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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Tomo

    Stretching stomach

    Dr. Weiner and Dr. John Pilcher are both so informative to me, and so calming to watch whenever I have questions about WLS.
  2. Just echoing others about low carb. My carbs during weightloss (and now) have always been high. I eat 5 to 7 servings of anti-inflammatory fruits and/or vegetables a day to deter inflammation which contributes to Leptin resistance (feel full hormone).
  3. Sorry to hear about your sister. It's so good that you are there for her. Good thoughts going to your sister and your family.
  4. Tomo

    Happy with your dietician?

    Whatever your surgeon suggests to you since they know your case the best. Your plan sounds pretty standard. I think my liquid phase was a week, then to puree foods. I was never told calorie goals but in the beginning, he stressed to make sure I try to stay hydrated and get my protein in.
  5. I've been out under anesthesia 5 or 6 times myself. I, too, let them know before hand that I get easily nauseated and they give me something beforehand. I personally love being under anesthesia because one minute you are looking around the room, usually at a smiling nurse or doctor, and before you know it, the surgery is all over. As if you closed your eyes for a second, and it's already done. Talk to your team about your fears so they will be prepared as well.
  6. Tomo

    Happy with your dietician?

    I got a diet plan from my bariatric surgeon. Luckily, my surgeon and I are on the same page on what we feel is the healthiest way to eat. I follow that. Other than that I never had a dietician other than the mandatory dietician meetings for pre-op requirements. The ones I had, had different eating philosophies than what I have.
  7. Tomo

    Bony Butt

    Same same. No curve back there whatsoever. Have to always use a pillow to sit on or it hurts to stand up after sitting down.
  8. Stir fried beef over steamed rice. I first fried it in the air fryer than glazed it in a pan with soy sauce, vinegar, onions and green beans. My dish is layered: rice, onions/green beans and then steak on the top since I started with protein first. The nutritional info is what I ate (not how much I made).
  9. I don't really buy clothes (I should lol My pre WLS habits were pretty generic ones that we all can relate to. Like mindless eating, eating when not hungry, constant snacking... Etc. The only thing I haven't changed is that I do still eat late at night but what changed is what I eat at night. I eat strawberries, an apple, blackberries... Etc (instead of chips) if I get hungry. The main bad habit after WLS is, even though I don't eat much, I am still buying way too much food. My fridge, freezers, cabinets and food bins are stuffed to the gils. In fact, I buy way more now than I did before WLS. I used to have an empty fridge because I was always eating out: fast foods or restaurants. Now, I will cook something, make several servings and freeze it. It's great, yummy, convenient but I keep buying new food before those are gone. I hate wasting food too so I have so many items that are past the best buy date. It's terrible lol.
  10. Tomo

    Food Portions - 6mos post op

    I was told to work up to 4oz by the 6 month mark and keep it around 4 oz. The exception for me is with fruit, which contain a lot of water like watermelon, strawberries... Etc. I usually eat more than a cup of my fruit for snacks. My program requires 5 to 7 servings of fruit and/or vegetables a day.
  11. Tomo

    Low pulse ???

    I also have a low pulse and low blood pressure. My doctor doesn't seem the least bit concerned. All I hear is if I get any other symptoms to alert them. I mentioned this in the forums too because I was concerned but it seems to be pretty common.
  12. Tomo

    Drinking..not sipping

    Right away I was always able to drink as fast as I wanted and how much I wanted. Although I had little appetite, I didn't "feel" restriction until I got to solids. It's when you can't take in water that there's a problem (example, stricture). You're good. Congrats on your surgery.
  13. Tomo

    6 Days Post-Op

    I gained 10 lbs after surgery. Took awhile for my body to get rid of all that IV fluid and adjust as others were saying. As long as you aren't eating or drinking tons of calories, it's just a matter of time.
  14. Tomo


    Yikes. You really need to get some soon especially during the honeymoon stage where you aren't eating nearly enough. Check with your team if you don't know what you should be taking. I'm surprised they didn't tell you in detail what you need since Vitamin deficiency can lead to many serious problems and exacerbate common not so serious problems like hairloss.
  15. For lack of a better way, BMI classes were my milestones. At the very least, it is nice that a doctor doesn't look at my BMI and say you should lose weight, you are obese. Congrats!!
  16. Tomo


    I had my revision to bypass in August 2022 as well. I still get the foamies/slimes occasionally. It's strange but with the VSG I had experience dumping (fast heartrate, sweating, feeling clammy, malaise...Etc. but with the RNY, I experience foamies but no dumping. The only way I can stop the foamies is first, I keep blowing my nose when I first notice it, so no more will build up, then if that doesn't stop it, I use one of those tongue cleaners and rub the back of my tongue a few times, makes me cough and all the slime comes out. I remember in the beginning they would last for hours and hours. Now it's usually till I can clear it once. Last time I had it was after eating at a restaurant, on the way home in the car. I didn't have my tongue cleaner but used a chopstick from my takeout bag and an extra plastic bag. Eww. lol
  17. In my early 30s (~220s lbs.), I knew I was in big trouble. Serious comorbities. Monthly ER visits. I was a thin child, a thin teenager but after a horrible thing happened to me, like many others, my weight became my shield, until it didn't... No diets, pills, injections worked. I didn't have the funds nor insurance then but as soon as it was available, I went for it. That's why I am so thankful for the opportunity to have had it. So many people could only dream of it as it is expensive, especially back then. I was in my 40s with lots of comorbities, a little over 300 lbs when I finally got the chance. I'm in my 60s now. I am healthier now than in my 20s. I have had a revision due to a slipped band, then another due to gerd but I never complained about it, as I am so gratefulful I had the chance. Because if it, I haven't been anywhere near 300 lbs nor have I had serious comorbities for 15 years.
  18. Tomo

    Food funerals

    You're right that you will be able to indulge in the future, if you want to. It's good you realize that and you have an important goal as well, so it's keeping you from going off track. I think you are already doing a great job on balancing what is important to you, judging by your post. At times I feel like just bingeing for a day but I don't. I know it'll just make me feel worse in the end, and potentially lead me on a path to gain weight again. It's just too important for me at this juncture not to fall back on old habits. I never want to be fat again so I have to remind myself how miserable I was when I was heavy. You are doing great, pre-op is the most difficult part of it all. The second most difficult part is when hunger comes back. If you can find a way to distract yourself until the feeling goes away or are able to remember what is most important to you, then you will be successful not only now, but in the future when hunger comes back, post honeymoon stage.
  19. I had elevated AST and ALT my second year. Last test was a couple of months ago, and it is going down. I have had high B12 numbers off and on because of the supplements ~2000 pg/mL. You may want to speak to your regular doctor about your B12 though. There are some serious causes for high B12 and they don't have anything to do with your WLS.
  20. Maybe write about it and try to determine what your expectations are of them. See if they are truly valid. Sometimes when I am feeling that way, often it isn't them but myself. That I'm going through something. You just had major surgery. Remember, this surgery was for you. Their lives are basically the same. Sometimes having expectations without articulating what one wants from them... etc. can lead to resentment too. So try to talk to them about it if your expectations are valid. Hugs. We're all here. In the past I stopped coming in here after surgery. It was a mistake. This time around I make sure I take time to read what others are writing. It helps a lot because many of us have gone through something similar.
  21. Essentials like phone, charger... Etc. A baggy outfit that slides over your head with little effort. Comfortable footwear. A pillow to hug on the bumpy ride home or nap in the car. As@catwoman7 said, they provide shampoo... etc. if needed. I went home within 24 hrs so I basically, slept the entire time.
  22. Tomo

    Sleeve to Bypass due to REGAIN

    I read an article that stated that revisions mainly work for those that the original sleeve was done incorrectly. Which is why many surgeons warn their patient that they will likely only lose about 40 lbs. While that may be true, you have a wonderful tool to help you continue to get healthy, and if you stay within the guidelines, for at least 80% of the time, your weight WILL come off. Keep hydrated, don't drink till at least 30 min later, protein first, eat healthy, keep in touch with your team during stalls.
  23. Airfried crispy radish cake (dimsum style). 110 calories. My dipping sauce was a vinegar, soy sauce, red chili, fresh garlic mixture. I ate two.
  24. Tomo

    Goal weight is within reach!!!!

    I had high AST and ALT as@catwoman7 mentioned above but my bilrubin was normal. As far as bilrubin, if it isn't liver problems, I think high bilrubin can be caused by gallbladder problems and other causes not liver related. I hope it's just a temporary elevation. Congrats on your success .
  25. Tomo

    Day 2 of pre-op diet

    Pre-op diet is the worst part of it all, in my opinion. Before you know, you'll be at 6 months post-op. You can do it. We're rooting for you.

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