalie! We may not be in Germany, but we are all here to support you. I come here often for the support I don't have locally and am so grateful for having found this awesome place with amazing people to help. If I can pay it forward, please feel free. Good luck with your surgery! You will be fine?
  3. Kitt3000

    Chinese food?

    What about eating a small amount of what you are allowed to eat before you go to the restaurant? It could help with your appetite, and that sweet and sour soup would slow you down. An added bonus, your family won't notice how little you are eating because you can take your time with hot soup. Good luck! Restaurants were a big challenge for me since we frequently eat out. Once my husband understood there was no point in ordering a full meal for myself, he happily shares a few choice bites off his plate while I choose an amazing soup or a favorite side salad. Someone gave me good advice in the beginning' know where the ladies room is, just in case. Good luck and enjoy your family time!
  4. Kitt3000

    Frustrated with weightloss

    Wow! 17 pounds in a month is awesome! 6 in a month is great! When was the last time you lost 23 pounds in 60 days? Uh huh, YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY! Not every month will be what you want, but as long as the scale is moving in the right direction, you are winning! Chin up! Your are more awesome than you give yourself credit for!
  5. Kitt3000

    Unfill setting me back about 6 months :-(

    It's disappointing. My doc was going out of town the day after my fill. Seriously, had I known that, I would not have scheduled the fill, knowing better after working in the med/dental profession my entire career. His partner, who did not do lap band and was sweet but nervous as heck attempted the unfill. It was almost empty by the time he was finished. It was a huge set back, but here is my take away... I learned this is not a diet for that day, not a diet for that week, or month. This is my life style from now on. It's going to be ok.
  6. Kitt3000

    My eyes are bigger than my stomach

    Give it time, you will adjust your mind eye too! Now, I look at the quantity of a "normal restaurant serving" and feel astonished that I ever ate that much in the first place! One of the tricks I use is to use a tablespoon to serve myself, instead of the traditional serving spoon. Also I spend a lot of time cutting up my food. It slows me down before I ever start to eat, and when I leave food behind, it's so much smaller- I don't feel like I am wasting as much. Think about this, it's not how much food you can eat and get away with on the scale, but how little can you eat and be satisfied? You can always go back for another small portion. Good luck, it will happen for you too!
  7. Kitt3000

    Unfill or just swollen?

    As long as you are able to have mushies and liquids, you should be ok. Give it time. After a fill, even a week later, I can still be tight, especially if under stress, flying, etc.. You can survive and thrive on what you are getting down now. If you have reflux, can't get water down, or pb ... You might just have to unfill a bit. It seems like most peeps here have been told to have fluids for the first 24??
  8. Kitt3000

    Ultimate Protein Pancakes

    I am for sure trying this recipie this week! Thank you Tom!
  9. I would think not only would you be tired, but if you take your pain meds, you will be commuting under the influence as well as not having a clear mind to accomplish your accounting duties accurately . There is no almost right when it comes to numbers. And meeting with clients? I say and do unusual things when I take pain meds... How about you? I wish you luck and best wishes that all goes as you plan! :-)
  10. Food for thought... My naturally thin daughter once told me, she found it insulting and hurtful when someone said she was too thin, did she have an eating disorder? She did not. She always had difficulty gaining weight. At 13, she said "mom it's just as bad when someone calls you skinny, or anorexic ,as when they call you fat, it hurts the same"
  11. Kitt3000

    Unfill setting me back about 6 months :-(

    My no can do.. Of all things, black olives! Go figure!
  12. Kitt3000

    4th fill, need advice

    For me, that means I am finished. Sometimes, it taste so good I want one more bite,,,wrong choice for me! Good luck, as B52 always says"listen to your band" !
  13. "I have to wonder was it all about the money or does she now have another eating disorder to be concerned about. I feel bad for her because it's like damn if you do and damn if you don't." I felt like this after spending a long weekend with my siblings... Everyone had an opinion about what I eat, was not eating, how I looked great, or too skinny, how my collar bone showed...etc.. I felt under a microscope. I don't know why, it was all very depressing, truthfully, I don't care what they think or say it won't change what I do or don't do. It would be nice to feel they were happy for me and supportive. Maybe if that was the thought process when we were growing up, instead of a competitive jealous environment . Could be a window into Rachael's situation too.
  14. Kitt3000

    Reach Goal

    I'm so thrilled for you! You look so much younger and thinner, of course! Wow! Way to go!
  15. Kitt3000

    Lap band and cold weather

    Stress and flying does this for me, maybe fluid retention is the culprit !
  16. Kitt3000

    Personal Milestone Today

    Thank you for sharing this with us! Congratulations on your accomplishments!
  17. Kitt3000

    Low-dose aspirin

    This is definitely one to consult with your doctor. Hope you get the answers you seek. Good luck!
  18. Happy with my band too! Probably the most exciting thing about my new life, is knowing this time, I will be successful. This time, I no longer need to keep the three or four sizes of clothes in storage. I have a tool that is working for me. For the first time, I feel I can control my hunger/ eating, it has created confidence in other areas of my life, if I can do this ... Maybe, I could do that...I am back to life again, not hiding from it! I credit my attitude, my hopes, my dreams with a timeline- to help from the band. I hope you find what you are looking for too! Big hug!
  19. Kitt3000

    Save me from my pity party!

    If you look a little closer...you might find out what's on your mind, Do you think it has anything to do with your statement title of this thread? Are you grieving your best friend, food? Hang in there hon, we have had these days too. BTW, I totally get the sweet treat and the potty. We used m&m's, and both of my adult children are in amazing condition! My daughter, a psy. Says" you wouldn't do your job if you did not get a paycheck, would you?" Even my horses expect their carrot for a trick!
  20. Kitt3000

    First Fill - hungry

    Your proteins shake if you are allowed, with yogurt and frozen fruit blended together......nice thicker consistency, may keep your hunger at bay...good luck!
  21. Kitt3000

    Lost my way

    Oops! Suzie - was attempting to quote you- not have it look like my post! :-)
  22. Kitt3000

    Lost my way

    #5 Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I to fell back into my old habits. After having 4 surgeries in 2 and a half years, I found myself laying in bed wondering what ever happened to the old me. One night I was in bed and came to this web site and started reading post after post and it finally dawned on me that I had the power to change. And change I did. First thing in the morning I called my band Docs office and made an appointment. I took my husband with me so he could make sure I told the Doc every thing I had been through and that I was serious about getting back on track. That was 8 months ago and I am happy to say that I am back to losing again. I actually had gained back about 70 pounds and I have lost 35 of it so far. My Doc was so understanding and has really been encouraging me with each visit. I wish you luck. This is exactly what I'm speaking of when I say you never know where inspiration, tough love, etc. will come from! This is an awesome forum, with amazing people walking the talk!
  23. Hmmmm....if it ain't broke....
  24. Kitt3000

    No bread. No steak

    No matter what I am eating or drinking, if it's too fast or one bite/ drink too many, the band sure lets me know! I didn't know how to be mindful prior to the band, regarding eating and drinking. Having the early months to replace old behaviors, was critical for my getting to the restricted green zone. Funny thing about it, I am more aware of how fast my husband eats . We both are working on slowing down, taking the time to enjoy and savor the food, the company. It's not a race. I love the mental pictures you all paint, thinking of a minute hour glass timer between bites, etc, these small suggestions have made changes for me and I thank you all!
  25. You might want to check out the web site, real self. Type in "tummy tuck" what to expect. There are ladies who journal from consult to months after the procedure. Good luck! Hope you share your journey with us!

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