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cat whisperer

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cat whisperer

  1. Just got back from my appointment (BTW, it was the first one since surgery on May 6). I asked how much saline was put in my band during surgery. They said 6 cc. OMG!!! No wonder I didn't feel like eating for 2 weeks! I talked with the nurse practitioner about my eating habits, etc. She was going to give me a small fill, but then I said I didn't want one. She was happy to hear that because she really thinks I don't need one right now. Basically, just because I CAN eat anything and take big bites doesn't mean I SHOULD do that. She said even if I don't vomit or PB doesn't mean the pouch can't dilate. She also said putting Fluid in could make that worse and I still don't have to have the vomiting symptoms. I've been a little worried that damage can still be done even without the obvious symptoms.

    So, it's back to following all the rules. Going back in 2 weeks to see how I'm doing.

    wow... 6ccs is a lot! No wonder indeed you weren't hungry for a long time!! sounds like you made the right choice to keep things as they are for now :)

  2. My nurse couldn't find my port at first and then neither could my surgeon. They did locate it...after quite a few pokes...but they did say the first one is always the hardest. They were lovely to me...I had one cc put in and that should take me to about 4. Feeling full all day and loving it!!!!

    My story is identical to Leanne's - with the multiple pokes etc. even funnier as we were there at the same time :) except for the fact that because I had no Fluid in the band (they had taken out 4ccs during my "emergency" the first week) they put in 2ccs. I was worried enough to stay in a hotel (I live two hours away) tonight to make sure I'm fine after the fill, but so far, so good... just hard to find something to eat in a restaurant!!

  3. haha I guess I'm another member of the club for tomorrow... I'm not nervous about the procedure itself as I have already been poked in my port a couple of times during the first week... I am more nervous about having a repeat of my post op complications, not being able to swallow anything... although I'm sure they won't be too aggressive with the fill, hopefullly....

  4. Yup - they already had a section in the "groups" part of this site for all kinds of different topics, and one of them was pets... they have all kinds of topics. I think the idea was to socialize in other ways as well as talking about the lap band... but it doesn't seem to be very successful.

  5. I actually had a couple of comments like that from my lapband "team" of professionals... the psychologist told me that I should be prepared that the weight may come off more slowly for me as I am such a "small" woman!! LOL have not associated the word "small" with myself for a very long time... also one of the nurses said something similar... but at the same time, I am having health problems because I am carrying around a lot of extra weight!! and the rest of the world certainly doesn't think I'm small!! In any case, here I am and I got the surgery ;) good luck to you :)

  6. When does your doc allow alcohol? My doc doesn't allow it for 6 months, probably a good thing For me Lol

    Actually that is the one thing about which they never specifically stated a time frame... for myself, though, I'm going to hang easy and wait as long as I can... it's tough because I enjoy a drink in the summer months especially.

    Mrsinto, your old routine for Fridays sounds a lot like ours... we would pick some very rich gourmet recipe and cook it while drinking lots of wine. Same results as you, too... weight gain and fatigue the next day!! I love my red AND white wines but I will be cautious as I don't want to sabotage my efforts... at the same time, I will probably plan some special events like you have.

  7. I wouldn't be too concerned about this right now. As ksaug21 posted, once foods are added back, you will begin to take in a bit more.

    YES, thinking that eating less is going to make you lose quicker, is an old way of thinking. SO hard to shift that mindset, though. But I've seen it in action since surgery, and lose much better when I eat at least 1,000 calories. I try & keep it at that, but sometimes I may hit 1100. And sometimes I'm at 900, but I think 1,000 is the magic metabolism button.

    I went to a BBQ on Memorial Day, and had already decided in advance that I would allow myself to drink, and I would eat whatever was there, as long as I listened to my band. Well, that bottle of wine went down REAL easy, and so did the chips. But my problem wasn't that I ate a lot of food, it was the (close to) a bottle of wine that I sipped all day. I paid a price for that blood sugar wise, and have been afraid to get on the scale all week. I weighed this morning, and poof - another 3 pounds gone!! Whew! I was good all week, but was so scared that I really messed things up. Yep, old thinking can really sabotage us.

    HockyMom - have you tried refried Beans? Those saved me during the soft food phase. Then, when I was allowed to add ground meat (beef/turkey), I mixed it together with the refried Beans and a can of black beans. VERY satisfying, and it continues to be a staple food item.

    I have worries about how easily the wine will flow for me when I "get back to" (!!) having some... probably in a couple of months. I'm going to have to watch that!!

  8. I can only take in about 700 to 800 calories a day. My weight loss has slowed right down and I know it's because my body is in starvation mode. But my old thoughts are winning. Thinking the less I eat the more weight I'll lose, is back firing on me but if I try to eat more I feel so guilt ridden and disgusted. I'm in the soft food stage and don't have much selection. I'm hoping that once I can eat regular food I can start eating more. Just have to ignore my thoughts I guess.

    Yup, I can relate to your thoughts/situation - intellectually we know that way of thinking is wrong, yet it has been ingrained in us that the "only way to lose weight is to eat less" - we hear it every day. I ate close to 1000 calories yesterday and I felt guilty!! never mind that I probably used to eat three times that. I decided to put my scale away (I had been weighing myself every day) as I know now the weight is not going to fly off like it did pre-op and right after surgery and I don't want to get discouraged. anyway, know that your thoughts are understood (by many people, I suspect ;) ) We can do this!! B)

  9. Yeah, I have decided not to weigh myself - I had been doing it every day which maybe was appropriate during the fast lost of the pre-op, but of course way too often for "normal" time! Things are going pretty well with me, thanks for asking! Still a small amount of pain, esp. on the port side - at my check up they said that it was quite usual to feel some pain there for up to 8 weeks!! I'm getting anxious to start exercising in earnest... another couple of weeks.

  10. I know, so frustrating, isn't it... you can do it... it will pass by more quickly than you think. Try to look forward to "mushy" foods as you can add quite a lot that is tasty to your diet at that point. I don't think your one slip-up will hurt you, but I believe the purpose of this is that other foods are heavier and can stretch the pouch or dislodge stitches or the band while you are healing (anyone, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong on this). Hang in there... another week and you can have the very tasty "lasagna bowl" (recipe is on the forums here) which is purely soft foods. Right now, as rkimom mentioned, some savory Soups might help - I found a very tasty potato and leek Soup which I diluted and pureed to liquid and I enjoyed it.

  11. Hi Honorsmom, I didn't enjoy sleeping flat on my back either when I tried it as I found it quite painful. I actually slept semi-sitting up on the sofa propped up by lots of pillows (then could sort of move a bit onto either side) which I suspect may be more comfy than just sleeping flat out on your back?... I wish I had better news but it took me about a week before I could sleep "normally". I am not a stomach sleeper, however, so as far as that goes, I'm afraid I don't have any tips...

  12. Hello all... It's official, I am banded. Surgery was on Tuesday. I truly love this forum because I could not have been better prepared. Everything you all have posted has been true. Pain.. Oh my goodness..... Gas..... Worse than the pain.... Nausea.... Just down right terrible.

    My question for today is, how is everyone doing? I am having serious issues as I have not lost but two pounds. Yep, two pounds with pre op diet and post op. My scale is new and I hate it already. I have been on cleat liquids since sunday without any success. Please fellow bandsters, I need some serious advice/ help.

    I know, those first few days can be a real rough go... I was surprised how rough they were for me, but towards the end of the week I was feeling much better. Please try not to worry too much about the loss right now - your body is probably hanging on to lots of Fluid as it is desperately trying to heal you. I'm sure once things regulate you will start to see some progress... I know it is frustrating!! Hope your recovery is speedy :)

  13. Banded on the 20th. I went back to work today. 11 hours!!!! I'm sore and exhausted. The only problem I'm having is dehydration. I'm drinking 2 shakes and at least 3-4 bottles of Water. That's where more than I drank before surgery. I'm only peeing like three times a day. I feel like I'm drinking all day and I'm still thirsty. My mouth feels dry and tastes bad. I'm having terrible headaches at night which I'm attributing to the possible dehydration. Does anyone else have this problem?

    I definitely think it sounds like dehydration... but you seem to be drinking lots - if worse comes to worse, I would maybe check with your doc? Hope you feel better soon.

  14. It's so great to hear how everyone is doing. A lot of people mentioned feeling like their weight loss was stuck, but things will get back on track and your scale WILL catch up with you. Several years back I lost a lot of weight on my own (unfortunately it came back due to stress etc.) and I remember that I wouldn't lose for a week or more then all of a sudden there would be a drop. Especially when exercizing... your body is making new muscles and you may actually gain weight while getting slimmer inches-wise. I did my first 5K during that period, and I want to work up to one too but giving myself LOTS of time as I am a bit older now.

    YAY, Creekwood, that's great that you are doing your 5K so soon!! Good to hear from you - I figured you were probably very busy. I'm a student as well (but taking the summer off) so I know how occupied that can keep you, esp. when you have kids to work around as well.

    drehn, glad you will have some time off - me too - and I plan to devote a lot of time to fitness etc. as well as I, also like you, hope to be in onederland by September when I go back to classes and my practicum. We can do this!!

    Lolarose, I hear you on wanting some more normal food. I have had a couple of (very well-chewed) bites of my family's dinners. Right now I am pretty much able to eat whatever I want as I have no Fluid in my band at all - I don't ever feel too full- but I go for my fill in early June - I think I need it as I am finally starting to feel hungry. Hang in there!!

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