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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jen*c10

  1. jen*c10


    i was required to have gas x strips. They come in different flavors I like the cinnamon. But they are awesome and have worked wonders. I think you can only have 4 per day, not positive about that though.
  2. Thanks yall! For some reason when I typed that question i wasn't logged in under my profile. But I am feeling alot better & have been sipping, sipping, and sipping some more. It really scared me when I though i might have hurt something & made me realize how much I sacrificed for this band and that no amount of liquid is worth setting myself back. I really appreciate the advice yall gave me. I'm back at work taking it extra slow today.
  3. jen*c10

    Leaving the hospital

    I was required to have gas x strips with me at the hospital and was given one right after I woke up. I am still taking them (6 days post op)and let me tell u they WORK! I would try them
  4. Today is day 5 post op for me & i'm feeling good except for some soreness at the port site & stomach pain every now & then. So glad the surgery is behind me. I can now enjoy full liquids and I just had some yuuuummy tomato soup for lunch. Best stuff I ever ate! Hope everyone is doing good & those of you that just had surgery I hope yall are recovering well!
  5. jen*c10

    Surgery Scheduled for March

    Good luck girl I am praying for u. Let us know how it goes!!
  6. Hey everybody. Wanted to let y'all know surgery went really well. Got there at 6:30 and was out by 10:30. I was in pain when I woke up mostly from the gad but I started walking around a lot as soon as they let me because I knew if ijust sat there the pains wouldn't go away. We stopped two times on the way home jusy to walk around. Hubby stopped to get something to eat and I decded to take my nausea Med followed by my pain Med and I'm not sure exactly why but I threw up like 3 times. After that I let my stomach settle and then prob 1 HR later took the liquid nausea Med.) Let that settle & coat my tummy for about 10min before taking the liquid hydrocodone...no problems with throwing up after that. So from now on iwill let the nausea Med settle before taking the pain Med. They found a hiatial hernia that had to be fixed before they could place the band. I also had plication. No pain at all from that. So I had hernia a repair, lap band, and plication yesterday & survived to tell the tale! Lol best advice I can give is walk walk walk. Anf let nausea med settle before taking the pain med. Walking It helped me soooo much. Hope yall are all going great
  7. GOOD LUCK to all the peeps getting banded tomorrow! I dont know about yall but I'm really nervous/excited/anxious! See yall on the other side
  8. jen*c10

    New Image.JPG

    I think you are beautiful at any size! We are surgery sisters both scheduled for this Friday. Good luck! See you on the other side
  9. Surgery for me Friday too!! I cant believe it's almost here. I must say today has been the only bad day as far as HUNGER!! Am I the only one? I have already had my 3 protein shakes & a salad..my daily limit...and it's only 4:45! Friday please hurry up & get here!!!
  10. jen*c10

    D-day 21st March 2013

    Me too. I think I'm mostly scared because I've never had any type of surgery before. It is scary. Right now I'm freaking out because I have a runny nose & congestion & I keep thinking what if I choke during my surgery from drainage! I'm going to call my doc to see if I need a zpac..just to make me feel better about it!
  11. jen*c10

    liquid diet

    I didn't know you had to do 3 days of liquid & 3 days of mushy after a fill. Interesting. Is that every single time you have a fill?
  12. I have the worst sweet tooth of anyone I have ever met & I was just telling my husband yesterday that I think this pre op diet is perfect for me because everything I consume is sweet...peanut butter & chocolate shake, cinnamon roll Protein Shake, sugar free Jello (with sweet n low of course!) and sugar free popsicles, unsweet tea (with lots of sweet n low) & all of those packet things u mix with a bottle of water (with sweet n low) yes, i'm basically addicted to sweet n low, equal, & splenda. But u might be surprised at how well you can do on this diet with no real sugar products. I havent even thought about having a dr pepper 10 in like 6 days, & no headaches..that one really surprised me. I tired to wean myself off (no much) before I started the diet last Friday. Dont be afraid to dive in girl, you just might like the water!
  13. jen*c10

    liquid diet

    The only other thing that was on my list for pre op foods was 2 sugar free popsicles per day. And I agree about the protein shakes filling you up. They are awesome!
  14. We are both having surgery March 1 yay!! So glad I have a surgery buddy. You should do good on the shakes it's really not as bad as you probably think. Good luck. Just 10 days till our big day!!!
  15. jen*c10

    Pre-op and Down 28 Pounds :D

    I am so happy for you. Great job!!
  16. I just wanted to tell yall that I am on my 4th day of pre op diet & I get to have a SALAD tonight! wooohoooo! never thought i'd be so freakin excited to eat a salad! lol Did great the first 3 days, felt great, had plenty of energy. First night was the hardest. Stay strong peeps we got this!
  17. jen*c10

    Surgery Scheduled for March

    My "last supper" as I like to call it was on Valentine's and we had Chinese buffet. But we also did Mexican one night that week and pizza one night. Got it all out of my system too and I don't regret a single bite LOL
  18. I went for my initial consult on Feb 6 and my surgery is scheduled for March 1. Two week pre op diet started Feb 15
  19. jen*c10


    Girl I feel ur pain. I'm on day two of 4 protein drinks, unlimited jello, and popsicles. And OMG. I was perfectly fine yesterday all day. No issues at all. Today I was fine until about 30 min ago when I started getting really hungry. I am sitting in my living right now smelling the delicious meal my hubby is cooking for tnhe family ..some sausage shrimp gumbo type dish and just wishing I could have some of the broth. Oh well, guess I'm gonna drink my last protein drink of the day and go to NY room and watch TV or a movie or something. It is hard. But I thank God for this website & knowing I'm not the only one going through this. Lets stay strong and keep our eye on the prize. We are SOOOO worth it and so is this hard time we are going through. Two of my favorite quotes "if it were easy everyone would do it" and "she believed she could, so she did" stay strong
  20. i sooo wish i dint have such a big mouth. I have told maybe 10 people total (my mom, aunt, uncle, husbands family, and coworkers) and 2 of them are already on my nerves, not being supportive, and giving negative comments. Have I ever given them negative comments, no. So I truly, truly would encourage anyone that is on the fence about telling people DON'T DO IT. You might be surprised at who will not be supportive...
  21. jen*c10

    Surgery Scheduled for March

    We are banding sisters! March 1 is gonna be our new Bday. Cant wait!!
  22. jen*c10

    Surgery Scheduled for March

    I'm scheduled for March 1 and super excited about it. Scared at the same time but sooo ready to get it over with and move on to my new life & new journey. I start my pre op diet TOMORROW..eeekkk. On the bright side we all got approved & that's huge so CoNgRaTs on that! New life here we come!!!
  23. I'm scheduled for March 1. I guess I'm leading the pack! I am very nervous & not excited about starting my liquid diet TOMORROW but...lets look at the bright side: we got approved!!! So CoNgRaTs to everyone that got approval from ins. We are on our way!!
  24. jen*c10

    On my way to Surgery Center Now..

    Prayers for u & that God will bless u with a safe surgery & speedy recovery!

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